(Ed.'s note: No one has quite the same inimitable style to put things in perspective as does our locally-esteemed scribe Dr. G.F. McHale Scully. While some may find some of the characterizations objectionable, the message in the following missive is dead on. Here, without his permission, are his latest observations on United Brownsville and the pilferage of the public's money by the alphabet soup of brigands named GBIC, BCIC and BEDC)
By Dr. G.F. Mchale-Scully
United Brownsville is the shadowy government ruled by Julieta "La Santissima Putissima" Garcia, Carlos "El Mago" Marin and Fred "The Kraut" Rusteberg. They operate as Mayor Tony "Tormenta" Martinez's kitchen cabinet.
County Judge Carlos Cascos from the beginning refused to commit the county to this wasteful venture. Rumor has TSC opting out next year.
"UB has been a con job from the beginning," continued the same journalist. "Former Mayor Eddie 'Panocha' Trevino gave Marin, his patron, $1 million to publish a comic book called Imagine Brownsville. Since they had to show something tangible for their efforts, they promoted the shell game now known as United Brownsville."
But UB is a mere distraction hardly worth a penny compared to the million-dollar boondoggles that the Greater Brownsville Incentive Corporation (GBIC) and the Brownsville Economic Development Council (BEDC) have foisted on the community.
Their list of failures is endless: Titan Wheel International, Allison Manufacturing, Neoplan USA, Woodway Manufacturing, Horace Small Apparel, Taylorcraft Aviation and BWD Automotive are only a few of the colossal fiascoes.
"GBIC and BEDC just spent millions on an industrial park that doesn't have one plant in it," said the former Herald writer. "It was nothing more than an insider real estate deal. But then the relationship between GBIC and BEDC is nothing more than an insider deal. The former has sunk millions in the latter's bureaucratic black hole. BEDC makes one bad decision after another because the same players are cheating at the game."
Those players include the notable con artists who comprise BEDC's board: Marin, Trevino, Mayor Tony Martinez, Port Director Eddie Campirano, PUB Board Member Manny Vasquez and UTB puppet Irv Downing among other fawning wannabes.
Jason "Jackass" Hilts is BEDC's CEO. Several years ago he spent thousands on the company credit card for personal items. When Brownsville Convention & Visitors Bureau's Mike Gonzalez--not UB's front man--was nabbed doing the same thing, his board fired him. Hilts, to the bewilderment of all logical thinkers, has been the recipient of several substantial raises since that incident.
Since GBIC sits on millions, Hilts counts on board members Sandra "Long Legs" Langley and Ed "Can't Get Out of Bed" Sikes for money to underwrite exotic trips around the world that produce nothing but an exotic vacation for public officials.
"When CEO Jason Hilts appears before the GBIC board, his mission is two-fold--tantalize the board with their favorite buzzwords indicating economic growth and reassure the members that his tireless efforts on the city's behalf justify his six-figure income and lavish travel," wrote Jim "Balls" Barton in his blog Mean Mister Brownsville.
"Hilts is a salesman and those in sales are always aware of the need to sell themselves."
Hilts is the ultimate huckster. He talks a good game, but his accomplishments are few and far between. Rather than endorsing luring an Olive Garden into the Manautou Building downtown and constructing a 10,000 seat near Veterans Memorial Bridge to spur economic development, he'd rather give Oscar "El Sapo" Garcia thousands to amuse himself on a hair-brain scheme.
"GBIC and BEDC have never been anything but a slush fund for the likes of UTB's Garcia, the Ku Klux Kardenas Klan and Bill Hudson," concluded the ex-columnist. "United Brownsville's days are number. Gonzalez doesn't even vote in Brownsville.
"But GBIC and BEDC are far more evil entities. Why doesn't my one-time newspaper investigate the dark side of the new industrial park? The daily would find that GBIC and BEDC are in cahoots with the usual thieves and, as usual, they are raping and pillaging the taxpayer."
Under the administration of Tony Martinez, the direction of public policy has been focused on supporting Julieta Garcia and United Brownsville is a Julieta Garcia "shadowy" government. All of the cities direction has been downtown and supporting Julieta in her battles with the UT System. In taking this direction Tony Martinez has eliminate public input from all policy planning....because only by cutting public input could he keep his policy goals secret....public input would have called his bluff. Tony Martinez is not a leader and has played Julieta's game for too long. Tony is Julieta's "Fool" and has proven to be exceptional in that role.
Luci and Caty are the only board members that don't support these guys.
Excellent piece....hope the feds are paying attention.
A bunch of White Collar criminals operating under the guise of "GoodGovernment".
puros mamones los de Brownsville united,
Da Mayor disguised as a Congalero was seen leading the United Bro gang doing the Rhumba and La Conga . Da Mayor then changed his costume to a Rumbero with Galloping Gonzo following his butt.
Hey, lay off, McHale. Your comments are just sour grapes cause you are out of the loop of bribes, kickbacks, and money-under-the-table. "Tony Soprano" Martinez is the best mayor money can buy.
El Macho Gavacho strikes again !
Shyster lawyers are getting" worser and worser" . They are the ones that are hired to do the dirty laundry; because they have a license to steal. Only In the good USA.
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