If you glanced at the Sunday newspaper today, you probably came upon the large ad paid by the Cameron County Democratic Party Executive Committee.
Now, usually, the ads crow up the Democratic candidates in the upcoming elections. That's what made the ad taking Carlos Cascos to task for "never calling for an investigation of the scandalous corruption in our county" a little different.
The ad says that "our former sheriff, DA, and a District Judge have all been found guilty."
There was also something about one of the employees of his accounting firm embezzling money from the firm that was settled quietly. And of course, there was an item about Cris Valadez "accused" of tampering with electric meters while a board member of the Brownsville PUB.
We knew that Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilbert Hinojosa – who Cascos beat for county judge before – has a direct hand in the running of the Cameron Party Democratic Party as does his wife Cindy. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that it was Gilbert behind the ad. You see, it looks really bad for Gilbert for his home county to elect a Republican and now it's obvious that the resources of the state party are going to be used to try to prevent that.
But let's take a look at what Hinojosa balmes Cascos for.
Wasn't Conrado one of Gilbert's best friends and Gilbert one of his staunchest supporters before The Fall?
And wasn't Hinojosa and his buddy Juan Magallanes some of the local lawyers who had an open door to Villalobos when he was DA?
Yet, the ad tries to lay the blame the judicial corruption of Limas at Cascos' doorstep. Remember the testimony by Limas himself on who talked him into running for district judge? Let us refresh your memory:
In an article written by Emma Perez-Treviño in 2011, she wrote that, aside from contributions, "A good portion came from a $25,000 loan that Limas secured from the International Bank of Commerce' came from local lawyers. Four Brownsville attorneys and a relative put their names on the line for Limas, each guaranteeing $5,000 of the loan. These were not reported as campaign contributions, and individually they exceeded state limits on contributions to judicial candidates.

Then, in 2005, after Limas had been in office for one four-year term and was embarking on a second one, the partners heard he was thinking of resigning his bench.
During the Ray Marchan trial, Limas told prosecutors that he had told them he wasn't going torun and they talked him out of it.
LIMAS : "I was going to resign in 2005. I had a letter for Gov. Rick Perry in 2005.
ASST. U.S. Atty. "And they told you don't resign. Please don't resign."
LIMAS: "Yeah, they told me not to resign. They didn't tell me 'Don't resign. We'll do this for you.' No. They encouraged me not to resign. And I said 'I'm going to resign.'"
Why do you twist the facts juan? Valadez was caught; not accused! He was lucky the mayor helped him out of the jam....should of gone to jail; not just offered a chance to make restitution.
Gilberto hinojosa all of this was on your watch of the cameron county democRATA party que loco y que quemo viva CASCOS pa fuera con elpanzon de el joe rivera time to retire like aurora joe goodbye y adios
I don't give a FUCK what ppl say my family and all our friends vote for CASCOS.
Carlos Cascos is as guilty and corrupt as they come. He is behind the scenes and knows exactly what is going on around the county just look who he has working for him as his right hand man the one and only corrupto CHRIS VALADEZ, and has anyone notice how buddy buddys he is with Arnold Flores and Arnold so buddy buddy with Lettie Perez la serpiente. should we continue Cascos leading Cameron County, I think not. We don't need one who takes from the poor to give to the rich and by that I mean all his people get a hefty pay with no qaulifications
We never learn, we will never get the County Jude seat back until we rid ourselves of Gilberto Hinojosa. He is the root of all the party's problems.
El quemado muere de ardor !!!get over it...and go do your job ..at the county clerks office ..you to are getting over paid to kiss ass.
Hinojosa is using the same hypocritical tactic that the Hernandezes use to attack their opponents. They accuse and smear others with filthy accusations of activities that they themselves are famous for. In this case, Gilberto Hinojosa is accusing Carlos Cascos of the very behavior that Hinojosa himself is responsible for. The corrupt judges, the former corrupt DA, Joe Rivera, Juan Magallanes, Sylvia Garza Perez are all products of Hinojosa's dirty power structure in Cameron County. Gilberto Hinojosa and his puppets are the poison killing this county.
You are the serpiente Sylvia Garza Perez.
democRATS blaming republicans for not investigating democRATS? idiots.
Hinojosa is a filthy clown.
Bola de ratas
Folks Hinajosa is a poisonous snake, that slithers.
Clown your mama ....
Although Hinojosa in my opinion is a complete imbecile, Cascos is just an inept public servant. He has done NOTHING for this county and his latest flyer is so full of crap, he should be wearing a diaper for god's sake.
* Taking credit for SpaceX when we know that BEDC was pretty much ass-kissing to get it here.
* Claims he has put money on public safety when the sheriff's department is understaffed and literally no budget.
* Taking credit for I-69 when we all know this is Perry's toll road pipe dream.
* I concede on the balanced budget because he doesn't spent shit on the county.
Anybody who thinks the Cascos has done any good for this damn county needs to have their heads examed.
Where!s no show joe? Think he can do better, NOT!
Hijinosa is a bully. He bullies voters...he bullies elected officials to retaliate against people he doesn't like and luis saenz is in bed with him. Luis saenz is having affairs with two of his employees. Lara and Erica and he received over $60000 from gameroom owners. People should know the truth.
an affar! who cares about his intimate life? I don't that is between him the girls and His wife. Personal problem Not public issue.
Hinajosa needs to be dem. chair in another state.
Hey why don't u post the porn stuffabout cascos.
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