The six politiqueras indicted as a result of the ongoing joint state and federal investigation were arraigned on charges accusing them of vote fraud in the handling of mail-in ballots in the 2012 Democratic Party primary.
Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz represented the state.
At their arraignment, four of the women said their attorney of record was Carlos Masso, who failed to show up in court.
Bond was set at $2,500 for each charge.
The women are well known in politicla circles. They are:
Tomasa Ramirez Chavez, 84, charged with 13 cases,
Facunda Banda Garcia , 54, charged with one case
Bernice Garcia (daughter), 29, charged with three cases
Ozuna, 63, charged with six cases
Sara Virginia Perales, 51, charged two cases
Vicenta Guajardo Verino, 53, charged with 10 cases
Saenz said the indictments were the first of more to come and said that eventually those who paid the women to commit the voter fraud were also targets of the investigation.
Saenz said the indictments were the first of more to come and said that eventually those who paid the women to commit the voter fraud were also targets of the investigation.
Who's the judge?
Seems like Carlos Masso has a conflict of interest in these a candidate he
used these same people to harvest votes for him. My biggest question is, how hard will Luis Saenz prosecute these cases...since he too benefited from the actions of these ladies. Will Luis Saenz demonstrate that he works for the people of the county; or does he work for the Democratic Party which continually practices and supports election fraud, by hiring these politiqueras.
Carlos Masso...come out, come out, where ever you are! You can't get away now. These ladies are going to sing like birds about your most recent election at the Brownsville Navigation District too. No more port kick backs for you!
Pa'que nos hacemos pendejos. L. Sáenz, y los demás políticos son productos de huevo de las politiqueras . Ellas son las "fall girls" de estos no merecidos bueyes ahora en el poder.
Mr. Saenz, help bring Carlos ( Cangas) Rendon to justice. He killed a family while driving drunk and escaped to Matamoros where he happily resides. He is protected by his brother TSC Chair, Francisco (Kiko) Rendon and by his mother Nena Rendon, a local realtor.
Cangas can be seen in bars and motorcycle events in Matamoros living the good life while the orphans and widows suffer.
The family of the deseased and society will greatly appreciate this.
Al bote.
Only explanation for Masso not showing up is he's a target of the investigation himself.
Thankfully, these hags and the others yet to come will be prosecuted by the state not by the local DA. These politiqueras are not victims. They are paid vultures who prey on the weak and sickly. The old people they steal votes from are the victims. In the end all of us suffer when the crooks who pay them get into office and rob us blind. Bravo to the Feds and the state agents!
What will Luis Saenz do here...a test of him as DA. Saenz is not likely to bite the hands that put him into office...and here he is, once again, pitted against Carlos Masso. DA Saenz has made public statements about justice that these cases will challenge. Will he work had against corruption or will he bow to the culture of corruption in the Democratic Party.
TO LAW ENFORCEMENT: Citizens of San Benito have EVIDENCE of VOTER FRAUD in their last election. Just ASK CAVA!
Guess those who have no opponent in November are Happy! Sofia Benavidez doesn't have to pay her politiqueras!
Federal and Local Government equals the same. The only thing is that Federal has more supporting members to pull of any huge corruption. Local in the other hand well its a different story of greed, and hatred LOLZ REMEMBER PEOPLE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS RUNNED BY ALL GOVERNERS, AND SENATORS OF THE 52 STATES OF AMERICA yea get the feds in you will see white and black boys take over the valley adios race mexican que dios lo protecta de esos corruptos del los federales. Hi Freemasons, Illuminati, Skull & Bones, and other Secret Societies. I Anonymous Im Watching the Feds to take down the bigger corruption than local corruption We Are Anonymous We Are Legion, We Do not FOrget We Do not FOrgive You Should Be Expecting Us All Corrupt Politicians of the World We Dont care if we are inprisoned by the corrupted we rise, and rise forever
We also have male hags politiqueros. Do they get away with this crap also? Where are the Feds on this matter? the Feds cherry pick just to make their job easier !!
Take your meds please......
You mean your pills please ........
Cangas is dead!
52 States?
@9:57 you must have googled cangas too...
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