Thursday, June 19, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Usually, most officers at the Texas Southmost College Board of trustees know that it's a game of rotation, with many serving two years as president and then stepping down after their two years are up.
By all rights of seniority and the "gentlemen's (gentlepersons?)  agreement, it was time that Kiko Rendon would step down and someone else (Adel Garza or Trey Mendez) taking the baton for the next two years.
As we said, that is usually the way it works.
Now we understand that it won't work that way later today when the new trustees (Adela, who was reelected, Ed Rivera, who won a full six-year term, and Art Rendon who had no opponent for Rene Torres' seat) are sworn in, the fix is n to let Kiko run the board for another two years).
By all rights, it should be Garza or Mendez getting the chair, but the votes, apparently, are with Kiko.
HOwever, different versions are coming out on why Trey won't get it, from him not wanting it (one version), to the two new male board members pulling for Kiko. 
Ostensibly, one of the reasons a majority on the board fear Adela is her supposed support for Brownsville Independent School District board Asst. Superintendent Sylvia Atkinson to replace TSC president Lily Tercero.
Adela denies she has ever pushed for Atkinson and that she announced her support for Rivera at the start of the election process.
Tercero came in as a hotshot from San Antonio's Alamo Community College system and was supposed to move quickly to get the community college accreditation after the messy divorce from UT-Brownsville. That, apparently, is not happening fast enough for some trustees and some feel a change in leadership is needed to get TSC moving. And others feel that she has been too busy with inter-board politics and not aggressive enough with UTB in hammering out the permanent separation.
Tercero's critics point to the subservient role she has taken vis-a-vis UT System's Julieta Garcia and the lackluster events she has overseen such as the renaming of the arts building. Only a handful of guests arrived with some saying they had received their invitation the same day of the event. They also say that the recent announcement for the reception following the swearing in was deficient because the invitation did not mention that nthe swearing in was being held at 5:30 p.m. at the Gorgas Hall board meeting room, only the 7 p.m. fete at the TSC Arts Building.
However, the personal relationship that has developed between Kiko and Tercero has bought her some protection from criticisms of other board members and staff at the college.With Kiko as president for at least another two years, this may give Tercero enough breathing room to try to do the community college's business before there is a change on the board at the next election.


Anonymous said...

Political Advertisement paid for by Frank "Adela Garza" Perez for TSC Trustee. Patty Garza, Treasurer.

Anonymous said...

I applaud Ms. Tercero's desire to be President of a community college---when she has never been in that capacity. Unfortunately, her learning-on-the-job status has very much slowed down the evolution of TSC. TSC is no where near the point of progress that the Board thought it would be at when they hired Tercero. It is questionable whether TSC could get accreditation at this point. If I were Trey, I wouldn't want to be President of this Board.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't the board vote on who they want as their chairman.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately many board members believe in magical pixie dust and the sound of their own voices. Sure, let it be said, so let it be done. Where in the dark crevices of their anus do they get the idea accreditation is done over night? Adela, is one sneaky manipulative individual. Many do not understand Adela's motives, her personal agenda will super-cede the needs of the greater good. She collects people, with the collection of people there is information to be had, with information to be had there is assumed power. Adela does not create anything for the masses. She must be on several Boards and create a shortage of some nature to have power and dominion over people. This applies to most psycho board members suffering from megalomania. Dr.Tercero watch out, I am never wrong in my analysis.

Anonymous said...

The new trustees prefer to have Kiko stay as chairman. Trey doesn't want to be chairman. From this article it sounds like the only person that doesn't want Kiko Rendon as chairman is Adela Garza.

Anonymous said...

Continuity is very important in the ongoing transition period for TSC. The fact that Julieta screwed up the accreditation process because she had not maintained TSC's standing in recent years, demonstrates the need for continuity. Julieta, remember, had never been a "college president" when she was hired here. Dr. Tercero's management skills were honed in previous community college jobs....while Juliet was hired without any administrative experience. The attempt to bad mouth Dr. Tercero is a "scorned" Julieta.....who seems now to disavow her role at TSC and all the tax dollars that she wasted while TSC President.

Anonymous said...

Adele was fuming up her ass when she was not named head honcha. Some of the faculty I talked to said , Thank the gods". She made a phone call to "La Atkinson" for advice.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson for Supt. When Montoya goes. Adele for County Commish. The Dolly Sisters in action.!

Anonymous said...

Adele prefers to remain at TSC.; why ? So she can get her paws on juicy contracts like the do in B iSD.

Anonymous said...

Adela Garza for Mayor !!!
