If anything, the mass mailout from the Leo Lopez camp using complaints to the Texas Ethic Commission by a local disbarred lawyer and professional complainer reminds us that the same tactic using the same assailant was also used by disgraced former Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez.

Th mass mailout charges, among other scurrilous things, that if Dominguez is elected he will - when voting for county legal expenditures - be guilty of a conflict of interest because some of those payments will go to his law firm as payments from the court. Well, we wonder if Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez will be indicted soon since he is a county commissioner and votes for those expenditures regularly.
The charge is ridiculous, of course, but with Lopez lagging in the latest polls by double digits anything to bring Dominguez down is acceptable, of course.
All the complaints that are listed in the Lopez mailout just happen to have been filed against Dominguez by the former Hernandez attack dog Robert Wightman, the self-appointed guardian or morals for the unwashed masses.

That Lopez would use the delusions of this pit bull as a last-minute ploy to besmirch the reputation of
his candidacy is pitiful. Yet, this is the essence of the mailout. Even after the TEC responded in this manner, the Lopez literature stats that "three violations shows a blatant disregard for the law."
This is classic Wightman., and now, Lopez.
"We don't need this kind of leadership. Frankly we're tired of attorneys who think they are above the law and fail to comply with the law, rules and regulations."
Mmm. Interesting.
Just today, the person who filed a complain against Leo's wife - 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez received a letter of acknowledgement from the same TEC for her alleged violation of the aw that states that judges should not become personally involved in partisan political campaigns while on the bench.
This means that - as the mailout charges against Dominguez - that "Elia, an attorney, is under investigation with the Texas Ethics Commission for failure to comply with the Texas laws, rules, and regulations.
A Lopez television commercial even tries to paint Dominguez with the Armando Villalobos-Jim Solis-Abel Limas brush by freely interpersing his image with the highlighted names of the usual suspects on a fake newspaper.
Like the mailout, this are the signs of a desperate candidate. They, of course, waited until the weekend before the start of early voting before releasing the attack ads and mailouts. The attacks are classing Elia Lopez tactics as demnstrated when she placed an ad against Rebecca Rubane insinuating that she was mired in the coppution with Limas and Solis.
We can hardly wait to see what new wrinkles emerge from the Lopez camp.
I'm sorry, but if candidates have a criminal past the voters deserve to know about this.
Booby "The Sky Is Falling" W-C is a narcissistic (fanatic type) pudgy bitch. This "unbought voice" should agree to donate his body to science.
This may overwhelm scientists as Booby has suffered every illness known to mankind and then some. He also has grandiose fantasies, polyps on the ass and is severely paranoid. Word is that he is planning to sue God and has submitted a complaint against the Pope with the DOJ/FBI. It appears that God is getting the credit for being "the all knowing" and Booby believes the credit belongs to him.
It is alleged that the Pope is using his position as the head of the Catholic Church to spread the "all knowing" rumor. This doesn't sit well with the disbarred lawyer who claims to have a rock solid case.
Booby the pot bellied runt is SO important, that the VA has gone out of it's way to employ "a highly trained eye surgeon" just for him. President Obama & Mexican President Pena-Nieto held a joint press conference where they announced that representatives from NASA will also be on hand to observe this rocket scientist!
Who cares!!!
Thank You Mr. Lopez for making my choice that much easier. You should be ashamed of yourself having to stoop this low.
Sounds like you have a man - crush on bobby......get a life.
This surely proves that Judge Elia Conejo Lopez; "Lito" wife, is a political pit bull and will do anything to get her hubby a public job for which he is not qualified. "Lito" should go back to the funeral home and Elia should be sanctioned by the TEC. She has been directly involved in this campaign...has been in advertisement and TV ads. This proves she is not a "ethical" person and that she should not be on the bench based on her lack of ethics and respect for this community.
Elia is an unethical bitch. Part of the Dumbokratic Party that we want to get rid of. She probably hired Ernie Hernandez to provide campaign support for her undertaker husband.
Elia Conejo Lopez has been unethical in this campaign from the beginning; calling attorneys to intimidate them to support her "hubby" or suffer the consequences in her courtroom. If that is not an ethical violation I don't know what is. But, none of the Dumbokratic defense attorneys will have the balls to turn her in....and she is betting on that. Elia has used her position as a sitting judge from the beginning and when the polls showed that most people don't support "Leo"....then she got ugly (or uglier). Elia is a great example that women politicians are just as corrupt as the men around here. Elia is contemptuous and loves to exert her "power". Beauty may be skin deep, but Elia proves ugly goes all the way to the bone.
Como cu-lito esta lleno de mierda lo unico ke sabe tirar a las personas es mierda porke se le acabaron las ideas por eso habla de las personas pinches obesos el dia de la pachanga de Tony Izaguirre el cerdo paso a servirse 5 veces y no hablo con nadie porke estaba como cerdo hambriento ha de ser porke la cerdita de su mujer no le hace y aprobecho para artarce
_inche vieja la elia, we all are tired of her, and her faldero no huevos Lito.
We all know he is crazy, but what is really horrible is the candidates that use him, the hernandezes, we don't expect anything good from them, of course Gracia (they are 2 of a kind) but EliaLopez? That was really low Elia
Leo endorses Garcia Cambodia .
In the picture of the dog, you have Elia's picture on the wrong end of the dog.
My dog is really upset that you presented such a negative comparison of the pit bull. Elia is possibly a cross between several bitches....first a shit eating dog; then a rabid dog or both of these mixed with a chupacabe..a blood sucker. Elia has all of them in her make-up.
Piss off, Captain Wanker...... 2nd grade was over a long time ago!
Big money wins elections in Nacoville. If you don't have the money, "ni te metas" !!!
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