By Juan Montoya
If there were two more differing candidates fighting for a public position, it would be hard to find a more striking contrast than the two in the runoff for Cameron County Precinct 2 to replace Ernie Hernandez, who resigned in disgrace to escape criminal prosecution.
There was attorney Alex Dominguez, a successful young attorney who has carved out a niche in local legal circles. Son of Mexican immigrant parents who raised their brood of 10 sons and daughters to become successful educators, he started out as a high school teacher and then went on to get his law degree. Sharp, articulate, and quick on his feet, he exudes an air of confidence and can-do. His ads feature him in shirtsleeves looking straight at the camera.
"I see some friends here and some who I haven't met," he told the audience.
"The reason I ran for office is because I was getting desperate on how things were going, so desperate in fact that I literally have pulled out my hair," he said referring to his shiny pate. "I think that the person who should be this precinct's commissioner...should be someone who won't hesitate to do something immediately."
He refers, of course, to the fact that Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos has said that he will probably appoint whoever wins this runoff to finish Hernandez's unexpired term after the May 27 election.
And then there's Leonel Lopez.
Somewhat disheveled even in a white shirt and tie, he is dissembling, even furtive, as he reels off his qualifications, and isn't hesitant to say that there are somethings that he can't do immediately.
He tells the people gathered there that he knows their problems, that he is acquainted with the flooding and health issues facing them. He has a physician's degree from Mexico, has been and epidemiologist, an emergency management director, and lately, a provisional embalmer and funeral director. He has mastered the art of the undertaker's demeanor and even unconsciously strikes the pose. His wife is District 404th Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez who joined the audience as the forum progresses.
"I have an actual knowledge on how to respond to those things," he tells them about flooding and the problem with the resaca behind the colonia which was never addressed by Hernandez before he resigned under fire. "I will try to give you an answer to your questions; perhaps you will like some of them, perhaps there are some you won't."
The forum took place at the Iglesia Bautista Fundamental on Eduardo Street which is led by Pastor Victor Alvarez, a former political candidate for county commissioner himself. The candidates were given a list of the question beforehand and they deal with the day-today issues facing the colonia an nearby subdivisions. Cameron Park is an unincorporated areas surrounded by the City of Brownsville and is serviced by the county.
Moderated by a member of the congregation named Lupita, the meeting goes off into the various issues; unkept vacant lots, immigration reform, the stagnant resaca, green space for a neighboring subdivision, public lighting for the colonia, finishing the paving of all the streets at Cameron Park, funding for the projects, etc.
From the outset, it was obvious that while Lopez advocated a moderate and general response to the community's problems, Dominguez stressed immediate, specific on-the-ground responses from existing departments, agencies and assets.
On Unkept Lots:
Lopez: Calls it an "evil," says problem doesn't come from Cameron County Dept. of Health. Says there is a lack of personnel with two health inspectors for entire county. Would form a committee of residents to petition commissioners court and exert influence on the county and other departments . "Si se puede," he said.
Dominguez: Says there are three solutions. One, not only work with Dept. of Health to encourage homeowners to clean their lots because of the oncoming mosquito season, but also advocated an educational effort for residents to clean their lots and show them where to get rid of their refuse. Two; Says residents should be made aware of the consequences of not cleaning their lots with enforcement. Third: Advocates the use of community volunteers and the use of people who have to perform community service for the courts to remove trash and weeds and spruce up the colonia.
Are you for immigration Reform and what would you do to help?:
Dominguez: Yes. Said he favored immigration reform and cites his own parents' journey from Mexico and their laboring as agricultural migrants from Texas to Wisconsin. Knows what people do when they seek a better future. As county commissioner he would testify before Congress and petition local U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela to help him change the laws. People already live here, they should be able to pay taxes like anyone else and shouldn't have to live in fear. As a lawyer, said he can be an advocate for immigration reform an recalls when he visited Cameron Park at the invitation of local residents to advise them on their immigration problems.
Lopez: Change is necessary. Agreed with my Dominguez that the commissioner's position is to be an advocate for residents and be your voice. "If you ask us to be your voice in Washington, in Austin, or anywhere, I'll do it. Why? Because I'm from here. I know the people here...There's no reason why there should not be change. I've lived here and have seen many things that I don't agree with. If we need to travel somewhere, there's no reason why we can't. Maybe one advangage that I have is that I have lived longer and have seen more and I understand those things."
The problem in Cameron Park with the resaca and drainage. What would you do to prevent flooding?
Lopez: Said he knew the problem having worked with the health department and the Division of Emergency Management. Said the urban growth has increased runoff and that increased construction had resulted in flooding. Said each time that flooding occurred and water stagnates resulting in dangers of mosquito-borne disease. As commissioner, he said he would help as much as he could with the money available. But he said that ecological and financial studies needed to be done. Said he had the will to help the colonia and make a change.
