Back in the hippie days the saying went "What if they had a war, and nobody came?"

In fact, when Dr. Jonathon Dotson performed his exquisite classic guitar piece, he was basically playing before an empty auditorium. The other artists also had the sparse audience to see them perform. The minuscule attendance to the renaming and rededication event seemed even more so because of the grandeur of the place.
Say what you may about the former administration, they did have a knack for putting on a show and filling up the place. Sure, most of the time the events they scheduled were self-congratulatory affairs where they patted each other on the back, but hey, it's either bread or circus with us Latins, isn't it?
There was a little bit of that with TSC board president Kiko Rendon being presented a plaque to place on the wall outside the building announcing the "new" name, but that was about it.
A casual observer who passed by the center to witness the ceremony, upon seeing the dismal turnout, stayed for a few minutes and left, embarrassed.
The TSC board and administration have a few public relations wrinkles they have to iron out if they are to compete in the marketplace of ideas, a critical issue in our social and mass media world.
In fact, the poor planning extended as far as some trustees getting called late in the day that the same event was scheduled. And were local city officials and community leaders even aware the event was happening?
President Lily Tercero might be a master in the inner workings of a community college, but a ring master she certainly is not.
One would think that after years of competing with the Julieta Garcia-Michael Putegnat-Mary Rose Cardenas-Letty Fernandez hype machine the new outfit would have picked up a few tricks, but apparently they haven't.
Maybe a little remedial course work is in order here.
That Lily Tercero is a deer in the headlights. She is clueless! But that is what the TSC Board Wants; a puppet on a string. Oh Well....................
Julieta's machine has been told to do anything to make TSC look bad....and not support TSC activities. Julieta is a "woman scorned" and the folks at TSC are now learning what life is like at UTB for anyone who questions, challenges or opposes Julieta's "iron rule dictatorship". She has been given accolades not because she is a great educator, but because the Kardenas Klan promotion process has been so successful. We wish the best for TSC. They need to hire someone like Letty Fernandez to dazzle the public with news items, FACEBOOK items, etc.
What are you saying Juan? Does this mean you would prefer to have Julieta back?
This is an indication there is no Naco culture in Nacoville.
From what I have seen at TSC (for example, how faculty and staff were hired) Lily Tercero also is not a master of the workings of a community college. I'm afraid there is a long way to go with competence there.
President Tercero is not a master of the inner workings of a community college. She was a "numbers" person in the Alamo Community College District and is struggling to grow beyond that mentality. I wish her and the board good fortune, but not many in Brownsville (including students) seem to care about TSC. If you get outside of Brownsville, even fewer people care. No students outside of Brownsville seem to give attending TSC much thought.
Bring back Dr. Garcia, I hear she is looking for a job.
Wow...There is no quit in you with your naco comments. ...lame.
I have high hopes for Guy Bailey. Both the women who have tried to preside over our two higher education institutions have been big disappointments.
If, however, Bailey decides to live in McAllen, I suspect the UT-RGV administrative offices will be located there. Brownsville will, as usual, wind up a loser.
UT-RGV will use the Stillman Shack as headquarters. This will reduce expenses. Potable water from the well, light by candle light. A half moon Poddy suite with old Bro Herald newspapers , Aunt J will be hired as head of services.
BRAVO !!!!!!!!
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