On the eve of the start of early voting Monday, the former Cameron County Clerk Chief Deputy Letty Perez has filed a Whistleblower Act lawsuit against Cameron County naming her former boss – and current Democratic candidate for county Judge Joe Rivera – and alleging, among other things, that he retaliated against her for not supporting one of his political candidates and awarding "improper and illegal contracts."
Rivera claims that the suit is politically motivated and that although he hasn't been served with it, the fact that Perez never showed up for a grievance hearing and did not exhaust the remedies available to her with the county might cause the lawsuit to be thrown out.
"She filed a grievance and never showed up when we had it," he said. "Then she files the lawsuit three days before the start of early voting which makes it doubly suspicions that it is politically motivated."
In the lawsuit styled 2104-DCL-07082, Leticia Perez v. Cameron County Clerk's Office filed Friday in the 103rd District Court, Perez, who had been Rivera's right-hand-employee for the past 30 years, she claims that she worked without incident "until she was asked to support a particular candidate for County Clerk, Sylvia Garza Perez" by Rivera and that he started a "campaign of retaliation" against her after she told him that "she would not be supporting her Garza-Perez, Rivera's choice as his successor" that resulted in her wrongful termination.
She claims in her lawsuit that Rivera's retaliation "was also due to (her) obtaining knowledge of (him) utilizing his post as County Clerk to award illegal contracts and attempting to contact the proper law enforcement authorities concerning as such."
The filing of the lawsuit on the Friday preceding the start of early voting Monday for the general election immediately brought howls of protest by Rivera's supporters who charged that the lawsuit was politically motivated to influence the county judge's race.
Rivera was a surprise candidate for county judge and had told his supporters that he was going to run for reelection to the position that he had held for 36 years. Even more surprising was Garza-Perez's announcement that she would be running for county clerk after she had first announced that she would run for county judge herself.
It was assumed around county circles that Letty Perez would be Rivera's successor prior to the announcement that Garza-Perez had switched positions.
Justice of the Peace Benny Ochoa said he had wanted to run for County Clerk and asked Rivera if he was running again. When Rivera told him he was, Ochoa decided against throwing his hat in the ring. However, Ochoa said that just because Rivera did the opposite, that was no reason for Letty Perez to have filed the lawsuit and the allegations contained therein.
"Just because Joe did that that doesn't mean I am going to go against him like that," Ochoa said.
Garza-Perez easily beat back her opponents in the 2014 Democratic primary. She then beat Arnold Flores in the primary runoff 5,477 to 4,963. She does not face a Republican challenger in the general election.
The charges made by Perez – if proven – could potentially result in indictments in federal court. Although Perez does not specify which contracts Rivera allegedly made which were "illegal and improper," the faact that they have been filed in the court of public opinion might have the potential to sway some voters now on the fence.
Observers say that her filing the lawsuit without going through the grievance process could potentially derail her claims, but also disrupt any investigation that the FBI might be undertaking based on her allegations to them.
The Whistleblower Act (554.006) specifically states that an employee must "initiate action under the grievance or appeal procedures of the employing state or local governmental entity relating to suspension or termination of employment or adverse personnel action before suing under this chapter."
Additionally, the employee must "invoke the applicable grievance or appeal procedures not later than the 90th day after the date on which the alleged violation of this chapter."
It is unknown whether Perez filed a grievance with the county before she initiated the lawsuit under the Act. If she didn't, some legal observers say that her lawsuit may be thrown out.
However, the political fallout of a lawsuit by a trusted 30-year employee on the eve of the early voting in the county clerk elections does not bode well for Rivera.
Close associates of County Judge Cascos deny that they had anything to do with the timing of Perez's lawsuit, and that it had been brewing for months before the filing on Friday.
Her attorneys – Javier Peña, Uri Heller and Chad Fulda of Heller and Fulda – are based in Edinburg, Texas.
She is suing for injunctive relief, actual and compensatory damages , court costs, attorneys fees, reinstatement with fringe benefits and seniority rights lost because of her termination and lost wages.
The Act also calls for the Texas Attorney General to provide to the state auditor's office a brief memorandum describing the facts and disposition of the lawsuit.
