Thursday, June 19, 2014


From: ?????????
Brownsville, Texas 78520
To: Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel
State Bar of Texas
P.O. Box 13287
Austin, Texas 78711
Ref: Complaint against:
Mr. Baltazar Salazar
State Bar Card Number:00791590
Work Address: 8814 Brae Acres
Houston,TX 77074-4108
Work Phone Number:713-655-1300
Primary Practice Location: HOUSTON , Texas

Dear Sir., Ms.,
Please receive this as a formal complaint against the above-named attorney for neglect of case, for refusing to return my calls and for taking payment and doing nothing and for not informing me about the status of the case for which he was hired. A complaint form is included with this narrative.
On April 30, 2012, I asked Mr. Salazar to help my grandson expunge his criminal record for convictions in Kleberg and Hidalgo counties. He stated he would and asked for a fee of $5,000.(Copy of contract attached).
I gave him a check (#1210, copy attached) on April 30, 2012 for $3,500 as a partial payment with the understanding that the rest would follow upon completion of the expungement.
We have since written him seven letters and placed between 30 to 40 phone calls which he has failed to answer. Since then, I have learned that he has been convicted of several felonies which he has tried to have expunged through the local 107th District Court (cases attached). The court did grant him the expungement but the Department of Public Safety objected and the expungement was nullified. (Case attached).
At the time he applied with the Brownsville Independent School District he did not disclose all his felony convictions and he has now been named in a case in federal court for neglecting to do so.
I am now attempting to get my money returned. I would deeply appreciate if you would instruct me on the appropriate way to do this.
Letter of hiring (contract): April 30, 2012
Copy of Check for partial payment dated April 30, 2012
First letter: September 13, 2013
Second Letter: Dec. 27, 2013
Third Letter: Nov. 15, 2013
Fourth Letter: January 8, 2014
Fifth Letter: January 13, 2014
Sixth Letter: March 27, 2014
Seventh Letter: April 14, 2014


Anonymous said...

Illustrates the failure of the BISD Board of Trustees to investigate this man before hiring him. Or, it indicates the kind of persons that BISD seeks to hire. We know the BISD Board wants a group of people who will always say "yes" to them....a bunch of ass kissers; those who will support their corruption and make sure money goes into their pockets. They have that kind of person in the Superintendent and this man other ass kissers have been given a job by this BISD board.

Anonymous said...

Are there any "honest" lawyers serving our governments?? Our judiciary and our government are filled with legal corruption and unethical behavior. My plumber has more credibility with me! He can fix things, while most lawyers seek to bill more hours so nothing ever gets done.

Anonymous said...

About time ! He has been a shyster mouth piece for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers out there, does $5000 sound like the right fee for expungment?

Anonymous said...

He couldn't even expunge himself successfully.

Anonymous said...

The attorney for Kleberg County has just been disbarred for pulling the same shit on a client.

Read up on it.

Anonymous said...

Ai Catita, wow, you are full of hate mijita...go to church, I pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Minnie who is Mary' mula?

Anonymous said...

Mary's Mula? Well isn't that Caty and Luci?

Anonymous said...

Many ass kissers ask, Otis, Hector Chironos, Cesar, Minerva????

Anonymous said...

Minerva needs the mula to pay her taxes.

Anonymous said...

The only reason Salazar is still there is because Minerva Pena is protecting him, Otis doesn't reaaly want him there but his such a chicken or Minerva must have something on him not to go against her same goes for Cesar and Chirinos. Worthless pieces of shit.

Anonymous said...

Post June 22, 2014 at 7:47 PM is Caty desperately trying to attack those she can no long B.S. Sad Attempt Caty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Caty is angry cuz the attorney was not willing to get in bed with her! Face it Caty you are not at all any man's desire! POBRECITA FEISIMA!!!
