While many voters are still confused about what elections are going on now, some smear artists have already jumped the gun to start distributing those infamous hojas sueltas against some of the candidates of choice.

As we know, the two candidates running in the county judge runoff race are current county clerk Joe Rivera and attorney Ruben Peña. The two candidates in the JP 2-2 runoff are Yolanda Begum and attorney Jonathan Gracia.
The Spanish-language flier targets both Begum and Peña and derides their efforts to get to take the local politiqueros and politiqueras to court to try to get to the candidates who hired them and overturn the tainted results.
One entire side is dedicated to snippets of news stories reminding voters of Peña's handling of La Paloma farmer Rex McGarr in the early 1980s, some 35 years ago.

Peña's election against Ernie Hernandez was in 2010 and Begum's against his daughter was in 2012.

The writer also accuses the pair of lacking the capacity to fill the positions, that they lack the "profile" (?), and that they were psychologically affected when they lost.
This reminded us of the rumors that were circulated against Begum by Erin Hernandez-Garcia supporters in the 2012 race. They whispered that she was an alcoholic, bipolar, couldn't speak English, and was a front for the Mexican cartels. That still didn't deter the voters from giving her the majority of the votes in the primary, only to have the massive manipulation of the mail-in ballots in the runoff give Erin Hernandez-Garcia the win.
This hoja suelta, however, did have a name to it to give it some credibility. It lists one Adrian Delgado, of 1531 Milpa Verde, as the one who paid for the printing of the flier.
We called two numbers associated with that address and one was disconnected. The other turned out to be a telephone in another address, not on Milpa Verde. A woman at that number said that no such person – a 41-year-old man named Adrian Delgado listed as a registered voter there – lived on Milpa Verde.
We checked the voter registration list and found that one Adrian Delgado listed as living on 1531 Milpa Verde was 41 years old and had registered in 1995. His claim to fame – besides having his name listed on the flier – was that he has never cast a vote in all that time. In other words, he may be a registered voter, but he has never exercised that right in almost 20 years.
There is something that rankles this obvious fraud.
In Peña's case, even though the judge in the case admitted that fraudulent votes had been cast, he declined to throw out the votes or order another election, giving Hernandez the nod. In Begum's case, the judhe ruled that not enough time was left for Erin Hernandez-Garcia to appeal his ruling in case she lost, giving her the nod.
As a result of the facts coming out int the Peña contest, the Texas Attorney General's office gained a plea-bargain conviction of politiquera Margarita Ozuna in Janet Leal's court. And as a result of the Begum contest, the U.S. Attorney General got a plea-bargain conviction of Sonai Solis, who cast five illegal votes for voters lsited as disabled, including one for her son.
If anything, the writer (whoever it really was) should have thanked them for ridding us of that scourge on our democracy.
We contacted Peña's opponent Joe Rivera and he disavowed any connection with the flier even though any negative vote against Peña would benefit him primarily. We were unable to reach Gracia, but doubtless he, too would have probably disavowed any role in the affair. But both now know that someone who supports them are out there distributing this scurrilous flier and both should move to make them stop.
This is simply political garbage ; an attempt to "discredit " candidates. Any person with a political sound mind knows better. Only in Nacoland AKS Nacolandia you see this crap happening. !!!
Ernie and Erin Hernandez, outcast, guilty and on their way to felony time, still want to try to control elections and help their pals Jonathan Gracia and Joe Rivera
as they slink away in shame with their tails between their legs. Another low class potshot from low class cheaters and losers
hey Ernie's still butthurt pobre guy and his daughter both got caught cheating!!
Without politiqueras they couldn't get elected. Now even their politiquera friends are convicted, up next, Norma.
While Gracia claims to be running a clean campaign, he is not, yolanda was having a big event in her house, he came and in front of everybody he put up his huge sign on one side of her house, then on the other side of her house he puts up another one even biger, there is such a thing as bad taste even in campaigns
This little guy has a napolionic complex
politics as usual, folks its up to us to clean out these infidels. go vote and dont complain. cca
No to Ruben Pena!
Our "elected" officials from the JP and up the ladder even to the Feds are products of the Politiquea culture. Now, a sanctimonious group are calling this "practice" voter fraud. As we Nacos have an old saying: pa' que nos hacemos Pendejos".
JP candidate Gracia is not an honest person. He gets people to do things that are wrong, illegal and in bat taste and then acts like he knew nothing about it. His father, who retired from U.S. Customs should be proud of the Son he raised. Showing him how not to get caught doing bad; hire those with questionable backgrounds, then let them do as they want and look the other way.
Do we want Gracia as our JP. Of Course Begum is no Angel either. Guess Cameron County will lose either way. Oh Well.
Say no to Sylvia Garza Perez, Joe Rivera, andv onathan Gracia, son la misma caca de perro y titeres de Ernie, Erin y Norma Hernandez. Do not let the Hernandez control Cameron County, say no to the politequeros above.
Hey dumbass, feds don't run for office.
Yo no se porque hacen tanto pedo, de un vaso de agua! Look around! You all are taking about Brownsville, and cameron county! This place is the shit hole of hell! Nada bueno sale de este lugar. Es purra mierda! Pinche gente gordos, chuspas! Todos viven en whataburger, y el stripes! Pobres, obesos, feos, illegales, mil hijos mocosos, embarrazos de ninas, pedasos de abortos! Mueren se todos ya! Son una bola de enutiles, todo la gente de Brownsville!
Is this a photo of Mortisia from the Munster family of the T.V. Series?
Fuck Mclovio and Fuck Martin Arambula.....UUUYYYYY!
This is so sad. Didn't Gracia say he was running a clean race?
How much you wanna bet these were printed at ernie's shop talk about having mental problems and not being able to lose an election.
Someone needs to tell Ernie he lost!!! The guy thinks his daughter's still in the race!!!! YOU LOST AND YOUR PIECE OF SHIT DAUGHTER LOST TOO LOL
Johnny Cavazos still at your old tricks..get a job !!!
Pure meierda..
You are right ! She does look like Morticia from the Munster Familiy
El Que Se deve De morrir erres tu pedaso De aborto,ya te miro bien panson con mil quercos a ti ablas de experencia eres el tipico Que se odia el mismo por todo lo que dices a si eres pinche ilegal eres tu por que si supieras tanto el ingles commentarias en ingles bolio jaja odio alas personas Que ablan por su trasero en otras palabras por su culo opps
Fruck Maclovio Flores and Humanity. This also includes Anonymous Smith.
I heard it from the person who put up the "Gracia" signs at the Begum event that Begum had convinced ($$) someone to put up the signs so she could claim dirty campaigning by her opponent. So who is the dirty one now....
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