Dominguez: Said when he got the question that he investigated the problem and contacted the city about how their resaca cleanup was progressing. Was told that the Cameron Park resaca was on the list but that it would be years. Said the colonia could not wait that long and said he contacted the U.S. Corps of Engineers in Corpus Christi and they told him they would come over as soon as they were given federal funds from Washington to do it. Said he could enlist the help of U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela. The Corps told him that the State of Texas could also be made to help in the effort and for that he could enlist the help of state Rep. and State Senator Eddie Lucio III, and Eddie Lucio Jr., respectively. Said he would go to Austin to petition the state for funds but said property owners adjacent to the resaca should also bear responsibility.
Help Cameron Park finish paving the last two streets in the colonia: If elected, would you finish paving the streets and would you do it in six months?
Lopez: Said he would do it, but warned that it wasn't a job that could be done in 60 days or in six months. Said that even if the money was there (as he was told by the moderator), there were bound to be changes and weather delays that would prevent the job from being completed. Like any other thing, he said that there was no guarantee the job would be done, but that there were always problems. Said that he was not only concerned that the job be done, but that it be done well. Instead of using caliche he favored putting limestone so that it would last longer and be more firm.
Dominguez: Said when he got the question he contacted the commissioner's office and found that the money was already available and that the topography studies and plans had already been done. Said County Asst. Admin. David Garcia told him the money had not bee set aside specifically for Cameron Park, but that once he was commissioner he could place the item on the commissioners court agenda for their consideration and approval. Said he favored the use of the money even when Hernandez was in office before he resigned and that the correct amount available was between $1 and $1.5 million. "You have waited for years for this and hopefully by this September this problem will have been resolved."
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
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Wow! It sounds like Mr. Dominguez is on top of things.
If this race was simply between Alex and Leo it would be over already, but with Leo's wife a seated district judge getting so deeply involved is the only thing i see keeping Leo hanging on. i find it strange the Dan Sanchez whose brother is also a district judge did not get involved in his race why?? because its against the law. where is the respect for the law???Damn!!!
I vote for Alex Domingeues anytime!
Vote for the Lesser of two Evils ,,,
Wow Alex Dominguez knows what he is talking about. As a resident in Cameron Park area my vote will go to him. He answered the question truly. And also did the research. Leo Lopez did not give a direct answer he didn't do his research. Here in my area we need things done and I believe that Alex Dominguez is our candidate. The forum was good and Leo lopez look sloppy and unsure of himself. And Mr. DOMINGUEZ Looked very professional. I will be reminding my neighborhood and neighbors and family here in Cameron Park to be voting for Alex Dominguez. He is a well speaker and he looks like he will get things done. And he is young and has the ability to work hard for commissioner pct. 2. Good luck Mr. DOMINGUEZ I KNOW YOU WILL WIN. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING MY COMMUNITY AND STANDING UP FOR US
Looks like Alvarez was bought by Dominguez.
As always, Alex Dominguez was well prepared and offered the people of Cameron Part and Pct 2 some solid options that he would work toward. On the other had we had "Lito" who says he knows all the problems but offered no solutions to those problems. "Lito" is a puppet for his bride, Elia Conejos Lopez who has already attempted to intimidate local attorneys and officials to support "Lito". We cannot let this man become a part of Cameron County government....he will provide nothing and will say little that isn't programed by his wife. "Lito" should stay home with his kids. As a Pct 2 voter, I will vote for Alex.
Movie-landia finally named the movie Jurassic Park instead of Cameron Park. There are more T-Rexes in Jurassic than in Cameron Park. Long live Saber-Tooth Leo and Alexauraus.
Refraining From Inappropriate Political Activity
(1) A judge or judicial candidate shall not:
(i) make pledges or promises of conduct in office regarding pending or impending cases, specific classes of cases, specific classes of litigants, or specific propositions of law that would suggest to a reasonable person that the judge is predisposed to a probable decision in cases within the scope of the pledge;
(ii) knowingly or recklessly misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent; or
(iii) make a statement that would violate Canon 3B(10).
(2) A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party. A judge or judicial candidate may attend political events and express his or her views on political matters in accord with this Canon and Canon 3B(10).
(3) A judge shall resign from judicial office upon becoming a candidate in a contested election for a non-judicial office either in a primary or in a general or in a special election. A judge may continue to hold judicial office while being a candidate for election to or serving as a delegate in a state constitutional convention or while being a candidate for election to any judicial office.
(4) A judge or judicial candidate subject to the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Tex. Elec. Code §253.151, et seq. (the “Act”), shall not knowingly commit an act for which he or she knows the Act imposes a penalty. Contributions returned in accordance with Sections 253.155(e), 253.157(b) or 253.160(b) of the Act are not a violation of this paragraph.
From the picture of Leo, he and his Judge Elia Conejo Lopez are surely on the same diet. And he talks to the people about "health"....he needs to talk to his family about "health".
That's why Leo and Elia got paid big bucks for endorsing Garcia -Cambodia. That Chit really works!!! Just look at them.!!!
