That blast Sunday half-page ad by Brownsville Independent School District school board candidate for Position 1 reminds us a another candidate who called on motherhood, apple pie and the defense of a woman's virtue when he couldn't argue withy substance.
In the last primary, a county commissioner candidate challenged his opponent to step outside and "settle this thing man to man" when his wife's involvement in his campaign – a district judge who is supposed to stay away from partisan politic – was pointed out.
Lopez is in a four-way race for the position with two other candidates besides Luci Longoria, but he has targeted her from day one with his attack on her suing the BISD over the majority (Lopez, Otis Powers, Minerva Peña, and Jose Chirinos) for – among other things – not allowing the placement of item on the agenda after the board adopted the policy requiring three board members' signatures before it was placed on a board agenda.

Since then, Longoria and Catalina Presas-Garcia's agenda items have been excluded from the board's consideration. Lopez could easily demonstrate that he respects the women's First Amendment right and their freedom of speech by simply signing on to place the items on the agenda and allow the public to determine the correctness of the issues in a healthy open debate.
Instead, he has chosen to go along with the others and effectively gagged them and went along with the majority's agenda.
(That's Lopez with the Ernie and Norma Hernandez vote-harvesting machine's politiquero Joey Garza during a casino fundraising event.)
It's one thing for a lunatic blogger to besmirch Longoria's mortality and alleged character flaws, but it its quite another for someone to mouth their respect for a fellow board member and claim he respects her freedom of speech and then gag them by simply omitting his signature to let them have their say.
If Lopez's mom (he brought her up in a newspaper ad, not Longoria) taught him to respect others, then he should respect her and not get her involved in an ad where he attacks his opponent for being "negative."
Lopez's main platforms seem to be focused on the $2 million lawsuit brought by both women against him and the majority of the board, the lawyer, and the administration of the BISD. But he knows that the original motions filed in court aim high and eventually settle for the cost of legal representation and a much smaller amount. Longoria has pledged to use money damages paid her to set up a fund to help teachers defray expensed for instructional equipment so it doesn't come out of their pocket.
Interestingly, the ad that Lopez objected to as "negative" states the following.
Q: Cesar Lopez says he wants to spend your money on teachers and students, but where was he when we voted on the Employee Compensation Plan?
Answer: He was Missing In Action and absent from the June 25 Special Board Meeting where the BISD administration passed a plan with no raises for teachers. I abstained in protest.
Q: And where was he when the majority gave records manager Martin Arambula a $15,000 increase – $75,940 to $90,061 – making more than 53 campus principals who are responsible for the education of hundreds of students and the supervision of teachers, staff, and campus security?
Answer: Cesar was certainly there for his pal Martin to vote for what I believed then – and still believe now – was an unjustified pay increase. I voted against it.
Q: And where was he July 15 when the board majority voted to hire two extra Area Assistant Superintendents not included in the 2014-2015 Adopted Budget or Compensation Plan and not posted correctly on the agenda, a violation of the Open Meetings Act?
Answer: Cesar was there for these highly-paid administrators and voted for the hires despite the apparent illegality. I stood up for teachers and other deserving professionals and voted against it.
The Brownsville Herald is a stickler for documentation on political ads. We're sure that the advertising executives, the publisher, and the paper's lawyers scoured the ad and the documentation for inaccuracies.
If anything, the statements above are based on facts provided the newspaper by Longoria. That the facts cast Lopez in a negative light and he didn't like what he saw is like the mean godmother accusing the mirror of her defects.
Did Cesar's mom (God bless her) ever teach him the Spanish saying: La verdad no duele, pero incomoda?
Luci's ads aren't negative, she's stating Cesar's unethical conduct. You're right Juan if Cesar respected his colleague as he does the others, he would approve her agendas to be placed with no problem.
What are they trying to hide and keep from the public? Doesn't send out a good message.
Good job Juan and Luci my hats off to you, we are behind you!
This is an interesting article. However, I question why Ms. Longoria only attacks Mr. Lopez in the ad by saying he is not the third member to approve her agenda items for discussion. Why not attack the other three board members who do not feel it is worthy of discussion. After all they have been on the board much longer. Yes you have freedom of speech Lucy, but Mr. Lopez has freedom of silence and maybe your agenda items are not worth the board's time. Past actions by Cata and you have resulted in the board taking action to conduct business and you think your civil rights have been violated. You need to take a real good look at yourself.
