Monday, May 12, 2014


By Juan Montoya
It's not often that former City of Brownsville Commissioner and member of the Brownsville Independent School District Bond Oversight Committee Ernesto De Leon blows a gasket over some comment on this blog.
But a couple of comments posted after De Leon appeared at the May 8 BISD board meeting to protest the awarding of a hefty salary increase to Policy-Records Management Dept. director Martin Arambula by the majority of the school board raised his dander.
The board members who voted to award the increase estimated to be between $10,000 to $15,000 to Arambula outside of the budget process were Otis Powers, Minerva Peña, Jose Chirinos and Cesar Lopez. Catalina Presas-Garcia and Lucy Longoria voted against it.
The anonymous commenter May 8 posted that "These two females who are suing the children/district went to the lowest when they decided to "hire" two old sick men: Barrera and De Leon as speakers on their behalf...sad, very sad!!!"
The reference to Barrera was to Dagoberto Barrera, a local character who is known for his advocacy of fiscal frugality and patriotism.
Another anonymous commenter responded: "prove the ladies paid these two old guys to speak. They are not so desperate as Minerva Peña paying Orlando Treviño (Otis Power's uncle) and loser Mary Rey shoot their mouth off."
De Leon cornered us at a local eatery and wanted to speak his peace. He placed his Stetson on a nearby chair and spoke his piece. He denied that he ever spoke to these two ladies (Catalina Presas Garcia and Lucy Longoria) and said he had read this blog for making him aware of the upcoming item on the May 8 agenda. He also challenged the first commenter to sign his name on to his comment.
"All the time that I have been in public service, whether as a city commissioner or a member of the bond committee, I have always been against wasteful spending," said De Leon. "Whoever made this comment made it without having any knowledge of my record. It's easy to talk hiding behind being anonymous. I'm old school. I put my name behind what I say or write."
The first anonymous commenter did not state what the fact that Presas Garcia and Longoria suing the district on a different matter has to do with the majority of the board giving Arambula a raise. And he also did not say how he knew that they were "two sick old men."
Apparently, the issue of the lawsuit bothers the first writer, but to drag Barrera and De Leon's protest against the raise as a sign of their infirmity seems somewhat innocuous and disingenuous. We promised De Leon that we would try to be vigilant in future references to ascribing his motives to others.


Anonymous said...

BISD Trustees continue to demonstrate to the public that they are more interested in serving themselves than the kids. This action to raise the pay of Arambula is to gain political favor and kiss his ass. The board seems well versed at ass kissing; especially Otis Powers. It is amazing that the BISD Trustees are willing to waste tax dollars on making political allies, while forgetting that the money was paid by tax payers for education. No wonder BISD graduates illiterates while charter schools are taking over with real education. Stupid voters equals poor educatioo

Anonymous said...

That's why we need citizens like Mr. Dag Barrera and Mr.E. De Leon as our oversight watch citizens. We need to keep close watch on run-away "elected" officials who think they own the business when actually the taxpayers do. We are aware of some of the shenanigans of certain board members.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Mr. Deleon, you tell those losers how low they have stooped. They don't see the wasteful spending on their buddies pay increases, insurance contracts, board attorneys pay raise, and nothing for the students or employees. Poor students have to fund raise to pay for their own trips, playgrpunds. How saddd, Minerva, chirinos, otis Cesar, Carl!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Arambula is still having those secret breakfast meetings with Escobedo at Boca Chica café.


Anonymous said...

"They don't see the wasteful spending on their buddies" Yup! You got this right...... Just ask Caty about the ex Superintendent WHO Got $800,000.00 in cash, plus two year contract at a hefty 159 ,000.00 per year, and the ex CFO who got $700,000.00 cash plus two years contract for $1152,000.00 per year. And let's no forget the previous special Ed director who got $340,000 cash and got a two year contract for 159, 000.00 p er r year. AND GUESS WHO VOTED for the settlement? Catalina,Lucilla, Christina, and Enrique.!!!! SO NOW CATALINA AND LUCILLA .THEY WANT A MILLION EACH!!!!!!! YUP THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WE ENTRUSTED TO PROTECT......

Anonymous said...

If rick Zayas had just waited a year to non renew Gonzales contract all that money would have been saved.

Anonymous said...

Zayas, Cortez, Colunga, Aguilar and Minerva are to blame for Gonzales, Juarez and Rendons lawsuits, they wanted them out if the way so they could do their corrupt shenegans at taxpayers expense. Shame on them, how easy you forget or could it be you sll ate part of these corrupt losers?

Anonymous said...

The three amigos were as crooked as then board members who gave them a fat pay off. Gonzales lost the TEA hearing and pulled out the first law suit.
what mad him think he could a law suit? It was only after Cata and Luci were elected that the law suit resurfaced and they were paid off.

Anonymous said...

Gonzales loss his hearing with TEA what made him think he could win a law suit after that? Not to mention Ruben Pena fumbling the case and the judge hat to throw it out. It was after Cata and Luci was elected did they bring the suit back and the other as well. Against all better judgment they gave Gonzales and the other rats a large pay off. Where is the outrage with that Mr. Deleon and Barrera? Mary Rey was right they all belong to the same nest, Gonzales, Rendon, Luci, Cata, Lehman and Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Those comment supporting Ernesto Deleon & Barrera, are Caty and Luci! You ladies are so obvious the way you are praising Your Hired Hands, Deleon & Barrera.

Anonymous said...

What Deleon does not like to be called old and sick. As long as you hang with Pat the Rat that is what you will be called. Why, you ask? Because Pat the Rat is the one call you old and sick. Pat the Rat is just that way; he talks about everyone.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the title have been "Pull my finger"?

Anonymous said...

It was a settlement, bird brains and give it up why do you keep dwelling in it losers. About Mary Rey you are all in for a big surprise. Especially you Minerva. Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick Hammes and Minerva la nerva the lawsuit is not taking away from thevemployee. It you corruot things you all are doing, you are screwing the employees and taxpayers with all your dirty corrupt shenegans. So stop telling employees that bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Theres a reason why the two ladies filed the lawsuit and each time these idiots give them more ammunition. Powers, chirinos, Cesar and Minerva are disgusting. We support you ladies you are doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Where raising the pay grade from 4 to 5 was justified, I don’t know. But settling with Art and Hector after they had lost their TEA hearing and finding BISD had just cause to terminate them how can you justify that? The cost to tax payers was a lot greater than a pay grade increase and you ladies were responsible.
