Tuesday, June 24, 2014


By Juan Montoya
This weekend residents on both sides of the border were reminded that the horrors of northern Mexico and Tamaulipas are very much present among us.
In one case, the encounter with the horror proved fatal to two men on the Mexican side of the river. In the other, the potential victim was spared his life but the families involved now exist in deep trepidation not knowing whether more is to follow.
The first involved Mexican civil engineer and businessman Fernando Lugo Nieto and an unidentified fellow worker on contract with the FINSA group in Matamoros. Lugo and his companion were abducted at gunpoint a week ago and and whisked away by armed men and held for a $50,000 in Mexican pesos ransom since early week. The ransom was dutifully paid and on Saturday their bodies were found floating in a sewage canal along La Avenida de los NiƱos in Matamoros with gunshot wounds to the head. In one fell swoop, years of study and dedication to honest work were wiped out by armed thugs who hold the lives of the local populace at their whim.
Despite the outpouring of protest and angst created by the senseless violence of the horrendous crime, it is doubtful those responsible will be brought to justice. That has become the way of life here.
Also this weekend, on this side of the Rio Grande, a group of friends – mostly St. Joseph Academy alumni – were having a get together at a home in the upper-middle class Land O'Lakes neighborhood when one, Guillermo Rico Jr., was leaving when he was accosted by a three armed me who alighted from a passing car.
The young Rico was taken at gunpoint and dispossessed of his cell phone, some $50 in cash, and then taken away by the group.
A few hours later, he called home to let his parents know he had been dropped off in rural Los Fresnos much the worse for wear.
While he was in the hands of the armed group, it is unknown what kind of personal information was elicited from his captors for future criminal acts.
The brazen kidnapping of a young man in a supposedly safe neighborhood, in a respectable home, and surrounded by blocks full of watchful neighbors have given many resident room for pause. Rico happens to be related through marriage to Cameron County Carlos Cascos (his sister is married to a Rico) and he is a nephew of University of Texas President at Brownsville Julieta Garcia whose daughter is married to German Rico, marketing agent for the Port of Brownsville, although he is said not be German's son.
Who were the armed men and what do they have in mind in the future for young Rico of his family? Some speculate they were mere thugs from a gang in San Benito. Others say they were members of a Mexican cartel casing out potential targets for future criminal activity. Either way, the uncertainty of their motives remains unclear. Was this merely a random kidnapping in a respectable neighborhood? Or was it a deliberate act meant to instill fear into their victim?
The terror for Lugo and his companion in Matamoros are fatally over, but the lingering fear that must be in the minds of the kidnapping Rico may not be over until the perpetrators are finally brought to justice and their motives discovered.
In both cases, these acts on either side of the Rio Grande show that the river is no longer a deterrence for terror and that the thugs are active on both sides of the border.


Anonymous said...

These thugs operate with impunity . On the U.S. Side our laws permit citizens to pack and carry heat. Our neighbors across the Rio Bravo are not permitted to carry heat . When caught you are subject to imprisonment, etc. With these changing times it is suggested that we installed cameras on our res. Property. Believe me they are a crime deterrent function. Be vigilant about your surroundings always. Advice from a retired gum- shoe.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville - where everyone is everyone's cousin. WTF is with all this quasi-inbreeding???? Nobody outside of Brownsville wants to fuck these fat, stinky, and dumbasses of either gender so they interbreed. Place is only going to get worse just watch.

Anonymous said...

must steal Juan...


Anonymous said...

But none of this is reported by the Brownsville Herald to make citizens aware of the threat. The Herald has become the new "Bargain Book"....not worth reading.

Anonymous said...

The herald is certainly pissed off at the Sheriff. One of his deputies must have given the editor a ticket.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is an unsafe place to live these days and crossing the river without a dire necessity to do so is an act of foolishness.

Thanks goodness we live in America where we can own firearms to protect ourselves and law abiding folks can get a Concealed Hangun License.

I have lived here since 1944 and these days I take a Glock with me when I carry out the trash. The drug thugs may kill me, but some of those pendejos will make the trip with me. What a sad state of affairs my home town has come to.

Anonymous said...

Most of this kind of stuff around
Cameron County is never reported to the police. People are afraid to report it, and the police are inept at best, crooked and in bed with the thugs at the worse.

Anonymous said...

I carry an Uzi with me everywhere I go. You never know what shit will come your way. I live three miles from the border and my dogs go crazy at night and I do not go out unless I have to.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Some BP. Cops are in bed with the Thugs.

Anonymous said...

Shoot first ask questions later.

Anonymous said...

Rico is not related to Cascos

Anonymous said...

Don't tell the Da he will outlaw parties because they are a danger to the public. Just like 8 liners.

Anonymous said...

The DA spends his time fucking around figuring out who to indict for a quater bet.
