Judging by the thousands of dollars that Position 1 Brownsville Independent School District trustee Cesar Lopez is spending on slick, flashy ads to convince the voters to vote for him over three other candidates, it is obvious that he and his money backers intend to buy this election with smoke and mirrors to hide the truth.
On Sunday it was a full-page color ad ($2,200?). The Wednesday before another color half page ($1,600?). Today it is another full-color half page (1,800?). Add that to the two mass mailings also costing thousands of dollars each and you can see that the players behind Lopez are shelling out big bucks to keep the BISD tit available to them.

But, alas, telling the truth is not Cesar's forte and a scrutiny of his "top five priorities" demonstrates that conclusively.
His first priority is universal a pilot program of Pre-K for all students in Spring 2015 when he knows full well this lead balloon has been floated around for some time but always falls to the ground with a thud because there has to be a way to pay for the buildings to house the program, the teachers and support staff, and other services necessary for this group.
How will he pay for it without raising taxes? Indebt the district even more?
He has already promised voters he won't raise taxes, but failed to mention that on Sept. 2 he voted to approve the tax rate that did exactly that. And guess what the additional tax rate was for? Would you believe to pay for debt service?
Another of this "priorities" is to "increase college and career opportunities for all students." Well, those board members before him (including his nemesis Longoria) established the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) at Veterans to service all the district's high school despite resistance form entrenched interests in the district. And there were already dual-enrollment and college-level course taught to BISD students. Maybe that is not such an original idea after all, is it?
His number 3 priority is to "recommend pay raises for all BISD employees." Well, where was he that June 25 Special Meeting meeting when the administration proposed their budget that did not include raises for the teachers? He was conspicuously absent. Yet, as Longoria has pointed out, he was present he and the majority gave records manager Martin Arambula a $15,000 increase – $75,940 to $90,061 – making more than 53 campus principals who are responsible for the education of hundreds of students and the supervision of teachers, staff, and campus security.
"And where was he July 15 when the board majority voted to hire two extra Area Assistant Superintendents not included in the 2014-2015 Adopted Budget or Compensation Plan and not posted correctly on the agenda, a violation of the Open Meetings Act?," Longoria asked.
Answer: Cesar was there for these highly-paid administrators and voted for the hires despite the apparent illegality. I stood up for teachers and other deserving professionals and voted against it.

Oh, he does, does he?
Why doesn't he begin by telling people why he has refused to provide the third signature to Longoria and Catalina Presas-Garcia's request that an item be placed on the agenda allow the board to review the employment of general counsel Baltazar Salazar and the charges that he lied on his application withe the district about his three felony theft arrests?
Not only were Salazar's offenses listed as crimes of moral turpitude which have kept other individuals from working for the district, but he also voted in December to extend Salazar;s contract and give a 10 percent increase to his $240,000 annual retainer fee?
Salazar, by the way, has so far contributed $4,000 in reported campaign contributions to Cesar's campaign. Isn't this the same attorney who has a contract – which you approved as a board member – prohibiting from making any "gifts" to a public servant in connection with his employment?Transparency say you, Cesar?
And last, but not least, of course, is his priority to improve "district-wide facilities and campus playgrounds." We come to the same little problem of district debt. Issue more bonds? Raise more taxes?
We must admit he did "put students first" in his newspaper ad, even if they were not his. But if he can "borrow" a couple of students without anyone the wiser, why can't the district also sink into debt to accomplish his so-called priorities as well?
...And some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln
You know who appointed him, and that's all you need to know.
Look at his Sunday ad. It's full page, full color. Plenty of space there to write whatever he wants. But there is nothing about employee salaries. Wake up, Brownsville. The school district is the economic driver of the city but that money is increasingly being sent out of town. It's not being kept here and circulated by employees spending their salaries here. Lopez doesn't even mention it. Wake up, you're not getting a raise. Wake up, your school district is being looted. Wake up, people are stealing from your children.
