(Click to enlarge image. It'll be worth your time)
(Ed.'s Note: Some of the Rrun-Rrun's three readers have a mean wit, as is exhibited here in a response mailed to this blog to the recent post depicting University of Texas at Brownsville President Juliet Garcia's Master Plan for the school. The writer included a note wondering how much public funds "someone" had been paid to produce the color glossy PDF plan outlining Julieta's plans for empire. With the downsizing of the Brownsville component of the UTB, the forced extinction of the Ocelot mascot (no sports at UTB), and the shifting of the administration to Edinburg, UTB will be relegated to be a satellite campus for the UTRGV, a throwback to the past when Pan Am held classes here. Judging by the biting wit in the graphic, it should put the critics to rest who say that we don't have any sense of humor in Browntown.)
The only vision Aunt J. has, is her own.
Worthy of The Daily Show
Seems correct to those of us who have endured Julieta and her self-serving efforts....lots of exaggeration and bullshit to the public. Julieta took advantage of the ignorance in this community and she presented herself as a saint, yet acted like a dictator and abuser of the public funds.
The UTB/TSC experiment turned out to be a disaster, thanks in large part to President Garcia. Plus, at the very end, she was able to kill off UTPA too. What a wonderful worldwide greatest leader (#27).
As was previously commented ; the most powerful Naca in the World !
I found another typo.
Instead of:
Fostering transformational university experiences.
Should be:
Fostering transsexual university experiences.
The gift that keeps giving. Just remember babosos, you have to start the tenure process ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
"The regents will also propose the process of hiring tenured and tenure track faculty. When UTRGV opens in fall of 2015, both UTB and UTPA will be abolished and so will the tenure of the faculty of both institutions."
Great evaluation of Juliet. Must be from one of her faculty members, those who know her best.
Anon of May 14, 2014 at 3:56 PM
"...When UTRGV opens in fall of 2015, both UTB and UTPA will be abolished and so will the tenure of the faculty of both institutions."
GREAT! That will eliminate the ones that got tenure that didn't deserve it in the first place. I oppose tenure because it stifles competition amongst workers. No one should have "guaranteed" job security. Slackers should be eliminated or force early retirement. One should always work to the best of your ability, contribute to the betterment of the institution/company, and earn your own keep. Tenure kills improvement, performance and actually doing your JOB.
HOW FUNNY! HOW ACCURATE! How EMBARRASSING! What a vile, evil person Queen Julie has become!
Keep up the good work in Mongolia !
I wonder if that tenure opinion of the UT system attorneys is correct? The Board of Regents for the system granted or turned down tenure for faculty. They didn't leave it up to the Presidents of the different UT system universities. So...when they granted tenure, wouldn't it have been tenure system-wide, not just for a particular school? I could understand if tenure was granted by individual presidents.
Dont forget that she helped raise our own property taxes with the stupid bond issue a few years back.
Anon of May 14, 2014 at 3:56 PM
"...When UTRGV opens in fall of 2015, both UTB and UTPA will be abolished and so will the tenure of the faculty of both institutions."
GREAT! That will eliminate the ones that got tenure that didn't deserve it in the first place. I oppose tenure because it stifles competition amongst workers. No one should have "guaranteed" job security. Slackers should be eliminated or force early retirement. One should always work to the best of your ability, contribute to the betterment of the institution/company, and earn your own keep. Tenure kills improvement, performance and actually doing your JOB.
You'll be happy to know that in the UT System 'tenure' exists only in name. Tenured faculty receive yearly reviews and a more in depth comprehensive review every 5 years. Tenured faculty are held to at least the same standards as faculty who are applying for tenure.
Also, in response to another post tenure is not valid 'system wide'. Many faculty who qualify for tenure at branch campuses (e.g., UTPA, UTB) would never qualify for tenure at UT Austin. The standards are different at each branch University.
Conoces a Elia? Que Elia? La que le metió el dedo a su tía!
"Also, in response to another post tenure is not valid 'system wide'. Many faculty who qualify for tenure at branch campuses (e.g., UTPA, UTB) would never qualify for tenure at UT Austin. The standards are different at each branch University."
I understand, but even so, the granting body is the Board of Regents for the System, not for any particular university. Would it make more sense if the granting body used the same standard across the entire system? Otherwise, why not just allow the individual presidents have the authority to grant tenure and have that tenure be limited to just that specific university? Just asking. I don't know. I suspect a federal judge or jury might.
Conoces a Lio? Que Lio ? El que te picó el fundio !!
Que comentario tan mamon!
Este es más mamon!
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