Tuesday, June 3, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Just when you thought the Democratic party runoff elections were over, we learn that there might be a little problem.
Apparently, the suave assurances that the election-day "glitches" that delayed the release of the results May 27 may not have been the only problems for Cameron County Elections Department administrator Chris Davis.
Now we learn that the Justie of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 1, may be up in the air with the sudden discovery of 30 uncounted ballots.
If that is true, then the razor-thin victory by apparent winner Guadalupe Ayala over manuel Flores Jr. of 864 to 860 may be in question.
Ayala's supporters say they will go to the County's Election Commission to have them discard the votes or have them make a decision on whether to accept them. 
So far, no one can tell us how it was that 30 votes came from or how they came to be overseen in the final count.


Anonymous said...

Here lies
Chris Davis's Credibility

Anonymous said...

I don't understand...just what is it that is so hard to count the ballots?? If you have a list of 1000 people voting, than there should be 1000 votes in the voting box. Now they need to count how many qualified votes came in and how many will not qualify. Still, in the end there should be 1000 ballots. Am I wrong? How can 30 or 60 ballots all of a sudden show up??? Not here in Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

man this always happens in every election is there not one person in Brownsville that is loyal and trust worthy that can handle the election, seems there is always glitches here and there everytime lets get some kinda of investigation going here and see who is at fault

Anonymous said...

The presumed loser, Manuel Flores, Jr., came up the greenback bliss for Chris Davis and -- voila! -- thirty extra votes. Of course, the ballots won't ALL go for Flores: just enough to match the four by which Flores formerly lost to Ayala plus a half a dozen extra.

Chris Davis, what a sly and sneaky guy.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that in a party primary, the Democratic party chooses the election workers. Demo corruption continues.

Anonymous said...

Houdini for County Elections Officer. What you see is what you get !I
