Sunday, June 22, 2014


A human smuggler who goes by the name El Lobo, or "The Wolf," sits in an outdoor cafe on a rundown street in Matamoros, Mexico, just across the bridge from Brownsville, Texas. His specialty: smuggling children.
"From Honduras to Brownsville it's $2,500. That's just to the border. The crossing is extra," says El Lobo. "Depending on their size, that will cost $1,000, $800 or $500 more."
He says not all smugglers are bad. If you take care of your juvenile clients, making sure they're healthy, fed and sheltered, you get repeat business.
El Lobo, 25, is lean with a thin mustache, white teeth and flinty eyes. He asked that his real name not be used, but his story was corroborated by a veteran Border Patrol agent and an immigrant advocate attorney, both of whom are familiar with the smuggling trade.
"If they're small — 3 or 4 years old — I cross them in inner tubes one by one, to make sure they don't fall out or drown. It only takes a few minutes," El Lobo says.
His clients range in age from 2 to 13 years old. He says the little ones are usually in the care of a relative who is also a minor.
El Lobo says he switched from smuggling adults across the Rio Grande to children.
"Adults are different from children," he explains. "An adult has to flee, but a child — you just deliver them to the other side of the river and they wait to give themselves up to the Border Patrol. It makes our job easier."
(To read the rest of the article, click on link below.)


Anonymous said...

It is interesting that liberal groups seem to rally for care and benefits for illegals and yet seem to never ask the government to provide services, especially medical services to our Veterans. The government has found a quick way to care for illegals, but providing for Veterans is all talk and no action.

Anonymous said...

That, mes Amis, is the nature of the beast.

Anonymous said...

In response to Anonymous...June 22, 2014 at 8:23 PM......

Republicans had no problem spending one billion taxpayer dollars (off the books) during the Iraq war but when the troops get home they get no treatment or support.

In February of this year, the Republicans blocked a bill that would have improved veteran's benefits. It is amazing that Republicans have the nerve to stand up and suggest that they care about vets, when they have done nothing but obstruct bills for veterans for years.

Breaking down the voting record, year after year, the pattern along party lines is clear: Republicans regularly propose cuts in VA funding and oppose increases sponsored by Democrats — a pattern that extends back to the first years of the Iraq and Afghan conflicts and continues to this day.

As recently as last February, Senate Republicans filibustered a Democratic bill that would have added $20 billion in VA funding over the next decade and would have built at least 26 new VA health-care facilities. The Republicans killed that bill because Democratic leaders refused to add an amendment on Iran sanctions — designed to scuttle the ongoing nuclear negotiations — and because they just don't want to spend more money on vets because it was, “too expensive.”

Some Republican governors refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, which keeps hundreds of thousands of impoverished vets from getting health care.

Senator John Cornyn Doesn't Support Our Vets

Republicans Care About Vets So Much That They Blocked a Bill Expanding Veterans Benefits

Anonymous said...

The 2 million Casa de Nylon will be converted to house some of the homeless children from Central America. Bedding, showers, kitchens , nurses attendance cubby holes. Potable water plumbing. Etc will be installed. The contract(s) will be given to a Galunsky crony. Da Mayor will see to that. Da mayor will be disguised as Socrates, Galuskky, as Caligula, Aunt J as Madame Fifi,. The city (taxpayers) will foot the bill. Senator Teofilo de la Cruz with his adorable,tender heart will be the head master.

Anonymous said...

Long live the Republican Party in Dante's hades.
