We've now heard from more than one source that some county voters are getting personal calls from Texas State Representative Eddie Lucio III asking his constituents that they vote in favor of Cameron County Human Resources Director Arnold Flores who's in a runoff with Sylvia Garza-Perez for the Cameron County Clerk position being vacated by current clerk Joe Rivera.

His campaign contribution list reads like a who's who of lobbyists and special interest Political action committees who chipped in with $387,471.00, including $55,000 from Texas Republican kingmaker Bob Perry in the 2012 cycle.
Garza-Perez, as one of five candidates, garnered 4,974 votes, or 30.68 percent of the vote. Flores got 3,794 votes, or 23.40 percent. That leaves a hefty 44 percent of the vote that was divided by the other three candidates.
Our informants tell us that Lucio III has called them and asked them to vote for Flores and to call 10 more people to do the same.
It should come as no surprise to many to learn that Flores at one time worked for both Lucio III and his father Eddie Lucio Jr.
Flores worked for Lucio in 2007 as a district administrator and as a staff person for the House State
Affairs Committee, which maintains jurisdiction over matters of state policy, administration of state government, and regulation and deregulation of electric utilities, telecommunications, and energy production.
Two years later, in 2009, he began working as the district director for Sen. Lucio Jr.
In 2013 he was appointed Administrative Services Director for Cameron County, responsible for the oversight of the Human Resources/Civil Service Department, the Information Technology Department, and the Building Maintenance Department.
While that may sound good, it is also a double-edged sword. The recent scandal involving cheating by sheriff deputy candidates who were able to use cell phones to transmit the questions on the civil Service exams and which resulted in the firing of eight of them happened during his watch. It helps little that a proposal by Flores to appoint one member of his staff full time to prevent this type of occurrence was tabled by the county commissioners court.

On the other hand, Garza-Perez is also seen as part of the old-time political machine of the county who sides with politiqueras being used to haul in voters from adult day-care facilities and to gather mail-in votes from the elderly.
Her association with the likes of discredited former Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez who agreed to resign his office or face prosecution for the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law and the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine does not sit well with many voters.
In addition, her flip-flopping on what position she would seek – first the county judge's office and then, after a deal was cut, for county clerk – disappointed many local residents.
Who to vote for in this one? Depends on what political machine you adhere to.
Anything is better than sylvia garza perez
That cinches it for Sylvia then.
Lucio stinks and Arnold Flores stinks, but Sylvia Garza Perez stinks the most. She is corruption incarnate and would be a complete disaster as county clerk.
The Lucio family controls Cameron County . If they want Flores to win then Flores will win . Arnold Flores committed to his FRIENDS , committed to CORRUPTION.
Nope...she is finished.!!!goodbye funny looking hair do
Good job Arnold.Flores...!!.. I met you last week and you are a very sharp young man..we will vote for you.
Neither of these two A-wholes are worth my vote.
AF is a bright administrator and a good family man, although his ties to E.L.Jr and EL III as well as the HR scandal cannot be ignored and is probably just enough to get Sylvia elected.
Aronold anda tirando patadas de hogado, he knows he already lost the race. This guy is a dishonest and self center persona, he does not have the best interest for the citizens of Cameron County and.
If the Lucios are endorsing you..you will lose. Sylvia would never want their help, it would seal her defeat. Sylvia is way better off without their help. She wins easy, Lucio's don't have that kind of muscle anymore.
Everyone knows about you Sylvia. Your corrupt evil ways are known by all. You will fire no one you dumb bitch. You are going to lose!
Again the donkey to the corn;if the Lucios' are in; then there is"More than meets the eye,here"What plans do they have in store for this Poor YoYo? I wish somebody else could run for this Office/even if a Unlucky DOG Ran; I would Vote for Him;He would be the better candidate;He would be led by a leash;Not by the LUCIOS';And on a another Note Why have they not filled the Super.for Public Works Job??Doesn't State or County Code have a time limit for the vacancy to be filled?or the Money in that Slot goes back to(I Love You Too David;Pistol Pete)?I just hope that when this new Comm.@Pct. 2(Alex) and New County Judge(Ruben)see the writing on the Wall.and take Action;We need people,that are not in the County "System"; Arnold/Joe/Leo;are already lined up;to take their County Number in the System;And have you Notice that these (Carlos/Joe/Arnold) have their Offices Hidden, way in the Back of the Buildings;Now that should tell you something;
Hogado? You mean Ahogado ignorant dumb
To the person that commented on the spelling of "hogado" pero entendites lo que dije verda estupido!!! the message still got across.
He just got appointed to the oversight committee for the $2 billion in rainy day funding for water projects, yet he is a consultant for the same funding program?
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