Some of our regular readers probably know that we are not in favor of the City of Brownsville's "sale" of relocated Lincoln Park to the University of Texas System for a song.
More than one commenter to the blogs have charged that the $6.5 million price quoted by the city administration and UT System-lovestruck mayor and two city commissioners is a sweetheart deal that will see the 48 acres of prime city property go to the oil-and-gas wealthy UT System for a song.

Gowen is a pedal pusher who is a staunch supporter of making Brownsville the bicycle capital of South Texas and using tons of public money to do it. Included in the Request For Proposals the city offered UT is a promise to dedicate city property to construct a myriad of bike trails throughout the city and even county property.
Portillo, who used to be the secretary for the shadow government parasitic entity known as United Brownsville, has since been installed as one of the three co-chairs of the publicly-funded entity. City commissioner Estela Vasquez-Chavez, also a member of United Brownsville and an attorney, was bypassed in favor of Portillo. The Portillos once rented property from Abraham Galonsky for their jewelry store which has since been moved to Sunrise Mall. Galonsky was able to finagle a sale of half a block of buildings to the city for a mind-boggling $2.3 million. It didn't hurt that the lawyer representing him in the negotiations with the city was the matyor's legal firm partner Horacio Barrera, also, incidentally Galonsky's neighbor.
It is obvious that neither commissioners Vasquez-Chavez, Ricardo Longoria, or even John Villarreal, are considered of the silk-stocking crowd or entitled to sit at the master's table presided by Martinez, Portillo and Gowen.
But be that as it may, the commissioner who actually represents the area – District 1 commissioner Longoria – has told constituents asking about the relocation of the park if the sale is closed, that John Bruziak, the manager of the Public Utility Board, has promised him that the utility will use chemicals to mitigate the stench of sewage emanating from the treatment plant.
The city plans to relocate the park on real estate directly across the treatment plant.
When UT offiicals came to see the properties in the city's RFP, they literally turned their noses up at the flatulent aroma wafting from the plant and which would have been directly in front of the proposed campus site. They politely said "no."

Longoria apparently thinks that Bruziak's promise is as good as Portillo's gold and as vigorous as Gowen's pedal-pushing legs. But all he has to do is ask for a map that shows where the smell-mitigating chemicals have been placed in the various lift stations and treatment plants across the city and he will see that the PUB and its administration car every little if the barrios have to bear the smells.
We did.
Of about 60 applications of the chemicals by PUB, the overwhelming majority were made in areas north of Boca Chica Boulevard and perhaps only one or two to lift stations in the Southmost, Las Prietas and downtown areas.
Suddenly now, because of Da Mayor and Gowen's rapture with the UT System and their desire to entice its regents with a gift of Lincoln Park, does Longoria believe that Bruziak and the board of PUB directors will develop a sense of social justice overnight?
Who cares? Brownsville is a 3rd. World village. It's citizens (mostly illegals) contribute nothing to the state of Texas. You get what you deserve. 95% of the people are on the government tit. Corruption is perfectly exceptable, it's almost as if you are part of Mexico. I recommend traveling past the check point if you are able to cross. There you will see what the United states look like. Thank you Rrun rrun for keeping me informed on how miserable life along the border is.
They this region the "Magic Valley" because it takes Magic to live on 100 bucks a week .
According to the NACO intelligence agency, Dr. Gowena will travel to the Congo to treat Ebola patients and open bicycle trails in Cobra infested areas. A great humanitarian feat initiated by the good doctor. She will be bestowed with the Order of the Stillman Shack. Da mayor will make the presentation..
Suck it up jojo or get back to where you belong
Longoria looks ridiculous in that half-ass custom, he knows shit about the charro culture...
This clown is like sticky dog shit the more you rub your boot on the high grass, the more it spreads. Rick Longoria has no clue on how to be a father and less of a clue how to run a city. That's why his wife went with another man who really knows how to satisfy her. Pinche buey mamon!
Home Health Care Worker Facing Charges in Multiple Cases
BROWNSVILLE - A home health care worker was in a Cameron County courtroom to face Elia Cornhole Lopez in multiple criminal cases.
Vicente Esquivel worked for a Brownsville home health care business for a decade. Prosecutors said he was defrauding clients and the state for years.
Esquivel pled guilty to theft and record tampering charges. He was accused of stealing from both clients and the company.
Prosecutors said Esquivel convinced the mother of one client to sign over her son's government benefits directly to him. Thousands of dollars went into Esquivel's pocket rather than the client's care.
Assistant District Attorney Art Teniente said, "He basically tricked her and convinced her to write all these checks and all the money, to about $13,000, to where there was no care."
The district attorney said he billed for phantom patients, phantom hours and phantom employees.
Esquivel told the Lopez his former employer directed him to file the phony bills. Prosecutors said multiple audits and investigations have shown that is not true.
Esquivel's former employer said there is computer software to detect fraud, but it didn't work in this case.
The attorney for the home health care agency Henry Juarez said, "There are lots of safeguards to keep just anybody from taking money from the state, fraudulently billing and saying 'You owe me.' Sadly there's nothing in the system to protect the employer from an employee doing the same."
Lopez sentenced Esquivel to a total of five years in prison but "suspended" that sentence so that Esquivel could continue to work and pay back the money he owes.
The assistant district attorney in the case asked Lopez to prohibit Esquivel from working in the home health care industry while he works to pay that restitution. Lopez denied that request. Lopez said home health care employers will find this case, and think twice about hiring him as a result.
*First of all, the victims will never see that money because the Probation Office won't keep up with it.
*Second of all, the CCDA actually accpepted this plea bargain? Teinente is a coward and bowed to Noe Garza
*Third of all, Lopez is an idiot for not ordering that this thief stay out of the health care business. If this idiot in Lopez really believes that healt companies will find out, SHE is just stupid!
And you're still an idiot.
Jo-Jo , being a great contributor to Da Mayor' great accomplishments , is proud to announce great events by our illustrious city fathers, err, women too.
Longorino looks cute in that Hollow -Winnie costume . Dress to spook !!!
I still believe that Julieta Garcia has her eye on Lincoln Park for her new boondoggle job with the UT System. She is surely trying to reinforce the current UT campus her by finding a site for her new digs. And Tony Martinez is her man/pawn to get her way. With all the talk about having a unified university....the fight over minutia is on. Seems that mascots are more important to students than education or organization for education. Have you read the article in Texas Monthly about the mascot fight. Makes Brownsville look like whiners.
I remember seeing Logorino wearing that costume when he was 10 years old. Que cute se ve el huerco lepe !
Que cute se ve Longorino. I used to watch him running descalzo around the barrio when he was nine years old. He was still wearing his silly costume. It still fits him. el huerco lepe aún se ve muy bien y cachetón.
cute... y esa panza. Not cute!
He satisfies one chick quite well according to her. In her hidden love running around in fear of getting caught by her siblings. Getting dropped off just to get laid.
girlfriend the dude has neighbors and you are no small carrot. Even with your gastric bypass.
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