Friday, May 9, 2014



Anonymous said...

Caught Juan...

Anonymous said...

Cought? Are you drunk again, Juan? Te voy a meter la picha, buey!

Anonymous said...

Caught or "cought"......????

Anonymous said...

Caught! As a clerk at the 7 eleven!

Anonymous said...

The long arm of the NSA satellite finally finally zeroed in on him.

Anonymous said...

Amit Livingston endorses Arnold Flores for county clerk . " Arnolds going to kill Sylvia at the polls !"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB Luis Saenz !

Anonymous said...

The long beam of the NSA satellite caught him using his beloved cell-phone.

Anonymous said...

All we have seen on the news is DA Luis Saenz bleeting that "he" or "we" caught Livinston to "fulfill a promise" Saenz said he made to the mother of the victim. WOW! What TV drama and what a production Saenz has made....thanks mostly to the US Marshalls and Indian police...who really captured Amit. Saenz is lapping up the media attention and putting his spin on it. Now, we have to see what kind of circus will develop "if" Amit is brought back.

Anonymous said...

We really should give credit for the apprehension of Emit to Da Mayor disguised as a swami cobra tamer in the deep jungles of India. He did it with the help of Tarzan, Jane, and Boy.Luis Sáenz with his Elephant gun stood by in case they needed any help.

The Pissed Off Conservative said...

It's amazing how Saenz Talks so much garbage taking credit for the hard work other people did. Hey Saenz you're just a county DA not the US Marshals you piece of trash.

Pure garbage!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please, please. Let's keep it clean! Use the 8th Wonder of the world , CHARMIN !!!

Anonymous said...

Lame.Stay off the blogs please.

Anonymous said...

This is a confirmation affirmative. Yes, Luis Sáenz was spotted with an Elephant gun wearing a jungle Jim hat on the look-out for Emit. As luck would have it, Da Mayor disguised as a Swami cobra tamer made the collar. The Order of the Rupee will be bestowed in Nacolandia with full ceremonies at hand to Da Mayor.

Anonymous said...

PS. Da Mayor was wearing his G-String in the jungle disguised as a head-hunter. Congrats for the collar!

Anonymous said...

You need to find a girlfriend. .....your ramblings get dumber every time you post.

Anonymous said...

Saenz looks like an asshole.He is trying to take credit for shit that happened way out of his jurisdiction ;and way above his pay grade and security clearance.It saddens me that he made a mockery of the mother's anguish.I wish somebody would tell her and anybody else not savy enough to know he had nothing to do with this and is using this case for political reasons .He is a lying douchebag.I hope he knows how stupid he appears.

Anonymous said...

Top Secret: Luis Sáenz deputized all the Cobra Swami Charmers in India to collar Emit. Da Mayor wearing his favorite G-string disguised as a Swami Cobra charmer led the deputies.

Anonymous said...