It also calls for the auditor to investigate the state governmental entity (Cameron County) to determine any changes necessary to correct the problems which gave rise to the whistleblower suit.
El PENDEJO de MACLOVIO is behind this. That is why Cascos has him there. No TIENE VERGUENZA!
Joe Rivera is scum. He is just crying foul because accountability is an inconvenience to people like him.
Juan 30 years is a long time and lots of shit to take from joe el panson and all this time I have always said that joe el shoe salesman fron corpus aka al bundy jr is a damn crook, myfamily and I will not be voting for him por rata. Joe we all know what kind of guy you are by the people you hang with juan magzine gilberto hooters hinojosa and the rest of your corrupt democRATA gang no mas ya basta
Juan 30 years is a long time and lots of shit to take from joe el panson and all this time I have always said that joe el shoe salesman fron corpus aka al bundy jr is a damn crook, myfamily and I will not be voting for him por rata. Joe we all know what kind of guy you are by the people you hang with juan magzine gilberto hooters hinojosa and the rest of your corrupt democRATA gang no mas ya basta
Everyone should know that there is more to this story. From what I hear Letty filed all the correct paperwork with Human Resources and Joe was the judge and jury in her grievance which is not due process of the law. I am sure that no reputable law firm would get involved if this was just political and there was no case. I am hoping that that people are smart enough not to vote for Joe Rivera as he is corrupt and obviously a liar.
Im sure her attorney crossed his t and dotted their i ....lol.....
Letty was fired while on fmla..that in iself is illegal. ..so you are blaming cascos too... you are an idiot
No tiene vergueza el mentiroso!!! Pero todo lo que a hecho sera dicho
This is as dirty a trick as I have ever seen before. This smells of politics big time. What a coincidence it is days before the vote starts. This smells of the work of Chris Valdez Cascos' assistant, it will not work you bunch of cheaters!
This means nothing,the process has to run its course. People Are falsely accused many times, only to be vindicated in the end. This is proof of how Cascos and his obidiant assistant will go to any depths to get reelected. The people will speak loudly at the polls. I will be voting for Joe Rivera,mand will encourage all friends and family to do the same.
And the legacy continues. How much will riveras defense cost the taxpayers? Yes blame someone else for what this guy did. Blame someone else for his loan sharking activity and electricity sales he generates out of his office.
I'm sick and tired of reading about this insignificant loser Valadez. You guys give him way too much credit.
Joe loks like the chickens came home to roost remeber back in your 1990 race you called mr heard at heard goggin n blair tax attorneys to fire juan ortiz because he ran against you or face losing the lucrative delinquent tax contract and which they did obey you. That only gave ortiz time to campaign full time against you. Joe time to settle your accounts with the devil and everyone else, Im voting for cascos cause that ortiz guy is my friend and its time to settle this score good bye and dont let the door hit you on your way out cool arrow.
No its called karma !!!#
The truth will prevail... It always does. The County Clerk has already done enough damage at tax payers expense. From employees on County time of course, painting his fence, picking up rat shit from his yard, and of course picking up his dry cleaning and feeding his cats cause he can't... 30+years is more than enough time. I can't imagine the job he'll do as County Judge. Please vote people! Please not this man whose obviously not the right choice.
Let's see .... she worked there 30 years, thought she was going to get his job and now is claiming there were illegal activities? Seems like she must have been complicit if any such activities did indeed occur. Wonder what the opposition promised her?
Papas....puras papas...the truth will prevail....
The Feds give immunity in exchange for information on illegal acts by elected officials. Joe
Should be worried.
Mr. Rivera needs to give up politics and go fishing,then he can tell fish tales.
This is the same small town chicken shit comportment that happens election after election. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is based on its merits. It is all about trivial slights and insignificant rip-offs. Whatever you do, never look at the abilities and competencies of the candidates. Look at what they can do for your family and friends, and vote accordingly. Yes, that is how it works in a backward, ignorant border slum.
She has been there 30 years? Now she cries Foul ?
