Was there any business done this morning at the 40th District Court?

Early voting for that and other runoffs in both the Republican and Democratic parties' nominations began today and continue through Friday. Election day is Tuesday, May 27.
We took the earlier reports with a grain of sand and ascribed them to zealous supporters of his opponent Alex Dominguez.
It wasn't long (at about 11:30 a.m.) that we first received a photo purporting to show Da Judge behind the wheel of her red Mercedes Benz hauling in voters from the Los Ebanos Blvd. area. To prove it, they sent us pictures which clearly show Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez behind the wheel with her "State Judge" license plates clearly visible in the photograph.
In none photo, she waves to the photographer and if you look closely, you can see her behind the wheel behind tinted windows driving away with an elderly voter. Was she trying to cover her face from the camera? Orr informant said she quickly sped off after the picture being taken.
In another, her husband Leo is talking to a potential voter while Elia waits at the curb to take him to vote. It's clear that Elia is driving Leo around and he gets out picks up people and jumps in the back seat with them.
Pictures, as the man said, don't lie.
Now, Elia knows she is under strict guidelines of judicial comportment as it relates to a judge getting involved on behalf of any candidate, personal relationship not withstanding.
Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, Refraining From Inappropriate Political Activity, states that:
(2) A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party. A judge or judicial candidate may attend political events and express his or her views on political matters in accord with this Canon and Canon 3B(10).
That seems pretty clear, doesn't it?
When the issue first came up we spoke with Elia concerning her involvement in Leo's campaign and she said she had checked with the state wand was told that as long as she didn't use her title of district judge, she could participate in her husband's campaign.
Since then, we've documented instances where she has allowed her state title (as in cell phone messages fighting over political signs) to become enmeshed on behalf of her husband's campaign.
Numerous local attorneys have complained (anonymously, of course, after all they practice in her court) that they are under duress to financially support Leo and give him their vote.
Already, we know of at least two complaints with the Texas Ethics Commission charging she has gotten way too involved in this campaign for county commissioner in apparent violation of the Judicial Code of Conduct. There are reasons why judges are not allowed to openly campaign for candidates given the power and influence of the public positions they hold. Is the 404th District judge exempt from the rules?
Judge Elia Conejo Lopez has surely violated the Texas Ethics laws for using her position to support her husband's campaign. She has not integrity and proves it as she openly campaigns for her frumpy and unqualified husband. The blatant ethics violations is an insult to her and calls into question her judgements related to fairness and justice. Elia makes it clear that she is not "impartial" and makes it clear to all than intimidation is part of her game plan. Her actions in this election should call for an investigation of her and her political actions as a part of the corruption in the Cameron County Judicial system.
That is just Brownsville politics. Brownsville's way of life: I drive through a street called"fire..."something, almost three or four times a week. In the neigborhood of Jaime Zapata road. On that street you will almost always find BPD car #154 parked outisde one of these expensive homes. The car is there at 9 am, 12 noon, 2 pm . Is that allowed by Brownsville PD? Probably not, but just like Ms. Cornejo-Lopez politiquing on behalf of her husband, the officer that drives that patrol car (#154) parks in the drive way of that home during hours when he or she is supposed to be taking care of the citizens of Brownsville.
Since Elia controls her own docket and the court schedule, we can only assume there will be no court this week while Elia loads her victims into her Mercedes and intimidates them into voting for her husband. We should review or look at the docket of the 404th for this week and see there is no action....a week off for her and her minions to campaign openly for little "Lito"....... And just think, she is supposed to represent justice, integrity and ethical public service. She is a joke.....but no one is laughing.
what is wrong with her.. she is on county time
Elia is taking actions that seem to make Able Limas and Armando Villalobos look like Democratic Party choirboys. Has she been excluded from investigation only because she is an ugly woman????
"Lito" is now seeming to be much like Ernie Hernandez's brother-in-law.....a stupid man being supported by a political relative.
She is taking vacation time. What's wrong with that? She can assist her husband in his campaign (within legal guidelines) and stay within the law. Shouldn't she get the benefit of the doubt (like we all do in this country - you know, "innocent until proven guilty")?
Idiot! Did it ever occur to you that patrol 154, works the graveyard shift! Get your facts straight, before you assume! And what kind if loser life do you have, that you drive up and down the same street 3-4 times a week? Oh and to top it off...you can't remember the name of the street! Thus is why pendejos never progress! Loser!
lito lito lito que vieja tan FEA tienes
Alfred E. Newman is minding the store. Elia and her Tía are out frolicking and prancing around the Barrel House. Da Mayor now disguised as the bartender porting his favorite G-string.