Look at his Sunday ad. Nothing about raises. And yet he's endorsed by the Association of Brownsville Administrators. Oh that's right, he's been voting for administrator raises. ( see how he did that?)
Don't you just love Carlos Cascos TV ad where Cameron County cleaned up corruption and put the offenders away. Shiiiit man, that was the Feds. If we waited for Cascos and the Courthouse mafia to clean up anything we would still be waiting.
Lies and distortions are what the politicos and wanna be politicos peddle to the poor ignorant voters who will believe such crap.
Stay on Baltazar Salazar!!!!!a
Why didn't Cesar Lopez put students first, the 14 months he's been on the Board?
But is he really putting students first or his pockets??? Font Forget He works For the TASK Buy board , BISD spends millions buying thru them. What percentage does Cesar get??? Isn't this a conflict of interest??
We all know why López was named ( placed) on the board. To continue the palm greasing . Group insurance , 50,000,000, computers, transportation, classroom furniture, annexed classrooms,etc.... Has nothing to do with "kids" ,
Unfortunately, that is what we can expect.
I loved the spot it had substance. An ex ..democrat
B.i.s.d. employees are the ones who should wake up! If they got off their asses and voted we wouldn't have all these crooks on the board. Vote!! All board members should be sent packing! Enough stealing; we need new blood...
those are the kids' of his convicted felon friends!
Cesar is a liar like Enrique
Yes he attended UTSA
but he graduated from UTB
he claims UTSA in his ads
If Cesar can fool all of the people some of the time why can't Lucy fool some of the people some of the time? Answer - She had her 15 minutes and blew it. She has lost all credibility, is a cheat, liar, and intellectually challenged. Loser!
Juan, the more you write about Cesar, the more he garners Celebrity Status!!!
Despite, your twisted perception of this candidate, he is well on the road to the winners circle. In fact, that is why your "paid for candidate" needs more firewood to burn. Unfortunately, she is already Ember status..
On the other side of the candle, you must have racked up enough bonus points with the Witches of the West End to fly free with them aboard the maiden holiday broom. Reserve you seat now, seating is very limited.
To the October 22, 2014 at 2:09 PM - Post
Incorrecto! It is known in the BISD Glass Palace Halls that the C. Lopez Board Member has HR on Speed Dial. He dials and he gets certain people promoted-FAST. No questions asked! It is nothing new that he recommend the salary increases of a few folks close to him and in his favor, so yes he did GIVE SOME RAISES.
BISD Politics 101!
Get rid of Lopez and Salazar,Doing good juan. Stay on top of them.
These Chit-Heads should move on. To the pokey!
Why I am not a member of the association. I was not a teacher then. At that time there was a class room teacher on the board. That board member really represented the best interests of the employees, the district, the students, and overall general welfare of the tax payers. When time came for elections, the ABE endorsed a do nothing school administrator . He did absolutely nothing constructive . As you can see the ABE endorses candidates that are opposite to the interests of Education.
According to the NACO intelligence service he was a dropout from GED University. He was apprehended smoking Poison Ivy.
Fuck you and your Naco intelligence service you annoying dumb-ass!
Yes. As you can see.
stick to Lopez, salazar and SP. Ed. lawyers and their fees for special needs students. Look at what diagnosticians do to classify students for state purposes and accountability for the school district. Thank you,Juan, my son was labeled Sp.Ed,he is now an investment banker on Wall Street. Gracias, Juan but, look at the overlooked dept, at BISD. Thank You, My son was labeled Sp.Ed.my son is doing great, the district and their diagnosticians misdiagnosed my kid.Look into SP.Ed and money spent.I hope and pray this never happens to any parent. Our children are our joy. As parents,we want the best for our children. Thank You for your effort if you can, to bring light to this department. To all parents, Have a Godly day....
You are so wrong! I don't know your situation but you are way off in claiming kids are diagnosed wrong in order to benefit the district. Don't judge everyone the same while using terms like "godly day".
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