In reference to Leo and Elia receiving big bucks endorsing Garcia Cambodia , I saw the big difference it made. I now see with great joy two little Orcas !
AGAIN THE DONKEY TO THE CORN;Let's hope they Contract it out;to a const. company or paving company;The funds are there;(Colonia State Funds) that State gives the County;In the last 3 or 4 Phases,When the County does in-house to SAVE money? It's the other way around, LOSSING MONEY;(They had to get the money from all Pct.1/2/3/and 4 from the Maint. and New Const.)because of the "do-overs"@Pct.2;and Who Was Running the Show;Ex-Comm. Ex-Asst. and Ex-con.from the city of Brownsville;This is where the County Lost materials and County Equipment was used on the Weekend; We need somebody that Knows what they are doing;Not Zombies;that waste your Tax Dollars;Good debate ;ALEX and very informative interview with Channel 4 News RUBEN;Lets do the Right thing for Cameron County; Who's on first and Whats on Second; The Fox is in the Chicken Coop.
well, they both got it wrong on the drainage part! there is no need to bring in the corp. there is no real need for federal level funding either. that funding comes with too many strings attached. the south part of Cameron park has historically flooded because it is in a flood zone. it has nothing to do with the Resaca. Cameron County Drainage District One already implemented mitigation requirements on developers over 10 years ago. since then, the southern part of the park is in better shape then ever with regard to flooding.
the Resaca is another story. Brownsville pub keeps putting water in on the upstream side to keep the Resaca fresh and full in the woods subdivision. this water finds its way down into Cameron park by natural flow. this should actually be a good thing for the park. the problem is that the Resaca is blocked on the downstream side of the park by the Brownsville irrigation district. this traps the water in. back in the day, there used to be a ditch on the side of Cameron park that would allow the over flow water from the Resaca to drain away. that ditch was blocked by cardenas development company when they built the lago vista subdivision. all that really needs to happen is for the irrigation district, the county, the drainage district, and Brownsville pub to come together to put a drainage structure in the irrigation district's dam. that will get rid of the stagnant water problem. another problem is that some residents in Cameron park built their homes way down on the low bank of the Resaca, where they never should have. they would flood regardless if the dam was there or not. those structures should be demolished once and for all.
dear learn something new every day. pay attention
The positive factor living in Nacolandia is our bilingual, bi - cultural knowledge of odds and ends. la Politica es el arte de comer Cagada sin hacerle gestos !!!
Refraining From Inappropriate Political Activity
(1) A judge or judicial candidate shall not:
(i) make pledges or promises of conduct in office regarding pending or impending cases, specific classes of cases, specific classes of litigants, or specific propositions of law that would suggest to a reasonable person that the judge is predisposed to a probable decision in cases within the scope of the pledge;
(ii) knowingly or recklessly misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concerning the candidate or an opponent; or
(iii) make a statement that would violate Canon 3B(10).
(2) A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party. A judge or judicial candidate may attend political events and express his or her views on political matters in accord with this Canon and Canon 3B(10).
(3) A judge shall resign from judicial office upon becoming a candidate in a contested election for a non-judicial office either in a primary or in a general or in a special election. A judge may continue to hold judicial office while being a candidate for election to or serving as a delegate in a state constitutional convention or while being a candidate for election to any judicial office.
(4) A judge or judicial candidate subject to the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Tex. Elec. Code §253.151, et seq. (the “Act”), shall not knowingly commit an act for which he or she knows the Act imposes a penalty. Contributions returned in accordance with Sections 253.155(e), 253.157(b) or 253.160(b) of the Act are not a violation of this paragraph.
This goes for Migdalia Lopez also. She has been calling people for Sylvia Perez for county clerk. VIEJA jedionda.
Your Nacolandia rant is getting old.....change it up or stay off the blogs please.
don't get confused by what you see in the outside, don't let that door hit you in the butt afterwards, of course Dominguez knew how to talk his a Attorney he does that for a living, I was there to. I live there in Cameron park has been my home since I was a young boy and to me Mr.Dominguez didn't impressed me that much ,LOPEZ might of look sloppy but in my beliefs I think those are the ones that get more things done they have all the time in the world, and I think I'm voting for Lopez so I'll make sure you don't come to my neighbors,and my community I don't know why I don't believe you that your from are neighborhood. I really think that are neighborhood needs to see what's the best for us we need lights, we need stop signs some roads to get fix etc" come on Leo Lopez show are community you can be a difference I spoke with you in that forum before your speech, good luck!!
O.K. I'll change my Nacolandia rant in order to satisfy your hurt feelings. I'll refer Nacolandia to Nalgalandia in honor of Garcia-Cambodia's miracle derrière's shrinkage powers.
Have piety on us Nacos in Nacoville. We receive the brunt of Aggie jokes now. The Ugly Ameican's motto : Nacos no. Nanas sí !
For real? Judging your vote on a candidate's weight? Your such an example to lead the public with your critical...bias remarks...proud of yourself. ....Mr. Fit and Trim (I assume)???
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