When Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz was in the Democratic party primary runoff with Brownsville Navigation District Port commissioner Carlos Masso two short years ago, the latter enlisted the aid of Erasmo Castro, sister Linda and the Cheezmeh legion of minor demons.
They trashed Saenz and accused him of everything from infidelity to womanizing, and to Saenz being the target of criminal investigations by two juries. Erasmo Castro even designed the trademark black T-shirts with a "Cheezmasso" logo to signal their support for Carlos.
A local group – apparently irked by the antics of the Cheezmeh gang even came up with a graphic depicting Erasmo in the same body of Masso wearing the group's traditional black shirt.

Many of us wondered at the time how Erasmo – having been charged with numerous criminal offenses – had the chutzpah to go after a candidate for district attorney who could find out his background in a heartbeat.
Nonetheless, he did.
Later, there would be a falling out between the principals of the self-styled Cheezmeh nation and acrimony ensued after Erasmo made it clear that he was the only leader and that all homage should be paid to the Great Fromage.
But Erasmo had made enemies directing the group's targets and it wasn't long before a local blog came up with his rap sheet.
They found out that "a search of the National Criminal Records, Texas State Criminal Records, Cameron, Morris, Smith, Titus and Travis counties criminal records reflect that (he) DOB 01/20/1967, has the following three criminal records:
Erasmo Castro (DOB 1/20/67)
* 4/18/1994 - Felony forgery. Disposed on 4/25/1994. Probation.
*6/29/1997 - Misdemeanor Class B - Theft by check. Disposition Date: 4/23/1998. Guilty.
*10/15/1997 - Misdemeanor Class B - Theft by check (again). Disposition Date: 4/23/1998. Guilty."
Other searches on other websites indicates that a person with the same name and and the same birth date has operated at least two ministries and a public notary service up north and has sought bankruptcy protection at least twice to fend off his debtors.
When Saenz won, Masso was the first to congratulate him and endorse him, a kind of kiss and makeup play by both.
Well, now it's Cheezmeh and Saenz turn to kiss and make up to push back the frontiers of ignorance and injustice.
In a recent post on the web indicates that Saenz and Castro are partners in the never-ending battle against the criminal element seeking to destroy Western civilization as we know it.
Castro must have been titillated to post a cold case poster of a woman homicide victim that occurred 21 years ago.
It's commendable that Castro has mended his ways and is now partnering with the D.A. to find clues to the victim's assailants.
But some don;t think that the posting by Castro to show that he has the ear (and privately corresponds) with his former nemesis.
Erasmo, apparently, is in with Luis.
We guess we should applaud this very public example of rehabilitation. On the other hand, those in the community who grew jaded with the Castro's and Cheezmeh's antics have developed a more cynical outlook on any actions they may publicize. With Luis in his corner, anything is possible now.
Politics makes strange bed-fellows .
Cute pic of two snake heads.
Montoya, got one better for you! It seems that the fat stupid fucking pig in Elia Corn Hole bowed down to the likings of Noe Garza representing a thief who ripped off the elderly and young with handicaps. Some crook named Esquivel stole lots of money and got convicted. The pig gave him a five year sentence and squashed it so he can work and pay back the victims. HA! You really think that the crook will pay the victims back. Got one better! The DA asked for him not to work for any other home health care and she denied it? She made a oink comment that they would find out? And we complained about Abel Limas? The fat pig always bows down to Noe Garza who happens to be a generous contributor to her campaigns. We need to find someone to run against her for the owners and victims of this home health rip-off will remember!
Juan, Cheezmeh is covering the BISD election between Cesar Lopez, Luci Longoria, and Pacheco.
Vicente Esquivel is a dick, a legend of basketball in his own mind ,camon ripping off elderly and pleaded guilty to it
WTF you were busting Saenz' balls and supporting Masso. What's the difference between you and Erasmo? However, with Saenz only enforcing the law against 8-liners because he thinks a priest is an economist will not get him the vote in 2 years. He's been part of the system too long. Too many skeletons, we need new blood!
That slob felon erasmo is disgusting!
Isn't it Melissa Zamora who is the Bobby Wightman and Erasmo Castro ass kisser?
Luis Saenz is soooooo scared of Erasmo that he has gotten oh his knees and begged Erasmo from Brownsville Cheezmeh to not go against him come re-election that he cut a deal. Since when does a DA care what a paid con artist thinks or does...unless he is one himself? Everything originated from their mutual friend and public information officer Melissa Zamora. Melissa Zamora is responsible for leaking inside information to Bobby Whitman Cervantes and now Brownsville Cheezmeh. I for one will not vote for anyone that is affiliated with crooks, gossipers, liars, cons and extortionist.
Sorry Luis but you have proven to be unethical. I am very disappointed of your recent actions. I thought you had more balls but I guess Melissa took them from you and gave them to Bobby and Erasmo to squeeze when they feel like.
A lawyer will defend the devil if he pays him (attn: Noé)
Luis Saenz will not win again....
Apparently Luis Saenz (our DA )has made more enemies quicker than Melissa has changed lovers. It is concerning when you hear his staff doesn't respect him or want anything to do with him. Luis has earned the nickname as the Unapproachable DA. If you have money then you could see him... unless you go through Melissa and that will cost you dearly.
Because all of these comments revolve around Melissa, an educated guess (a wager where the odds are highly in favor of the guesser) would be that former (and spurned) DA Office employee Zeke Silva is behind many of them.
Additional identifying info that ties these comments to Zeke Silva include references to "Brownsville Cheezmeh", "Bobby Whitman" (as he's always said Whitman as opposed to Wightman), "balls" (male genitalia), and not to mention the poor grammar.
Zeke Silva needs to focus on his failing business, the money he's yet to pay back GBIC for not adhering to the contract, GMC, and a slew of personal problems, rather than his endless trek to hurt people which is fueled by jealousy, vindictiveness and greed.
He should further embrace, with sincerity, his "God-Bless-the-Beautiful-People" personal Facebook postings. Live by those words, Zeke, and BE HAPPY.
By the way, since you're on the topic of balls this, balls that, and stolen balls, did yours ever drop?
The NACO intelligence service just released a report seeing the DA and Chizme holding Hands and French kissing. The plan to fly to Las Vegas and tie the Knot.
It's interesting to know that luis saenz is having affairs with two of his employees. Erica and Laura and that he took over $60000 from casinos for campaigns contributions that was never reported.
Ha! Ha! Now even his "friends" are turning on Saenz! Bola de mensos! Luis, Cris, Zeke: the lowest of the low!
Luis Saenz days as DA are numbered, enjoy it while you can.
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