Mexican dichos are popular because they are succinct and contain folk wisdom gained over hundreds of years.
That's why the one contained in the title to this post seemed so appropriate.

In Lopez's ads (there were two of them) he takes Dominguez to task because as an attorney who gets paid for his appointment to ad litem cases his stipends would have to go through commissioners court and – to Lopez – this would constitute a conflict of interest. He then listed a number ($86,000 or so) that Dominguez had been paid in the past for those appointments.
The other ad was about complaints filed against Dominguez by Lopez ally and megaphone Robert Wightman, a disbarred lawyer from Dallas who combs through political contribution and expenditures reports to find something he can embarrass people with and files a complaint withe the Texas Ethics Commission.. So far he has filed five against Dominguez, a fact that the Lopez ad people called "a brazen disregard for the law."
Until today's response from Dominguez in the local newspaper, the lie endured.
Now we find out that Dominguez had stopped taking ad litem court appointment since mid-2010 to tend to his successful law practice. Since 2011 – more than three years ago – Dominguez had taken only $550 from a previous appointment from the county over the last four years. So the blaring headlines and the mass mailout claiming the "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" turned out to be a lie. What's more, Leo Lopez's wife – 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez – should have known this to be a lie since she appointed Dominguez to those cases way back in 2005 to represent mentally impaired patients.
As far as the TEC complaints by Wightman used by the Lopezes to imply Dominguez was a scofflaw, it turns out that two were dismissed, two resulted in no sanctions, and the latest one filed by the disbarred lawyer is still under review. In baseball, that's 0 for 4 and the batter would be on his way to the bush leagues where he belongs.
In his small feel-good ads, Lopez says he is "a family man," a "man of faith," and a businessman." He forgot to add that he and whoever worked on those ads are also liars.
Llego la verdad.
Dominguez is a Saenz, Hinojosa and Medina puppet. Do we really need a puppet????????????? Voters Beware. Ask yourself this question. Why would a successful attorney seek political office such as commissioner. Either he is broke or seeking to climb. Either way the County Commissioner and the Precinct represented loses!!!!!!!!!!!
Another unethical action by Elia on behalf of her husband's campaign. She is the campaign the liar is her or she. Elia is putting herself with the likes of Ernie Hernandez and Erin and all other corrupt and unethical politicians in Cameron County who enlist "win at all costs" to a campaign. Elia is right down there in the mud with the worst of them. Elia has proven that the public should beware of her in any campaign. She is responsible for all challenges to her ethics, integrity and honesty.....she cannot be trusted.
Any respect that I ever had for Elia Conejo Lopez has been shattered by her unethical actions in support of her husband. She has stooped to threats (veiled and unveiled) against friends and has openly given her name to this campaign in violation of state ethics regularions. We can only assume that if Leo loses (which I hope he does) that there will be hell to pay when she re-convenes her court. Poor Leo......
Alex looks like Kojak. No, he looks lie one of those Russian KGB agents. No he looks like a Ruusian Mafia guy. No, he looks like a Latin Lover . (A frucking Meskin) .
No Re-election for Elia Cornejo-Lopez.... It is not happening in the future... Hopefully County Citizens will see her unethical ways.....
Vote for Dominguez! Leo doesn't wear the pants in his house and he will be directed by his pig looking wife, Elia Cornhole.
El pelon pelacas, Alex Dominguez
Your racist rants get dumber.......give up and stay off the blogs.
Hard to believe Elia would stoop that low but she has. We are so disgusted with her actions, The commercials she has created for her husband are disgusting. I used to respect this woman. I cannot believe Leo has allowed her to do this. Talk about a Mandilon. This is not a man. How can he do anything for the people if he cannot even stand up for himself. I just want to throw up. ELIA THIS HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE. People will not forget next time you run.
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