Remenber the Abel Limas and Armando Villalobos trials?
Remember the roll call of shady lawyers who waltzed through the witness stand or came off the lips of Limas as he recounted those intimate friends of his who made him small loans or paid his way in return for ad litem appointments or favorable rulings on their behalf or of their friends? Or who gave him money so he coud run for the 404th Disstrict Curt in the first place?
Ditto for the testimony in the Villalobos trial.

During the trials, federal judge Andrew Hanen ordered the U.S. Attonrey's Office to make a list of those attorneys involved and send them over to the Texas State Bar and the Texas Attorney General to see if they decided to carry out some sort of disciplinary actions against them.
Willette – seeing the writing on the wall, "retired."
Solis is serving his prison sentence as is Villalobos. So, by the way, is money-man Rosenthal. De la Fuente sang so he has gotten off so far. We still don't know if the State Bar will act on the judge's order. Robles tried to run again for a judgeship and was rejected by the voters. Limas is in a Florida federal prison. Hinojosa is now the chairman of the Texas Democracti Party.
And his buddy Magallaners is making a bid for the 357th District Court seat left vacant when Leoneol Alejandro also heard footsteps and resigned. Oscar X. Garcia was appointed to fill the vacancy by Gov. Rick Perry.
Since we still don't know what the outcome of the State Bar or TAGO review will be, we wonder whether candidate Magallanes will come under close scrutiny because of his intimate relationship with Limas. We have already published transcrips from the Marchan federal trial which describes the chummy nature of the Limas-Magallanes connection and the "unethical" (Limas' description, not ours) $30,000 loan Magallanes made the judge.
Others have said that a subsequent decision and order for damages and attorney's fees by Limas in a case being heard by Limas where Magallanes was the lawyer for a party amounted to a quid pro quo by the judge toward Juanito.
Lawyer Baltazar Salazar alleged that Limas had bent over backwards to make sure Magallanes received his due in the form of court-ordered payments even when a jury did not award him any damages or attorney's fees.
Salazar alleged that Limas issued orders that went against a jury decision that put $100,000s of dollars into Magallanes' pockets.
"This (the Magallanes $30,000 loan) came a few months after a Cameron County jury awarded Magallanes nothing, zero. Limas then on his own awarded Magallanes $195,000 in damages and $50,000 in attorney's fees..."
The case (2004-10-5058) was styled Bob Torres Properties vs. Southern Stone Properties, according to Salazar, who commented on Magallanes' opponent Oscar X. Garcia's FB page that "this was not a loan. This was a payback for ignoring a jury's verdict."
In fact, during the Ray Marchan trial, Limas testified that Magallanes loaned him the money in 2005, just after the case had closed.
That's just one instance of the nature of the Limas-Magallanes relationship.
In fact, Limas said that "four Brownsville attorneys and a relative put their names on the line for Limas, each guaranteeing $5,000 of the loan. These were not reported as campaign contributions, and individually they exceeded state limits on contributions to judicial candidates.
The attorneys were Ernesto Gamez Jr., who was Limas’ campaign spokesman; Leonel Alejandro, now judge of the 357th Judicial District; and former Cameron County Judge Gilberto Hinojosa’s partners at the time, Juan Magallanes and Eddie Treviño, now former Brownsville mayor, with the then-law firm of Magallanes, Hinojosa and Treviño. The firm was under retainer with IBC.
Limas was criticized by a challenger who said that a group of powerful attorneys was out to get a court for Limas.
The Brownsville Herald's Emma Treviño reported during the trials that Magallanes, Hinojosa and others received the bulk of the ad litem appointments by Limas.
"During the campaign, Limas said there are not many attorneys who practice family law and that he would appoint the most qualified as ad-litem attorneys...
"Almost half of the $1.1 million that three district judges awarded in ad-litem fees from 1994 to 2000 went to four attorneys from a field of 56: Magallanes, Hinojosa, Gamez, and Limas."
Given all these links – and Hanen's sending of the court transcripts involving these attorneys – is there another shoe going to drop on Magallanes or any of the others?
Given all these links – and Hanen's sending of the court transcripts involving these attorneys – is there another shoe going to drop on Magallanes or any of the others?
how about the dumb unethical underlings of Villalobos who knew and went along non prosecuting the guilty and sending the innocent to jail, like Jonathan Gracia. he knew too much about Villalobos so he got off the hook when he drugged and tried to rape a girl in a hotel, and now he is our Justice of the Peace!
That's why the Village went up the River for 13 yrs .
I don't blame Oscar X. Garcia for leaving the Democratic Party and running as a Republican. The current Democratic Party regulars are corruption incarnate. Gilberto & Cindy Hinojosa, Joe Rivera, Sylvia Garza Perez, Eddie Lucio Jr., Juan Magallanes, Rene Oliviera, Sophie Benavides, Tony Martinez, Dan Sanchez, et al -all liars and thieves- are the cancer that is eating this county alive. There is a special place in hell for the lot of them.
Please remember that a majority of lawyers are referred to as mouth pieces. Pay them a few shekels and they bark for you.
Gracia es punalon, que no?
Juan Maganellas, Gilberto Hinojosa, Ernesto Gamez and other nefarious corruptors of our judicial system, mentored "Disable Limas" and Villalobos. Under Limas, Gilbert and his friends received many "ad litem" money. Limas' contacts in the Brownsville PD insured that the cards of lawyer friends of Limas were placed in the hands of victims of accidents...."cheating by cop" benefit Limas' lawyer friends. Magallanes is a main player in the corruption of the Cameron County Judicial System along with Gilberto Hinojosa, Aurora de la Garza, Able Limas, Mando Villalobos. More should be in jail. And now, Joe Rivera joins the list of players in the Hinojosa game of county corruption.
Tele-novela Limas and Sadam -Magazine will make a great telenovela team. ! Legally they should make a ton of Pesos !
Oscar can't run on his record so you put out innuendo after innuendo to muddy the waters..
I only read your post to come to the realization that you are a hateful bitter asshole.
I am sure a lot of people think the same way and only read when they are bored to their maximum.
You My good man will have lots to explain in Hell i guess. Or will it be purgatory?
I was going to vote for him but not if he is part of that gang !!!#...nope I will vote republican. .
Ratas democratas
You vote for whom ever the hell you want... either way you will see each other in the heat of hell....
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