Furtive phone calls, dropped hints, and good old horse trading are going on behind the scenes as the passengers aboard the SS Brownsville Independent School District start rearranging the deck chairs following this year's election.
New member "Coach" Joe Rodriguez who claims he has a board member for more than 30 years has been heard buttonholing fellow board members asking that they make Jose Chirinos the new board president and Oscar Lopez vice-president. Otis Powers, currently president, is not making any waves and is hoping for the best.

Rule out Catalina Presas-Garcia as well. She and Luci Longoria, who will be replaced by Lopez, couldn't even get a third vote to put items on the agenda, much less an officer's position.
Minerva Peña would dearly love to be president or vice-president, but as the saying by Mark Twain goes, she would do better not to make a peep.
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt," he said.
Rodriguez has worn just about every hat imaginable to milk a living from the BISD. After capping his legendary career as coach of the Brownsville Golden Eagles with a devastating loss to Seguin in 1969, he was a member of the BISD board on and off. After creating the position of Athletic Director, he resigned from the board to take that job compliments of his buddies on the board.
It's interesting that the board chamber will now be filled by members who have racked up an unenviable record for mismanaging the district's moneys or are in some way directly involved in the purchase and distribution of contracts for the district's services.
Lopez, for example, was the director of purchasing for the Mercedes Independent School District when he was tapped by the late board president Enrique Escobedo to complete the unexpired term of trustee Christina Saavedra. As purchasing agent for the MISD, he was instrumental in recommending the awarding of the surveillance contract for American Surveillance, the company jointly owned by Escobedo and his brother. A lawsuit in federal court filed by Presas-Garcia and Longoria allege that his appointment was part of a quid-pro-quo for the company getting the contract.
Now Lopez is a member of the Texas Buy Board, an entity which can directly influence where the BISD does business.
Chirinos kept something called an "Activity/Motivational Fund Account" in his budget which came from the profits of the vending machines at Transportation against BISD policy. There were no accounting of the proceeds. After the audit, the money now goes to the district's miscellaneous revenue fund like all other departments. It was, in other words, Chirinos had a slush fund.
The auditors found an inventory that kept steadily growing from 2007-2008 to 2010-2011, finally decreasing in 2011-2012, when Chirinos was gone.
* During those four years, the accumulated inventory increased by $325,868. It wasn't until Arturo Rendon took over in the 2011-2012 budget that it decreased by $277,749.
* Of the 3,841 parts with a value of $792,535 in inventory, approximately 698 items with a value of $89,144 had become obsolete. They no longer fit any of the buses on the district's fleet. The district had to eat the loss.
* The useful life of 46 tires worth $5,020 had expired. These tires could no longer be used or sold.
* Variances in the inventory due to "miscounts, theft, disposal or removal from inventory without corresponding record" totaled $16,092.
The auditors recommended that the department implement a "just in time" outsource method with vendors that would reduce inventory, and save warehouse space and costs. That "JIT" system is now in place.

* Curious to see whether a sample audit of 200 fixed-assets would turn up any discrepancies, the auditors found that a camera worth $589, a battery backup worth $477, at least four radios worth over $300 and an external hard drive worth $263 were missing.
* During a 100 percent fixed-assets inventory, auditors discovered that 11 items totaling $100,377 could not be located in the department.
But it was the overtime budget under Chirinos that caused the most concern for the auditors. Until he left, the overtime charges ballooned unchecked. When asked about it, Chirinos said that the unions and the past administration prevented him from acting. Here's a breakdown by year:
Overtime Pd. Increase
2008-2009 $2,142,468
2009-2010 $2,976,557 $834,089
"Coach" Joe didn't fare much better.
That audit found “that no doubt the Athletic Department in general and Tom Chavez in particular exercised undue influence and misuse of authority in choosing BSN Sports, through their sales rep. Joe Rodriguez "in purchasing uniforms and other sports supplies for Manzano Middle School and Veterans Memorial High School for the 2010-2011 school year."
It was the opinion of the Forensic Audit Staff that no doubt the Athletic Department in general and Tom Chavez in particular exercised undue influence and misuse of authority in choosing BNS Sports, through their sales rep.(Rodriguez) particularly in the purchasing of uniforms and other sports supplies for Manzano Middle School and Veterans Memorial High School in school year 2010-2011.
(This) resulted in close to $500,000 of purchases being given to Chavez's close friend and former A.D Rodriguez. Chavez allowed he and Joe Rodriguez's personal relationship to interfere with what should have been a business decision causing a potential loss of revenue to be sustained by the district. The Forensic Audit Staff recommended that a no-solicitation clause be included in future employment contracts and that BISD make a determination with respect to a (vendor such as BNS) whose representative (Joe Rodriguez) issued a threat over the telephone to file a lawsuit against the district.
"It is the opinion of the (auditors) that Chavez and his AD staff afforded BNS preferential treatment to the detriment of the district. Consideration should be given to administrative action disciplining Tom Chavez with termination as a consideration."
So what did Rodriguez react to this issue:
He filed a lawsuit against the auditor, of course, and chose as his attorney none other than Rick Zayas,a former BISD trustee who was beaten by Longoria in the 2010 election.
Then there's Otis Powers. Powers loves his freebies, compliments of the various vendors with the district. He has half of the herd of deer in South Texas stuffed on the walls of his financial consultant's office on Price Road. The hunting trips cost money, but not to Otis.
So you see, boys and girls, the business of the BISD is business. And with the new majority on the board, it'll be business as usual.
So what did Rodriguez react to this issue:
He filed a lawsuit against the auditor, of course, and chose as his attorney none other than Rick Zayas,a former BISD trustee who was beaten by Longoria in the 2010 election.
Then there's Otis Powers. Powers loves his freebies, compliments of the various vendors with the district. He has half of the herd of deer in South Texas stuffed on the walls of his financial consultant's office on Price Road. The hunting trips cost money, but not to Otis.
So you see, boys and girls, the business of the BISD is business. And with the new majority on the board, it'll be business as usual.
After reading the article, the only choice for Board President is Cata. She has not stolen any money and has not given any money to anybody in the community. Vote for Cata for President.
Please unseat Otis Powers....he's an idiot.
what a meeting. Minnie wanted to push her own agenda, have some special "hirings" go under the radar and get them approved.
Minnie you showed your true colors tonight!! next time please show some respect and fairness to the newly elected board members. your actions and words were very disrespectful. your hires will probably get voted in on Monday, don't worry, where else are they gonna go for work?? UTB?
Your corruptness really showed this evening Minnie.
Boring shit
You go into a lot of detail on the other board members' past, but you don't post any of CATA's
past misgivings. You don't even make any attempt to be "fair and balanced. PLEASE print equal coverage.
S. O. S. ( La Même Merd)
What about the lawsuit she did back in Jan 2002.
The $7000.00+ stolen from the aquatic center.
The current ONE MILLION? ????
He would never do it.
Remember the only check he gets comes from Cata's pedaling vendors .
You forgot to mentioned Herman , Petunia. Chorines. Hiring the Vendors derrières for the usual Shekels.
Please try to comprehend the following:
1. There were 5 members physically present (more than a quorum) to conduct (vote) business, so there was NOT need to re-schedule.
2. Do you realize your actions are costing the district$$$$, as some attorneys had traveled several hundred miles, to conduct busines at this meeting?
3. Other districts conducted business, you were the only ones who didn't. Not good to start off ...tsk tsk.
4. Are you "new board members" becoming a carbon copy of the crybabies we, the community don't want?
The "DIE" has been cast. Let the games began .
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