Citizens Against Voter Abuse
The following are the election code requirements (Sec.11.002) to be a qualified voter in the state of Texas: “1) A qualified voter is 18 years of age or older. 2) A qualified voter is a United States citizen. 3) A qualified voter has not been determined by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be: (a) totally mentally impaired; or (b) partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote. 4) A qualified voter has not been finally convicted of a felony or, if so convicted, has: (a) fully discharged the person’s sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court; or (b) been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote. 5) A qualified voter is a resident of this state. 6) A qualified voter is a registered voter.” (
Registering to vote is free and easy. Contact the Cameron County elections office at (956) 544-0809 ( to find out the most convenient way for you to get registered. For all high school seniors out there, the election code requires all high schools to offer their students eligible to vote an opportunity to register to vote on his or her campus. If your campus does not offer this service, please report it to the Texas Secretary of State at (800) 252-8683 (
To cast an informed ballot, go directly to the source by questioning each candidate about your concerns or interests. Research their websites, Facebook pages, or call their campaign treasurers to find out when you can attend the next meet and greet they may be hosting. By law, contact information must be made available on each candidate’s campaign sign or push card. It is our civic duty to hold a standard of quality for the people who wish to represent us in public office. They should be responsive to their potential constituents at all times. If one is not responsive as a candidate they certainly won’t be responsive as a public official.
Your vote is your personal seal of approval on the candidate of your choice. You are entrusting this person to do the best job on behalf of the greater good. Each informed vote submitted should help our county move out of the category as the poorest county in the nation. It is in our hands to make a brighter future for the next generations in our communities. And please never forget that – YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE IN SECRET AND FREE FROM INTIMIDATION.
Retaliation is a form of voter intimidation and is a federal crime. Please make sure that you document any instance if you are made to fear for your job, your home, your safety or any public service you are receiving because of the way you may wish to vote. Report voter intimidation to the FBI at (956) 546-6922 (
Each and every registered voter is a powerful part of improving our county. As our voter turnout increases, so will our funding by state and federal entities which will benefit things such as infrastructure, schools and small businesses. So I encourage everyone to get out there, get registered, get informed and VOTE. Do not ever be fooled into thinking that your vote does not count because it counts now more than ever.
Please join Citizens Against Voter Abuse on Facebook. We have a LIKE page and a Group page. CAVA would like to hear from anyone turned away from voting in the May 10th San Benito school board or city elections to contact us.
God bless America!
As we enter September, it is the perfect time to make sure you and your family members are registered to vote. Oct. 6 is the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 4 general elections. These elections will determine who wins at key positions in our county and in our state. We can all do our part by being informed and ready to vote when the time comes.
Registering to vote is free and easy. Contact the Cameron County elections office at (956) 544-0809 ( to find out the most convenient way for you to get registered. For all high school seniors out there, the election code requires all high schools to offer their students eligible to vote an opportunity to register to vote on his or her campus. If your campus does not offer this service, please report it to the Texas Secretary of State at (800) 252-8683 (
To cast an informed ballot, go directly to the source by questioning each candidate about your concerns or interests. Research their websites, Facebook pages, or call their campaign treasurers to find out when you can attend the next meet and greet they may be hosting. By law, contact information must be made available on each candidate’s campaign sign or push card. It is our civic duty to hold a standard of quality for the people who wish to represent us in public office. They should be responsive to their potential constituents at all times. If one is not responsive as a candidate they certainly won’t be responsive as a public official.
Your vote is your personal seal of approval on the candidate of your choice. You are entrusting this person to do the best job on behalf of the greater good. Each informed vote submitted should help our county move out of the category as the poorest county in the nation. It is in our hands to make a brighter future for the next generations in our communities. And please never forget that – YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE IN SECRET AND FREE FROM INTIMIDATION.
Retaliation is a form of voter intimidation and is a federal crime. Please make sure that you document any instance if you are made to fear for your job, your home, your safety or any public service you are receiving because of the way you may wish to vote. Report voter intimidation to the FBI at (956) 546-6922 (
Each and every registered voter is a powerful part of improving our county. As our voter turnout increases, so will our funding by state and federal entities which will benefit things such as infrastructure, schools and small businesses. So I encourage everyone to get out there, get registered, get informed and VOTE. Do not ever be fooled into thinking that your vote does not count because it counts now more than ever.
Please join Citizens Against Voter Abuse on Facebook. We have a LIKE page and a Group page. CAVA would like to hear from anyone turned away from voting in the May 10th San Benito school board or city elections to contact us.
God bless America!
Citizens !!! Get your asses out and VOTE !!!
The media today is reporting that 95 percent of registered voters in Scotland are expected to turn out for today's independence referendum. And here we can expect about 10 percent to show up to vote. Americans don't seem to give a ahit about voting....and have many, many excuses. The low turnout here means that special interests can dominate. All they have to do is identify the few that do vote and then try to manipulate them. This is why politiquers are so powerful, they manipulate those that are registered. Corruption in politics exists as long as people don't vote. Ignorance R Us
The reason why Republicans funded the Ideal Schools was to diminish and weaken the Teachers' professions. They indeed succeeded. Furthermore, Republicans defunded Texas public schools to the tune of $500,000,000 dollars. Where were the teachers? They didn't Vote ! That's why ! Also, with the new text books adoption, they are loaded with bogus and fictional history . Oops, I almost forgot to mentioned the science books, loaded with pseudo-crap!
It's $5 billions cuts to public education !
A beacon of hope...don't give up MH.
Cava thanks for being out there and getting the message out for voting and working hard to stop the vote harvesting that has been a plague for the last 4 decades here in cameron county. You can ask many of the old timers politics like joe rivera, gilly hinojosa, juanito magallanes about all this and of course they always deny it nevers happens s but we know better and that keeps folks away from the polls. Tell me I wrong joe, gilbert n juan???
Cava thanks for being out there and getting the message out for voting and working hard to stop the vote harvesting that has been a plague for the last 4 decades here in cameron county. You can ask many of the old timers politics like joe rivera, gilly hinojosa, juanito magallanes about all this and of course they always deny it nevers happens s but we know better and that keeps folks away from the polls. Tell me I wrong joe, gilbert n juan???
Shit happens like not Voting .
If teachers want further cuts to public education the vote Republican Abbot, .9702
I hope Mary Helen can get the bastards in San Benito! She's done some good work in Brownsville but that was just a flash in the pan. Some of those clowns in SB need to go to JAIL! If she can get some traction in our parts of the County, maybe the vote thieves will think twice.
Mary Rey said...
A big THANK YOU! To CAVA and Mary Helen Flores, for her tireless efforts to cut off this cancer.
The more I learn about certain politicians and/or candidates, the further away I stay from them.
Some of us had to report to law enforcement (not that it matters here) "the offers to help"
God help us!!
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