If ever there was a cruse cast upon future generations it was by the people who named this city Brownsville and the county Cameron.
Why do we say that?
Local historians love to regale us with tales of the 500 brave defenders of Fort Texas, an earthen structure with walls 15 feet wide shaped into a six-sided star built near the present-day golf course next to Texas Southmost College. The finished walls stood nine to 10 feet tall.
Zachary Taylor had ordered the fort built right across the river from Matamoros in May 1846.
Taylor left Major Jacob Brown in charge of the fort on his way to fortify Point Isabel He heard the cannonade as Mexican forces began a siege on May 3 bombarding the fort with their artillery.
The Mexican cannon ball fire was ineffective after the defenders knocked out the guns shooting from Matamoros.
Although the confrontation at Fort Texas lasted six days, only two U.S. soldiers died in the bombardment, but that toll included the fort commander Brown.
The late Bruce Aiken used to say that the Mexican Army stopped their cannon fire when they saw that their cannon balls bounced off the earthen walls of the Fort. Firing continued from the Mexican side erratically.
Aiken said that during one of the lulls three days into the siege, Brown walked out of the fort and was standing by a wall when one of the cannon balls rolled by him, bounced off a wall, and and struck him in the leg, shattering it. (The sketch above that appeared in Harper's Magazine showing an exploding shell killing Brown is fanciful, since the Mexican cannon balls did not explode)
Over the next three days, gangrene set in and he died on May 9.
Why on earth did Brown venture outside the fort on that fateful day and get himself killed? Boredom? Ignorance? Bravado?
Whatever it was, it got his fool ass killed and both the fort and then the city were named after him.
The same goes for Ewen Cameron, which the plaque above has him dying "with his face to the foe."

The men were captured in Mier, Tamaulipas by the Mexican army and sent to Mexico City.

Actually, for the Mexicans to give the prisoners such good odds of surviving speaks well of their civility. After all, these people came into their territory to plunder and kill their fellow citizens.
Cameron drew a white bean in the lottery, and he was allowed to live and serve time in a Mexican prison. But no, Cameron thought he could escape his captors and was caught in the act several times, prompting the Mexican commander to order his execution "with his face to the foe," as Texas lore suggests when he refused a blindfold and bared his breast shouting at them to fire, "fuego."
Cameron could have left well enough alone and survived. But noooo! He had to tempt fate and his luck ran out. Why?
Cameron County is now named in his honor.
We live in a cursed region, it appears. With a city named after someone who did not have enough sense to stay inside a perfectly good fort and a county named after another who had been given a chance to live and still attempted to escape and got himself killed, what hope doe this area have?
The future, indeed, cheats you from afar.
According to your version, these were just "stupid Gringos" and the Mexicans are free of any killing, torture or unprovoked actions. What a sham of history you offer the readers. Drawing beans from a bag seems barbaric and terroristic. War is hell....and the Mexicans brought hell to their enemies.
In reality we live in an area where the majority of the population has a shallow mentality. Our public school system implemented many negatisms in the Culture of the real colonizers and Tejano history. It took WW 2 to change the World.
Did you mean to say CURSE instead of CRUSE?
"We live in a curse region, it appeared."
You are so correct. With Cata and Lucy, things won't get better.
We have a few plunderers at City Hall, a jar with beans would be a good idea, but I would put black beans only.
What a load of pure La Raza bull shit! This place if cursed with crooked politicians, ignorant people and none of them are descendants of Brown or Cameron. They are descendants of the ones who killed them.
When the American soldiers crossed the Nueces River, they invaded Mexico. The river was the boundary of Nuevo Santader and later, between the Republic of Texas and Mexico. The invasion was a provocation to steal more than half of Mexico. Especially the gold fields of California. Read the history of the San Patricios.
"The treaties of Velasco, however, was never ratified by the Mexican government and Mexico continued to claim the Nueces River as the boundary."
"Cameron could have left well enough alone and survived. But noooo! He had to tempt fate and his luck ran out."
Juan, you could learn a lot from this line. Just because you got away with a DWI or two; doesn't mean you won't hurt yourself or others the next time you drive drunk.
That advice sounds good for Pat Ahumada too.
Por andar de Metiche se lo hecharon. El camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente .
What a load of crap. The Spanish stole the land from the Indians and killed a bunch in the process. The Mexicans stole it from the Spanish and killed a bunch in the process. The Americans stole it from the Mexicans and killed a bunch in the process.
So fucking what? What a bunch of whiny ass pussys! Man up, get your guns and try and take it back. Oh, I forgot if you do that you won't have the US government to send you checks and educate your larva for free. See what kind of free stuff you can get from the Mexican government.
Juan drives 5 mph when he is drunk. He couldn't hurt a political sign much less someone else. Why do you think he stands out to cops ?
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the greatest land fraud perpetuated by the United States. It was based on the idea of Manifest Destiny; it was the belief that the U.S. Own the lands from the Artic to Patagonia. It was an Unauthorized Treaty by disavowed agent named Nicolas Trist . (1848)
When the "American" soldiers crossed ......In school we studied geography and Mexico is located in America. In fact in North America.
What does a DWI have to do with the Alamo?
Como dijo Santa Ana en la toma del Álamo. "Estos Gringos no sólo quieren el Amamo. Quieren también conquistar el Mundo."
We have the Malinche Gene in our body-politic; whether we like it or not it is there Mein freunds . Part of our "Meskin" herencia
At October 25, 2014 at 9:11 PM
Read a little history and compare how the "Indians" were treated by the Spaniards compared to the United States. You might learn something.
Since the Spanish Conquistadors didn't bring women in the Conquest of Mexico, they assimilated with the inhabitants of the New World; and voilà , there you have it . The beginnings of the Meztizo nations. Look around when we go to the Mall. The majority so us look like Gerónimo . Nomás nos falta la pluma pa' llegar a indio. On the other side of the coin, our "white" brothers say they are descendants of the Cheokee Nations; of course all of "blue blood". If you observe some of the Republican members of Congress they resemble Quanah Parker.
And Bean Ayala as well
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