Friday, June 20, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Shades of Charlie Atkinson giving away the store to enhance his political stock and doing out $25 million to local contractors to construct a Sports Park initially projected to cost $10 million.
Now commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa is pulling a Charlie giving away the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation cash to a United Brownsville protege in anticipation of her run for reelection in 2015.
The latest giveaway happened last night when a bare quorum of the GBIC board voted to give Jacobs Engineering of San Antonio $185,000 contract to tell us how to implement the $454,000 study  which we paid a crony of United Brownsville director Mike Gonzalez to formulate.
The three GBIC members voting for it were Tetreau, County Treasurer David Betancourt and Al Villarreal, a known sycophant of IBC President Fred Rusteberg.
The whole incestuous and sordid affair comes on the heels of information which shows that the engineering firm lists Oscar Garcia Jr. as its local project manager. Jacob's Engineering – the only company that responded to the Request for Proposals – was hired to implement Phase I of the $454,000 study drafted by Robin McCaffrey of Needham, McCaffrey and Associates.
 Robin McCaffrey is the same person who worked on the City of Kyle Comprehensive Master Plan, under the name of Mesa. McCaffrey was hired when Mayor Mike/Miguel Gonzalez was still in office in Kyle. Gonzalez is now the executive director of United Brownsville. Garcia  is the son of Juliet Garcia, one of the three members of the United Brownsville Coordinating Board, a self-appointed gang whose other two members are IBC's Rusteberg and UTB VP Irv Downing. All three are listed as members or directors of United Brownsville.
The entities that paid for the study were the GBIC, the Public Utilities Board and the Port of Brownsville. All three entities form part of the eight publicly-funded bodies that give United Brownsville $25,000 yearly to be considered "members" of the shadow government run by the so-called "coordinating" board.
At one time, the young Garcia was the operations manager for Su Clinica Familiar, a federally-funded health provider whose director is none other than the wife of Carlos Marin, also listed an at-large board member of United Brownsville. City commissioner Rose Gowen is a member of the clinic's staff and also – you guessed it – an at-large member of United Brownsville.
Jacobs initially submitted a bid to implement all three phases of the Small Area Plan for $750,000. With a copy of the McCaffrey study in hand, all Garcia had to do was to whittle down the 35 small area sites to 10 and collect his $185,000. It's something akin to shooting fish in a barrel. You just chose 10 sites in the plan. The next time you choose another 10 and so forth until you get the full $750,000 smackers.
As Jim Barton reported in his Mean Mister Brownsville blogspot, Garcia was accompanied by the honchos who have allowed United Brownsville to hijack city government and to look upon the GBIC as their personal cash cow: "Jason Hilts, Brownsville Economic Development Council Director, introduced to the GBIC Board, represented by 3 actual board members along with Finance Director Pete Gonzalez and legal representative Mark Sossi, to Garcia, Jr...
Hilts explained to the board that Jacob's Engineering ...had agreed to work for only $185,000 by breaking their initial bid up into 3 phases. Phase 1 will find "funding" for the industrial corridor project and also locate investors during a 4 month timetable."
Up until now, the McCaffrey plan has not generated one job, and it's doubtful that the so-called "Phase I" will generate any either. The only ones collecting the dough are the cronies and associates allied with United Brownsville.
Villarreal, one of the three GBIC members who voted for the giveaway that it was of the utmost urgency for the board to award Jacob's the contract or our children and the generations after them would suffer irreparable harm.
This comes at a propitious time for contentious commissioner Tereau. She is facing reelection next May and having a few friends with deep pockets in your corner is likely to help in her bid. So it's no skin off her nose to give away money meant for the public. Its obvious that the United Brownsville gang now sees the GBIC as their personal ATM machine.
This blatant self dealing will cost all three members who voted for it dearly in the near future. Just remember, Ms. Tetreau, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Atkinson together again. You might be next.


Anonymous said...

The only reason Jessica wanted to be on the GBIC board is to steal from the public and get the tax payers money. Al Villareal,David Bentacourt and Jessica Tetrau are in an agreement to steal with the pen. Citizens of Brownsville need to remember come re-election. Trust me when I say she is not as stupid as she is...wait she is stupid but Al Villarreal isn't and he is a banker and knows how to steal funds and move money around. They will bankrupt Brownsville, TX. We need elected officials with a job and who isn't easily bought with a camera and a photo op.