Who cares?????
If this is vacation time, what does ellia call being off the month of July and from Dec. 12 till January 12th or 15th?
she's not on County time . whatever any employee chooses to do with their free time is their business.
The pig is loose! Don't vote for Leo Lopez! Like it really makes a difference if the pig is in court or not?
So it's OK to take your patrol car home if you work the graveyard shift. Does that mean that if you work the graveyard shift for the city it is ok to take your vehicle home? Tell that to other workers that dont get the opportunity to take their work vehicles home because they work graveyard shifts (which you are assuming that is the reason). I dont usually answer insulting comments because in one thing you are right, there are losers that the first thing they do is insult others because that is far as their vocabulary goes; and since you are assuming that the writer of the comment was a male and a loser, get YOUR facts straight (your own words), the writer of the comment makes more money than the average person in this town, is NOT a male, goes down that street and not notices the name because it is not important as seeing a patrol car at odd hours, WILL make the report to the Brownsville PD, and made the comment because it is not standard procedure to see the same car daily at the same place (unless the Brownsville PD considers it "normal"), the comment was made as a form of saying that just like the judge uses her leverage, it happens in other areas such as the one mentioned. Without being insulting, who has the "P" in the forehead now? Thank you.
She can't be campaigning for her husband because she is a judge or campaigning for anyone
Director of Administrative Services Arnold Flores is doing the same thing politicking on County time, so much for being committed to the public probably committed to spent the tax payers money by being out politicking on county time, come on Arnold you know you are doing the same thing
Anon 3:45 - "Vacation time?" Her court, like all others, will be closed the month of July. Her court closes for 3 weeks over Christmas/New Year. It closes 7-10 days over spring break. Vacation time?! These judges get all that down time PLUS week-long seminars paid for by taxpayer money. Do the math! These judges get more than two months off a year while making $140,000 plus benefits. Nice work if you can get it. If you've ever had the displeasure of attending most courts in Cameron, the backlog would suggest they eliminate all that time off and work Saturdays, too. Cases dragging on and reset over and over. People not being heard because the judge has no time to hear them. If you want your day in court in Cameron, be prepared to wait, if at all. Justice can be perverted in many ways. In Cameron, we wrote the book on unjust justice.
Regarding the police car presence, it is a method used by quite a number of police departments across the country, including in Central Texas (Austin, San Marcos, New Braunfels, San Antonio, etc.) to reduce criminal activity in neighborhoods by allowing police officers to take their police cars home.
The idea is that the police cars parked in the neighborhoods during the officers' off-time will cause neighborhood criminals to not commit crimes after all.
I have a home in Central Texas and there are a number of police cars parked in my neighborhood during the time when the officers are not on their shift.
There are a lot of officers who work the "dog" shift. That is likely the case in the situation described in an earlier post.
You are still an idiot! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! At no point in the comment, does it ever reference the assumption of gender! Yes! Women can be Losers too! And if you drive around town, instead of just one street 4 times a week, you would notice that there are law enforcement vehicles parked in front of homes, throughout the entire city! Also, when people feel the need to boast about how much money they make, especially when nobody asked our it doesn't have anything to do with the story, it usually means one of two things; 1. She is trash and is wants people to think she is not, or 2. She was trash, has made it big (in her mind) and wants to be noticed, but isn't! Either way trash is trash! LOSER!
Thank you! Explain that to the boastful trash, who doesn't notice the name of a street she drives down 4 times a week! LOSER!
And people like you makes the system to be so fucked up...
You are taking it so personal, readers go figure why...
Probably You meant to say "I" or "We" Drive...
Por eso estamos como estamos... en lugar de ponernos a trabajar y dejarnos de envidias... andamos fisgoneando, chismeando y diciendo puras pinches pendejadas como merolicos sin saber la realidad de las cosas. Por eso no progresamos y no salimos de la pestilencia... pura mierda.... that's Brownsville...
Oh man! You really got me there! Damn! Whatever will I do? Idiot!
Ponganse a Jalar Raza perezosa y huevona. Así dice el filósofo Dago. Ya no mamen y déjen de bailar y tragar boronia.
As a Gringo (foreigner ) , Nacoville is a proper name for this fair - población.
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