This man (Rivera) claims she has no shame ("no tiene verguenza"). I do NOT Know this lady, nor do care to know her, but I admire her determination of facing or going against this man. I've been to his office at least three times during this year to get necessary documents, HE IS NEVER THERE. Last week, I went to the tax office and as I left the court house area I saw him leave the parking lot at around 10 am (working hours) driving a big SUV. Isnt he suppose to be at his office? HE has no shame and Cameron County voters have no shame if we continue to vote him into office.
*Iam not a Republican or a Democrat, I vote for qualifications and honesty and I just dont see it in this man.
go Letty! Joe Rivera rewarded Sylvia Garza Perez with a job in exchange for her switching races and not running against him... We all know how corrupt the county is, we support you! Expose the ratas!
Juan el gordito esta bueno para hacerlo CARNITAS Y CHICHARRONES
I will not ever understand when running for public office and you get caught pulling shenanigans like Joe has been and invariably some idiot will say " it's politics!!!! Well no kidding politics? Joe has no business running for a position which requires fairness and intelligence. he is the last of the old compadre way of running Cameron County. Him and the guys in prison and Ernie Hernandez need to realize those days are over. Time to retire. This is not a good time to vote for someone with no experience look at where Obama has this country.
Slim-Jim Rivera will take it. The Republican Party has always been against the interests of the American people. Women's rights, defunding education. The disable. Against Social Security. health care. Public health. Medicare, Aging Americans, these dudes are against every thing; including the color of toilet paper . Oh, and also Scientific Research .
Wow .!!!!
I met her in the office ...she ran the office ...professional..helped my mother when my mother needed help..i admire her ...good luck may god be with her
Are you kidding ..her fires her and hires sylvia ....just keep messing up joe .....and you want our vote ...are you insane !!!! I was going to vote for joe ....but will not waste my vote ...
Ask the employees ..they were forced to go to meetings in his office to buy electricity..from la china and joe pushing ambit....so joe got free light .
Juan if indeed you are interested in the firing of juan ortiz at herad, goggin blair delinquent tax attys you can call alfredo padilla the atty at 956 544 7100 to vetrify since he was in charge at that time and was the one who fired juan ortiz, the truth needs to known to the public about the politician they hold so highly but at theend of the dayjoe rivera is a crook and at the same crooked level like the rest of the democRATA party guys juan gilberto aurora tony etc.
Great job Juan, exposing what it is...
Lol. Everybody defending Joe on the comments uses ignorance or lack of information to justify what he did or voting for him. Says a lot about what a POS bottom feeder he is.
Can't stand that rata. The man is an idiot who can't speak English or Spanish. BISD used to let him hold employees hostage so he could make his pleas for United Way. Probably profited in some way. He was hated then and he is hated now. He is a transplant outsider who should go back and see if he can pull his snow jobs on the gringos. Pinch rata de dos patas muerto de hambre. Sin verquensa pedoro junto con Aurora-Julieta-Gilberto-Limas-Conrado-Armando-Solis-Martinez-you get the picture.
Lettie is no little innocent white dove, she has a lot of junk in the truck and she should be counter sue for harassment and all the illegal things that she did under the table and for mistreating the employees that worked under her.
Yeah...sure ...ha ha ...if anyone should be sued for harrasment and mistreatment is sandra sanchez and her side kick ....veronica...dont forget ..all you said before you turned your coat
Yes and rivera is the man likely to pay his employees to have them say she did .......but never a formal complaint before now right !!! How convenient. ..lol
Expose it all Juan, your're on the right track.Good job, don't let Joe Rivera and Baltazar Salazar off your radar. Dale para adelante!!!!!!
Baltazar Salazar echo mentiras, he's a felon (Theft)Go after him.
Anyone who saw this lady speak at political events will tell you if they are honest, she has mental problems and seriously needs therapy. To say she is a few cards shy of a full deck is being generous. Esta bien loca.
juan wow and now they have recordeings de el panson del joe no pos wow. joe looks like you been hacked or busted, una Buena fieria para la girlfriend letty. Good job letty that's the way you do it.
Does she really have all those recordings?
You are talking about the wrong person..do your homework ...
In Iran the hang Women. In Cameron County they just get fired from their Jobs !!!
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