Thursday, July 31, 2014


By Juan Montoya
In a case where Judge Menton Murray kept two Boy Scouts seeking their civic merit badges out of the courtroom while he presided over a dispute where a Cameron County Republican precinct chair wanted to hold county GOP honcho Frank Morris to keep his word and resign, observers will have to wait until August 15 to see what he decides.
From the outset Murray expressed misgivings about whether his court – originally the 445th then transferred to the 107th District Court – had jurisdiction over what he called an "intra-party fight" between county chairman Frank Morris and Precinct 120 chairman Tad Hasse.
"There is this lingering problem over the issue of jurisdiction," Murray
said at the outset. "But, I'll decide that question as we go along."
Few GOP faithful attended the courtroom where the hearing on a motion by Hasse for an injunction to prevent Morris from exercising his authority as county chair was held.
Hasse, who represented himself, introduced emails and letters from Morris to GOP officers where he apparently resigns from both the term that expired June 16 and the next two-year term that began the same day.
In them, Morris says he feels glad that his term is over and in one he states that he's "free at last."
However, in the Republican primary election, Morris won the chairman's position that would extend his authority for two more years until June 2016.
The move to resign on May 14 was apparently a ruse to keep from facing a challenge from a group of dissatisfied Cameron County party members before state convention's credential committee. Since he had resigned, it was reasoned, the challenges would be moot. At the core of Morris' argument was that he had resigned his expiring term, but not the upcoming two years for which he had won the election in the primary.
Morris, however, swore in the precinct chairs during a July 17 party meeting held at the Best Western Motel in Harlingen, including Hasse.
This, his attorney argued, coupled with a letter from the Cameron County Elections Administrator Chris Davis and a canvass of the vote declaring Morris the county chair proved that he continued to be the legitimate chairman of the county party.
However, Hasse argued that in one of the May 14 email where Morris announced his resignation, he included the phrase "If I need to resign June 16, I will do so again."
Hasse also cited the sections in the Texas Election Code gave jurisdiction to the court.
Come August 15, county Republican faithful will see whether Murray ducks the issue by claiming non jurisdiction or whether Morris' ruse to resign twice to avoid the challenge in the state's credential committee will succeed.


Anonymous said...

Give it up resigned and the Republican Party is better off without you. Go home and plant some flowers or go square dancing.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party vs the Republican Party. The pirañas are at it again; just like the T- Party being the crazy of the crazies includes Gohmert, Teodoro de la Cruz, et al want to bring in the 24th Inf. Div. to patrol Frontom St. To protect us mortals from kids wearing Chabelo outfits. At one time Da Mayor was disguised as Chabelo walking downtown . He was picked up on truancy for skipping classes. Minerva Peña, a DPS agent picked him up. (Incidentally the 24th was my old outfit)

Anonymous said...

Tad Hasse is not going to dictate what everybody gets to do no matter how much of a gift he thinks he is to the little people. As for the "GOP faithful" not oresent- those named by Barton are all out of town and he knows it.

Anonymous said...

Get lost please.

Anonymous said...

Only in down and out Browntown could a goofy dude like Hasse get any publicity. I WILL ABOLISH THE OFFICE IF I AM ELECTED! ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Frank get time to go.

Anonymous said...

I am Ted Hassehole and I approve this message.

*fart* *sniffles, eats boogers*

Mmmm...that was a crusty one.

Tad Hasse said...

To the various incarnations of Mr. Hat:

Shouldn't you be pulling wings off of flies or sitting by some anthill with a magnifying glass somewhere?

Go on, shoo!

Anonymous said...

Take a shower, Chad.

Anonymous said...

Hit the showers, Morgana.
