I may not have a lot to give but what I got I'll give to you...
From "Can't Buy Me Love" by the Beatles
By Juan Montoya
Most of us shy away from attending things like budget meetings either at the city, county or school district. But the budget meetings at the Brownsville Independent School District are turning out to be eye-opening affairs.
The district's board of trustee and the administration are under the gun to produce a budget by June 19 and are scrambling to make ends meet.

Those who have attended the workshops have often heard Otis assert that he is "a giver" and that the proposed stipend is very much in line with his character and personality.
Now, we must remember that this is an election year at the BISD and that Powers has a very definite interest in the outcome of the election since the late Enrique Escobedo's seat as welll as trustees Cesar Lopez and Luci Longoria's positions are at stake.
Doubtless, Lopez will vote for the stipend.
Whether Longoria will or not depends on what the effect of the proposal will have on the district's finances. Already there is talk that there will be a candidate against Lopez, and Longoria is already being challenged by Mary Rey, a prohibitive long shot who will have a hard time explaining her influence on her sons, both incarcerated for a murder associated with a botched drug deal.
It's interesting that Powers voted – along with Jose Chirinos, Lopez, Minerva Peña – to raise BISD Policy-Records Management Department Director Martin Arambula's salary from $75, 940 to $90,000 despite the fact that the increase would put Arambula's salary above most school principals.
His old salary already had him above 20 of the 58 campus principals at the BISD.
His new salary now has him making more than 52 campus principals of the 58 in the district.
Now, as others before us have said, a campus principal has to be an administrator over with scores of faculty, students, paralegal and professional staff, maintenance, teachers' aides, issues like discipline, attendance, extracurricular activities, curriculum, security, campus morale, testing, and a lot more that we probably don't even know about.
It would not be a stretch to think that the Powers Stipend may be a way to pacify the furor of the principals and other professionals who have more responsibilities than Martin and are making considerably less.
Maybe Powers can prove the Beatles wrong. Maybe you can buy love.
Who is Carlos Elizondo running against?
The school district needs a new group of top administrators capable of doing the job. They need to stop giving cushiony positions to their family members.
Since when is this district a family business and not
a public education entity?
The administration proposed a $500 teacher and 1 percent classified raise, after futst saying absolutely no raises. If the ridiculous 1 percent goes through, the shit will hit the fan. Repeat: the shit will hit the fan . Because buried in that are a lot of administrator goodies, much more than 1 percent.
It's not just one person. Otis and Longoria and aadministrators standing up at meetings saying things aren't right.
One person has been saying "No raises no raises no raises no raises no raises no raises" and that has been Minerva Pena.
lopez is a puppet he will be indicted soon for fixing contracts.
The Naco blogger will strike again soon. He is off on vacation to Rome. He will receive a Naco blessing by his Holiness. A report will follow.
An insurance contract is coming up. Powers is getting ready for the L.Vegas adventure.
The teachers ain't getting anything. If they'd get off their asses and voted, they could throw the bums out to the street where they belong,
Who is Chris Elizondo? Another crooked board candidate? Whose interests does he represent? (Carlos?)
Minerva Peña for Mayor !
The one line bidding is a scam. Ten -15 per cent is skimmed before it goes on line. Who is in charge?
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