Well, guess who we heard has been making the rounds at political gatherings during working hours?
We heard that this morning at Emilia's Restaurant on South Padre Island Highway near the intersection with Robindale, local democrats gathered to fete U.S. Senate hopeful David Alameel.

That Peña was there didn't raise any eyebrows. She was, after all, also at Alameel's bash at Cobbleheads the night before where she was taken to task for her vote on giving Arambula a raise.
But Arambula's presence is a different matter altogether. The function was held at 8 through 9 a.m., usually working hours for BISD employees. Coming on the heels of having his salary raised from $75,000 to $90,000 by his four allies on the BISD board – Peña, Otis Powers, Jose Chirinos and Cesar Lopez – this past Tuesday, you'd think he'd be hard at work.
Now we are told by those who know that work is one of the things Arambula most tries to avoid. Oh, he does take time to walk his dog around the records management office at about 10 each morning having arrived there at about 9. Then comes lunch and all that.
We understand that his new salary puts him ahead of the BISD Police Department Chief and more than a dozen principals in the district. Sources tell us Powers and the rest of the district majority who voted to give him the hefty raise out of the budget cycle are feeling the heat.
Will Arambula's work habits and breaks from the job to attend partisan political events just add one more straw to the camel's back?
You inglorious fucking bastard! Leave the Mexicans alone, You Cunt!!!
The Arambula raise was orchestrated by Otis Powers, on the instructions of Joe Rivera. Rivera instructed Powers to give him a raise so that Arambula could forget the beating he gave him for County Judge and Arambula could support Joe when he runs against Cascos. That was it wasn't it Otis....you little rascal.
Like most significant raises locally, a political arrangement seems to always be behind it. If Arambula is being "paid off" for his political loyalty sounds just like the Dumbokratic Party and Otis Powers is just the dummy to be supportive of such a move. BISD is corrupt and the voters are to blame. The Dumbokratic Party is corrupt, and the voters are to blame....but the officials suck up the benefit.
Montoya I agree with your story but what about C . Valadez blogging on county time repeatedly and nothing from the useless county judge.......He is also sticking it to the taxpayers.
Joe 's. Puppet...Joe the puppet master.!!
Flush all these filthy crooks down the toilet.
Oye Montoya que pasa con el Gilberto Hinojosa y su hija la Cindy Hinojosa. Por que son tan malos estos dos? Siempre estan ablando mal de toda la gente. Ellos tiene sus alma bien NEGRA!
Ellos son los que estan hablando mal de todos, incluyendo sus amigos. Que Triste, que la gente no saben que estos dos son como el diablo! Dios proteja a todo mundo de estos dos
Yay Right Juanio! What about the millions Luci and Caty gave Rendo, Juarez and Gonzalez? Why don't you complaint about that? Where is your outcry against the Lawsuit Luci and Caty have against BISD?
Why cry now that Arambula got a big pay raise? So what, the guy works so hard at BISD that he barely had time to focus on his lost election. Board Member Pena has been at Technology Conference at SPI. She's supposedly all about Technology but knows jack! Man when you see Board Members at Conferences, watch out, all they want some are big time freebie$$$ in exchange for name dropping. The Board Buy rep, another BISD Board Member was also in standing proud at the Conference. I wonder if the BISD Board Members paid their way or BISD Paid for them to go? GO ARAMBULA!!
That was zayas his clan and you Minerva causing these lawsuits, they weren't millions you dumb bimbo. Get your facts straight!
I hear Minerva is evil, she put her face up someone's face and swears she looked pretty evil!
Correction Juan, he walks his dog in his neighborhood between 9-11 a.m.
More than one million is millions!
Hey so whats the deal with all the BISD Grievances that came out on Channel 4 last night? Can you do a story on this?
Wow Post 8:21 you go to conference on BISD money , get professional leave and then talk trash about your own scholl district. When you speak about your complaints to your buddies and then blog about them here in the comments section it is easy to figure out who you are.
Pist 9:17 and 9:22 is it Caty or Luci. Any guesses?
Minerva and Cesar were seen leaving the SPI tech conference for lunch with the computer operator that got a huge level incease last board meeting. Maybe it was payback time?
jajajaj was poster for 12:29...get a brain. No one is trashing the school distrito....orale!! Minnie had a busy week. First Juan tells us she was Arambula's invite during working hours, then SPI....wow purr vida...working hard for all the tax payers and employees of the BISD, the parents, students, and community....yo tambien quiero ir al la playa...waaaaaaaa!
Yes. You are absolutely correct. Minerva Peña does look like Porky Pigg's wife, Petunia.
El ojete de Otis is letting the porter belle thinks she runs the show. Pobre ruka la minie.
Hey at least Petunia has a pretty face and not a man face like her buddies!!! LOL.
Oye Caty ya deja de atacar a la Mini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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