Sunday, August 17, 2014


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Well, the briefs that District Judge Menton Murray requested from the warring parties over the leadership of the Cameron County Republican Party are in.
The case pits the challenged by Precinct 102 chair Tad Hasse against perennial chairman Frank Morris.
At the core of the dispute was whether Murray had any jurisdiction in the inter-party squabble and whether Morris could be taken at his word that he resigned before his term was up, was elected, and then de-resigned (or is it unresigned?).
With the briefs in, and the continuing saga heads for another act.
In our last episode of the GOP soap opera, Republicans were as vocal and fervent over the matter of potential rule breaking as the Democrats are over sealed indictments and criminal investigations. Murray had asked both sides to submit briefs on the case and asked for Friend of the Court briefs in what even he described as an unusual action. 
We have received no word as to whether the 800-pound gorilla that was not in the courtroom decided to toss a banana into the case for good measure. Morris’ evidence stands firm that he was elected and that the email was “Notice that he intended to resign”. 
Hasse maintains that he did, he meant it, then changed his tune 11 ½ hours later.
Notably absent throughout the matter was anyone on any side addressing a single concern expressed by Bobby WC (no, not water closet, although some emanations from that corner resemble the output there.) 
Normally at least some notice is taken when he weighs in, possibly due to a slight shift in the earth’s crust which has often been reported on seismic detectors as far away as Arizona. This constant source of noise had baffled seismologists for some time until, like the rest of us, they learned to simply ignore it.
One local Republican was heard to berate Hasse for not exhausting every possible avenue before taking Morris to court. Another jumped in to Hasse’s defense before he could speak and shouted “Oh! So you wanted him to try everything to get him out, before he got himself out? How is that Tad’s responsibility?” Arguments like this have abounded the last few weeks. Who would have known that Republicans could be so loud and so passionate over anything but corporate welfare?
Name calling, accusations, posturing, rationalizing and outright bald-faced lying have surrounded this matter. This is something that is run-of-the mill and ho-hum among the local Democrats, but a disaster of biblical proportions to the local Republicans. Welcome to politics. The water is undrinkable and muddy.
So far, Hasse has gotten Morris's lawyers to concur that Murray's court has jurisdiction and that the octogenarian chairman had resigned. From then it, it has been a process of degeneration.
What remains to be seen is the reaction to the outcome. If Morris wins, can he lead? If Hasse wins, who will lead and where will that leadership take them?
Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets! The Wheel of Justice is spinning.


Anonymous said...

All is being orchestrated by non other than the carpet bagger Jessica Puente Bradshaw, Tad is just her puppet. My bet is she will start spreading the rumors that she is building a house her.

Anonymous said...

STFU Adela. She beat you. You lost. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

I have a dream!
where little resigned children play with little unresigned children!

Anonymous said...

Roman and Morris playing together like that would end in a battle of Geritol pelting Roman and him claiming it has left him qualified for more disability, just before he flips over the Candyland game board, upset that he landed on the wrong color. He would then fake limp/stomp out of the room making a dramatic exit....only to come back minutes later to tell everybody there that they will not win their races ever again because he is mad at them.

The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Anonymous said...

Tadpole needs to go back to his pond and stop taking little frog spawn shits in our clean water. I mean, yeah, we are Republicans so we hate clean air and water but the imported bottled water is pretty expensive so it would be much appreciated if Tadpole's little poops didn't make their way into our beverages. We are trying to work and are thirsty.

Damnit...I think his tail is in this bottle. Another one goes to waste....blech. *pours water out*

Anonymous said...

Please! The. readers of this blog demand quality flames, so if you persist in these low quality outbursts I would recommend a blog of less import like the Brownsville Voice.

Anonymous said...

Ida Stacy works for Su Clinics Familiar.
