Wednesday, June 25, 2014


By Juan Montoya
In October 12, 1998, six immigrants were reported killed when a southbound train 22 miles south of Sarita as they slept on the tracks. The reports at the time said that the six were sleeping on the tracks and did not hear the train approaching them in the dark.
Their bodies were so badly mangled that autopsies were deemed useless and the Mexican consul at Brownsville made arrangements for their remains to be shipped back to their places of origin.
At the time, the tragedy was described as an accident and ascribed the immigrants' inability to get off the tracks to exhaustion after trekking through the unforgiving brush and chaparral of South Texas.
But not everyone was convinced it was an accident. Several investigators for local attorneys (runners) thought that something more sinister was afoot after they learned of the deaths.
"How was it that not one of the six heard tons of steel coming down the track or even felt the vibrations on the rails?," asked one of the investigators at the time. "You can believe one or two, but that six people didn't hear the locomotive or rail cars making all that racket is not believable. They were probably dead already when they were laid on the tracks to cover it up."
When they approached the local attorney hired by the Mexican consulate in Brownsville to ask whether he wanted to look into it, he quickly sent them packing.
In the end, the Mexican consul accepted the accident story and made the arrangements for the transfer of the bodies.  

In the wake of a Texas Ranger investigation into the discover of more than 52 clandestine graves at a cemetery in Falfurrias containing the remains of unidentified immigrants who may have perished trying to circumvent a Border Patrol checkpoint along U.S. 281, interest in the death of the six near Sarita has been renewed.
In the Falfurrias case, when the researchers went out to the cemetery to begin the process of exhuming the bodies for testing they found bodies in bags and some exposed to the ground instead of fiberboard coffins as the funeral home said they were buried in. Body bags containing multiple bodies inside them were found near common household trash bags containing human remains.
Although the Ranger inquiry seems to be limited to the handling of the unidentified bodies that have been exhumed by anthropologists from Baylor University, one cannot discount the possibility that some of the deaths may have come as a result of foul play by local ranchers who decry the immigrants trespassing on their land.
For years, they have complained that the immigrants tear down their fences and litter their properties as they make their way north to be picked up by coyotes that will transport them to northers destinations like Houston, San Antonio and then beyond.
We have a suspicion that the 52 corpses found buried in Falfurrias are but the tip of the iceberg in the body count. And if it is true that the 1998 deaths were not an accident but rather a covered-up homicide by local cowboys, we may have stumbled onto an ongoing criminal enterprise by immigrant haters.  


Anonymous said...

They pick up lots of bodies in Brooks County, the vast majority of these folks died of natural causes (dehydration, exposure, snake bite etc.), but you can't exclude the possibility that a few of them were killed by locals.

Brooks Country has a contract with the funeral home to bury the unclaimed and unidentified remains and pay a pittance for this service. The funeral home cuts corners every way it can to break even on the deal or turn a small profit.

When this is all over, it will turn out the funeral home cheated Brooks country out of the contracted for services, but nobody was watching and if they were, they didn't care. There is nothing more nefarious afoot than this.

If it sad that folks should die alone like this in the brush trying to find a better life. It is also sad, their families back home don't know what happened to them. I applaud the effort of groups to identify these remains and return them to their families for closure.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely Right-On !!!!!!!

Former law enforcement officer said...

NO!!! What is sad, is the way the funeral homes responsible for these bodies and the way they buried them with no respect. The got paid but you would think that they would bury them with a little dignity? Not in WalMart or trash bags and then more than one body in a bag with two others. Then just throw them into the ground. That is what's sad!

Anonymous said...

These people should be dying of natural causes in their own country.

Anonymous said...

These are children, pendejo!

Anonymous said...

^^^ And these children should still be in MEXICO PENDEJO!!!!

Anonymous said...

"pay a pittance for this service."

According to the CC Caller the pay to funeral home was $450 per body. I think that warrants more than a trash bag.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:11 AND 6:44
Fuck you!!!!!! from all of us that see all people as equals.Just because we were fortunate enogh to be born here does not give us the right to shit on other people you sack of shit! I'd LOVE to be locked in a room with idiots that think like you. These poor people are doing what you or I would do if we were in their position. I effing dare you to go spend a month in Matamoros you fucking coward!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:39 I guess my comment was a bit past your comprehension level. Give it some thought . I no longer have the energy to deal with Brownsville simpletons. Do you at least understand that the obama administration is behind this?

Anonymous said...

Now we blame President Obama for anything that goes wrong; including the drought. My uncle passed away last week at the age of 87, my other uncle who is a right winger T-Party blamed Obama for his passing.

Anonymous said...

Do you realize how ignorant you come across? Racist ignorant fool.

Anonymous said...

Happy to meet you in matamoros any time. Everybody should die of natural causes. You still don't get it. A bit to prolific for you?
