Thursday, May 22, 2014


(Ed''s Note: We've heard of how someone infiltrated the Brownsville Independent School District's email directory and urged them to vote for Leo Lopez for Cameron County Commissioner of Precinct 2. Now we understand that the above-depicted message has been given to all BISD bus drivers by unnamed parties. While we admire the bilingual touch of the note, we are more amazed that someone may think that by passing these anonymous and surreptitious missives it will help their candidates. Hey, Art Rendon, over at BISD Transportation, put a stop to this stuff.) 


Anonymous said...

What no way!!!! Not Pete Avila and much less Arnold Flores not good at all for the position, pura vola de corruptos, a bunch of corrupted people sorry none of them have my vote

Anonymous said...

Why should Art care, Art just moved from, the Brownsville Housing chichi, to the BISD chichi, to the TSC chichi?

Anonymous said...

Yes and I'm voting for all of these candidates, and stop hating Montoya.. JaJa why cause they don't have Yolanda Begumm or Alex in that list

art rendon said...


Anonymous said...

In Cameron County we don't just accept corruption we demand it. And our Democratic candidates almost never let us down. Out the door goes Aurora de la Garza and in steps Elia Conejo Lopez to corrupt the judicial system.

Anonymous said...

Won't vote for Avila....he's a dirty old man and should not be a public servant. He has abused his position and authority and that abuse is proven by the settlement of his sexual harassment case by the county. By default, the county decided to use tax dollars to pay off his victim. If he can't keep it in his pants....we don't need Avila. Won't vote for Alemeel.....just another rich guy pretending to care about the people.

Anonymous said...

As the old saying goes: "all's fair in love and políticos. A quote from the philosopher of Güemes.

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean VOTE FOR THESE MAMONES who only suck the government's TIT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"All is fair in love and politics." From the philosopher of Güemes. "El político es el que culpa a otros.

Anonymous said...

That's Petra Ramirez' doing, but Art can't touch her or anyone tight with Chirinos and Minerva. These two clowns are the ones calling the shots and retaliating.

Anonymous said...

Adela and Art are calling the shots at TSC . They are brilliant strategists . We need Adela for county commissioner !!! Viva Cascos and the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No wonder the school hardly runs. Adela and Art are incompetent. Both are in cahoots with Ben ”ganja” Neece and Frank ”I'm running for TSC” Perez.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Arnold Flores lost the election!!!!!! It's all about himself and not the community of Cameron County plus he is corrupt.