Cesar/aka Mr. Nicey in Pink!!! Quit tippy-toeing thru the tulips with a Pit-Bull on your heels....salivating for your hot seat. That is not the way elections are won in Cameron county!! Luci had no problem hitting YOU below your tiny strap-
Cesar, you don't have to go below the belt for Luci--just tap her where its sounds hollow--Her head!!
How Joey the thief isn't in jail is an Lopez can associate and work with him shows bad judgment. ..birds of a feather stick together I guess.
So a Luci le incomoda la verdad!!! No me digas!!! Luci no trabaja con la verdad!
On June 25th he was at his Campaign Kick-off party. Cesar is a joke, now he remembers his mother? He didn't remember her at his party, he was embarrassed to introduce her because she lives in Cameron Park and everybody knows her in Cameron Park.
If this is how he treats his mother it's no surprise he doesn't respect other women.
Vote NO for Cesar!
Cesar Lopez is an imposter and a puppet going along with the others votes their way and doesn't matter to him if it's right or wrong. Don't need a puppet that's for sure.
Robert Lopez tiene termites.
It is a known fact that López was placed on the Board to "protect" the special interests and monies that flow to the thieving hands of the controlling board. I.e. Contracts, jobs. Group health insurance ( 50 millions)' etc. If you want his thievery to continue, then go ahead vote for him !
Why bother to vote for Cesar?
Why bother to vote for Lucy? There are 2 other candidates, surely they are better than these ratas.
Cesar is a bonafied retard. His ethics are a thing to be questioned because he has none. I see a future in a striped jumpsuit for the corrupt young man.
That's the Joey Garza that stole from the Hospice ?
You know a person by their friends.
César López tiene hormigas en el fundió.
I was at the Farmers Market two Saturdays ago and everyone from Mr. Lopez's family was there campaigning for him. I got a flyer from his mother (she said " I am his mom" ), Mr. Lopez was also there. I went as a guest to a lunchon for retired persons sponsored by AARP. Most of the people there had been Brownsville ISD employees. Coach Joe Rodriguez and Robert Rodriguez were there working the room, smiling, being nice and giving out flyers. I question the fact that people spend thousands of dollars for a position that does not pay a penny. The verbal expression "for the children" is way over used. The road to hell is paved by "good intentions". I really dont believe in the words of any of these people.
Stop all this bullshit, at least Cesar is now running for his position which he should have not hand pick by the four worthless corrupt thieves. If you vote for this piece of shit Cesar than you deserve shit.
Cesar says putting students first, well he should put his newborn baby first. Having his wife by him til midnight at a fundraiser instead of being a mother to his newborn is very irresponsible in my book.
Must be lonely being so cynical. Hopefully, some people still believe in doing for the public good. I like to believe this until proven wrong. With your mentality you will most likely be lonely at the end of the road.
School board races should not be this ugly.. Juan Montoya, Luci Longora and Cata la Rata are the scum of the earth. Iam sure you wont allow this comment for viewing Juanito, but its ok Karma is a bitch..
Vote for Carlos,
Vote for Shirly,
Vote for Luci.
Comment oct. 13 at 5:34.. you are the corrupt worthless scum of the earth. The truth hurts doesn't it the facts are the you ignorant thing.
The mere fact Cesar and Minerva Pena condon Baltazar's corrupt ways says a lot about them. Bad, bad, news. Minerva you aren't fooling anyone but yourself.
Hey Jaime if you want to blame anyone for your pain blame Cesar, Minerva, Otis, Chirinos Salazar and yourself and your greed, but mostly blame Minerva she's going around pressuring everyone including Cesar's campaign manager. She's the snake, watch out.
Hey Catita it is so obvious that you are the one posting the comments on Mr. Powers, Mr. Chirinos, Mr. Lopez & Mrs. Pena. Why do you dislike them so much? If you put your energy in improving your life you would not be so hateful to other people.
Hey Caty, Who is Jaime? Do you know something Caty, that you are just itching to tell??????? Come on spill it!
So you all are for Lucy??? She is suing your dumb-asses... How can she run and suing BISD (us Tax payers) Shit if Ill vote for her
Jaime Escobedo.
You idiots, she's a tax payer also and she pays her taxes, not like Minerva Pena that doesn't pay them.and she's b itching about taking taxpayers dollars.
Minerva have you paid your taxes?? Or are you still stealing from the Bids students and teachers?? You are such a two face witch, and really look like one with that ugly black hair.
Just ask Cesar how much money he has received from Bribes . group insurance. Transportation , school supplies, the Shyster attorney, etc. Etc.
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