If you have a 65-plus family member who's registered to vote, chances are he or she has been targeted by the Texas Democratic Party and received an unsolicited application to cast their vote by mail.

For years, the mail-in ballots have been manipulated here and probably helped Hinojosa and his friends to get elected year after year. Some politicians have finessed this manipulative practice to a fine science such as Ernie and Norma Hernandez and their cardre of politiqueras.

The Democratic Party announced way back when that they were going to launch a statewide effort to bring out the mail-in voting to try to garner wins for Democratic candidates. Well, they were as good as their threats.
The front of the envelope, as you can see in the graphic, states that your "official" vote-by-mail application is attached and in the rear of the mail-out is an actual pre-printed application that the recipient is to mail in using a 49-cent stamp that they are themselves required to provide.
The critical parts of the application are translated into Spanish for our English-challenged friends.
Now, we are aware that there are state rules that require that a voter voluntarily solicit an application for a mail-in ballot. Does this apply also to political parties that sent unsolicited applications to them over the mail?

What is the aim here?
Will elderly persons believe they are required to fill it out and then be surprised at home when a Democratic party politiquera (political campaign worker) shows up to assist them and show them how to vote (some call it harvesting)?
Of course, if you need assistance, or have any questions, you can call the Democratic Party at their 855- number.
Now, knowing Hinojosa and his lieutenants, not only will the elderly be solicited to fill out their applications, but probably so will the disabled and the clients of adult day-care centers around the state.
Why contain the mail-in ballots fraud plague to South Texas, hey Gilbert? Fraud for every Texan, B'Gawd!
GDSOB! Hinojosa should rot in hell!
What is the BFD, when I lived in Denton County (90% REPUBLICAN COUNTY), I received the same thing and I am not even a registered Republican.
I am not excusing the practice but All POLITICIANS do this, not just the Democrats.
All is fair in love and war ,!
This is just down right inappropriate and unethical. Shoving those mail in ballot applications down our throats is offensive to those of us who have been voting in person for decades. We take pride in going to the polls and exercising our most sacred right to vote. I feel sorry for the ones who will be confused by Mr. Hinojosa's trashy tactic.
Can you cite the cases of fraud you allude to?
How many are there? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands?
Patiently waiting for the links to the cases...
A Voter
Gilberto Hinojosa has long considered himself a "Hispanic" version of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton...."a man of his people". In the end, Gilberto Hinojosa has gotten rich and thrives politically by taking advantage of Hispanics....the elderly Hispanics, the poor Hispanics and the ignorant Hispanics. He has ridden the backs of "his people" to wealth and power in the the Democratic Party of South Texas. Most Democratic officials in Cameron County depend on the "political slime" of Gilberto to get votes and win elections. None have had the balls to move for a more honest electoral and jidicial system. Now we have Joe Rivera following along behind Gilberto like a little puppy....accepting all his treats and wagging his fat tail.
Please shoe the links to the cases Gilberto was involved in.
Another Voter
Voter fraud? What fraud?
"Abbott, who's defending the state in the Corpus Christi trial, vowed a crusade against the "epidemic" of voter fraud in Texas when he became attorney general in 2002. In the dozen years since, his zealous efforts have uncovered a grand total of two cases that would have been stopped by the state's voter ID law. That's no misprint; he's found two. If ever there was a solution in search of a problem, the crusading AG has found it".
"Greg Abbott’s Bogus Voter Fraud Crusade"
"But over the 13 years of Abbott’s tenure, his office can only cite two fraudulent votes that might have been stopped by the ID law."
@ Independent VOTER
I guess you missed out on the politiquera show and convictions in Brownsville where fraud is not only endemic but decides elections outright. You are a real pendejo vendido.
Since Gregg Abbot has no real issues, he uses the old Voter Fraud rhetoric in his campaign slogan. As Atty Gen. He prosecuted less than five cases in the whole state of Texas. The GOP's present main interest is to diminish voter participation at the Polls. His record as to pursuing the best interests of the people of Texas has been dismal.
Poach the Coach. Vote no to coach joe.
Thousands of absentee votes gave been stolen from the mentally ill and disabled and from old people over the last 20 years in Cameron county alone. Everybody knows it. Don't expect to find any links or any records of it because there aren't any. They have gotten away with it.
The Republicans too .
Pancho Villa Hinojosa is the Mexican Carl Rove !
someone needs to report the problems in this county with elected corrupted officials, thanks for what you do, on that note there is a candidate for cameron county pct. 3 constables ID as robert lopez whose posted on you blog site who runs with the rest of the wolf pack Magallanes, Rivera,and chairman of the democratic party Hinojosa and attorney for Lopez. this candidate has no business in politics and law enforcement, you should look into an alleged run in with Harlingen PD about an alleged assualt on his ex-wife, but never got anywhere, cause his ex-wife dropped charges so he would not lose his job and his lively hood. "so I heard" but I believe there is some truth to it, it does not hurt to find out.
Come on folks its all about serving gilberto and his friends, cronies & family ETC no mas, that's the Cameron county way for the last 30-40 years mas o menos, Fu-king his people along the way, no shame or remorse. But then we the voters allow it. so what else is new?????
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