Now that the city commission and city police have decided that they don't want the homeless vets and poor begging for alms on street corners, what will that mean?

Or are our boys in blue going to be given a free hand to rough up a couple as an example for the rest to vamoose from the public streets?
Does it mean that the mentally impaired persons with no place to go will have to live in the mesquite brush and sneak out at night to steal so they can eat?
Does it mean that the homeless vets suffering from substance abuse addictions will be arrested and put in the hands of the Veterans Administration (ha! ha!) so they can be taken care of?
And what about the $160,000 for a homeless shelter that was passed in a bond issue two decades ago? Where is that money? If we remember correctly, that shelter was supposed to be built at the site of the Mothers of Perpetual Help which is now housing senior citizens? Now the city says it wants it for some mindless purpose having to do with the gentrification of our fair city.
Instead, about the only place where the truly homeless can get some shelter is at the Ozanam Center, way out toward the airport on Minnesota Road. The homeless – in the eyes of our city fathers and enforces – are better out of sight and out of mind. In other words, the hobo roundup is nothing more than a municipal public relations move to rid the city of these eyesores that point out the true measure of misery in this, the poorest community in the United States.
So they don't want people to beg for money or food at public places?

What about when IBC President Fred Rusteberg, Port Director Eddie Campirano, UTB Presidnet Julieta Garcia, Ambiotec president Carlos Marin and other high-brow panhandlers come begging at the different public entities for a handout?
Each year, like the birds that migrate south, United Brownsville and its minions sharpen their talons and descend upon the pliant boards of public-funded entities that include the City of Brownsville, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, the Brownsville Navigation District, The University of Texas at Brownsville, Texas Southmost College, and the Brownsville Public Utilities Board for their "membership donations.
Like the motorists who give their pennies or even a dollar to the panhandlers on the streets, these entities hand over $25,000 apiece for the privilege of being part of the in-crowd. And what does the public who funds these "donations" get in return?
Not even a "God bless" that they get from the beggar on the street corner.
Will these beggars in suits and ties also be sent packing to the nearest poorhouse?
The Brownsville Herald Newspaper vendors also create a safety problem for the community. They are running between cars with no fears of being involved or causing an accident. The community laments that this individual are out there making a living but risking their lives in doing so is not the right choice for a few dollars. If they are involved in an accident, will the Brownsville Herald be responsible?
The fucking city should pass a city ordinance to keep lawns maintainted, fuck the plastic bags, that is why Brownsville looks like shit because it is run by shit.
The fucking city should pass a city ordinance to keep lawns maintainted, fuck the plastic bags, that is why Brownsville looks like shit because it is run by shit.
I'd rather give to the homeless than United Brownsville, they are thieves tskng money away from our children.
Shame on Fred Rusterburg and Mike Gonzalez!
What has "United Brownsville" ever done for the citizens of this city???? NADA! They just take more money and produce NADA!
That has become the theme of the Tony Martinez administration....
City government is about to implode. The city under Mayor Tony Martinez is about to become a great burden on the tax payers....trying to find a use for Tony's real estate fiasco....all downtown. Will his "friend" Julieta help bail him our....NO! She has an ego of her own to protect. Will United Brownsville bail him out...NO...not in their best interest (whatever that is).
That's a great picture of Da mayor disguised as A Panhandler at the X-press way and PriceRd. He makes about $31.02 per diem. If you observe real closely with you left clinical eye, you'll see Aunt J. disguised as an old Hag. At the end of their panhandling shift , they hide behind the Pancake House and split the loot; then they go back to their old ways sporting their G-strings.
The 160k bond money passed way back was stolen and nothing was ever mentioned. These funds were ear marked to provide shelter for homeless folks. Billions are wasted for obscene wars; But can't spend, a dime for charity
So we go to Norma Zamora at bus and get them to install a P.A. system and slowly drive up 77 playing a song that goes, "San good to the homeless.."
Oh, wait. Brownsville doesn't have any buses that will make it. Oh, well!
The panhandlers moved from the street to the stores. I just came from the HEB at Paredes and there was an old man asking for "donations". Is that where the beggars are going to be at now that they will be sited if they do in on the street?
This guy didnt look like a homeless man, eventhough he said "me puede dar una donacion"
Da old man asking for alms at HEB and Paredes was Da Mayor disguised as a hobo. Later he was seen disguised as a Buddist monk sporting his G-string two blocks down.
It was Da Maypr disguised as a hobo. Aunt J. was hiding behind the bushes keeping an eye on him; not trusting him with the $1.03 he had collected. This money will be spent in Denver.
The lack of leadership and the decisions these supposed leaders make will make Brownsville implode. Fucking Nazi's. BPD can now take your blood to see if you're under the influence. This was ok by our DAs office as well.
This was the poster pic presented in Denver . Da Mayor in his different disguises.
The Pope is an avid reader of El Rrun-Rrun. He was aghast seeing Da Mayor in a nun's habit. He commented to his right hand cardinal, "what's this world coming to?"
El District Atty no se ve su pinche cola. Es un bandido de primer Rango. La Zorra no se ve la cola.
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