Jessica you might think this is funny but trust me when I say YOU ARE A ONE TIME COMMISSIONER. The DA has I=

Anonymous said...

Those comprehensive plans come with implementation chapters. This is another blatant rip off with the requisite kick backs, cronyism and uselessness.

Anonymous said...

It's not her money. !

Anonymous said...

Those folks have no qualms about giving away tax dollars to their cronies.....or the friends of their cronies. Tetreau is out of place in city hall....she looks more like someone who you would find tending bar....or working at a car wash. David Betancourt sucks on the public tit for a living and has ridden his father's name about as far as it can go. David is a part of the corruption in the Democratic Party and is always willing to take a hand out. Al Villareal is just another citizen who is looking out for any dime that falls near him. All working to send money to Juliet Garcia's son....who doesn't seem to be able to hold a job without mommies involvement.

Anonymous said...

Ella es buena gente.

Anonymous said...

She been my comisioner for bout 3 yrs now and when we ask her to fix da alley wit cliche theybcame aand fixed it same day. We been asking for bout 8 years from Atkinson and he dont return no calls or even get us a street bump when my cats got runned over. She putted sidewalks and street bumps right away to us. Comisioner Kalifas aint no crook and she ain't no repeat of comisioner Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

Blame the voters for electing obscene city commissioners, et al...

Anonymous said...

3:34 AM , spoken like a true Brownsvillite. Your command and use of the English language is on par with the rest of the people that live in that shithole city. Let me guess, you are a product of bisd? tsc graduate ? Probably can't speak spanish either.

Anonymous said...

Juan, you've got the hots for Jessica, but you are too Brown, dude!

Anonymous said...

To: June 21, 2014 at 3:34 AM

What the hell did you say? My goodness - horrible spelling and grammer.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Jessica Tetreu, she should go back to being a one dollar Shot girl. 3:34 am, you settle for cheap caliche when she is stealing millions of dollars from Brownsville in cahoots with Mayor Martinez and all the seating commissioners. Brownsville worst mistake, Jessica la rata Tetreu.

Cameron County Taxpayer said...

Jessica has a dick for a nose? Their must be lesbian happy out there? What happen to her criminal charges?

Anonymous said...

I enjoy this blog. No, I am not a product of TSC, UT, BISD, . I am fortunate to speak four languages. English. French , Spanish, and German. No, I am not snobbish .These abilities allows me to have an inner perspective of the Brownsville community .

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are wondering who wrote the post at 3:34 am it was none other than Jessica Tetreu Kalifa herself. Just as Charlie Atkinson will get drunk and get on facebook in the early hours in the morning so does Jessica T. Kalifa. We got the female version of Charlie Akinson that is all we voted in... another drunk greedy commissioner. District 2 has not had any real representation for at least 12 years. That is why she needs to steal from the public to try and get re-elected. She can't run on her own accomplishments so she needs money to pay the Hernandez politiqueras to get her elected.

We need to get rid of her and the whole GBIC board. Voters will remember this plain theft.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, no vales verga and you know it you drunk idiot. Know the facts before you say shit pendejo. This is the real Charlie Atkinson and you just spew lies about me without facts culero. Don't ever compare me to that pendeja.

Anonymous said...

No doubt, you're the real Charlie....

Anonymous said...

enjoying your summer , coach?

Anonymous said...

your students read this Charlie

Anonymous said...

Mas o menos aun asi eres un pendejo consagrado Atkinson

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreu Kalifa has done NOTHING for District 2. She is by far the worst commissioner ever. Getting arrested for spousal abuse not even a month after he election. Lying to the police about her where about and her scratching herself and telling the police she was attacked by her husband and this was all happening while her children are watching and looking at her mom getting arrested. Jessica is a pathological liar. Nothing that comes out of her mouth is worth listening to because it is either pre-written for her or is BS.

On top of that she belongs to the group Brownsville Cheezmeh. Come on when does a Commissioner run the city based on gossip and facebook posts? Grow up Jessica and go away to take care of your children because you are ruining ours.

Anonymous said...

Atkinson, it doesn't take you much effort to meke yourself look like the kind of idiot you are...
