A movement to convince the Cameron County commissioners court to appoint Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez to county judge may be bordering on illegality and force the portly representative to resign his position if it is determined that it constitutes him announcing he is a candidate for the post.

Also, longtime Sanchez supporter Nolan Perez has been flooding the social media with an announcement asking his supporters to "join us as a host on December 3 evening at Harlingen Country Club for a fundraiser for Dan Sanchez for judge, thanks, Nolan."
Do the published statement that he is interested in the position and the campaign activity of his close supporters constitute an announcement of Sanchez's candidacy for the position?
If so, the Texas Association of Counties website states that "the Texas Constitution provides that it is an automatic resignation for an officeholder to announce candidacy or file for a public office other than the one currently held if more than a year and 30 days remain in the term."
Sanchez was re-elected to a four year term in the Nov. 4 general election and will be sworn in January 1.
The association's website, answers the question "What does it mean to 'announce' candidacy for purposes of 'resign to run?"
"According to the Attorney General,a public officer may trigger an automatic resignation by making "certain and public" announcements on candidacy such as that a reasonable person would conclude the officer without qualification intends to be a candidate for an office other than the one currently held.
If Sanchez is taken at his word that he is a candidate for the appointment, it would seem to trigger the constitutionally mandated resignation and he would remain in a holdover in the position until Cascos appoints someone to represent Pct. 4.
Cascos counts with at least one vote on the court (Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza). If Sanchez steps down, Cascos could then appoint someone else to take Sanchez's place. When and if, the commissioners court accepts Cascos' resignation effective Jan. 20 when he gets sworn in as Texas Secretary of State, this would give Cascos time to be able to vote for his successor.
Such BS. The position isn't yet even available.
The Republican Party. The Party of Voter Suppression !!!
Dan Sanchez is very near the bottom of any list for County Judge. His weight makes him a health risk...either he will die of consumption or he will eat his constituency. Dan Sanchez, Sofia Benavides and Joe Rivera should not be considered.....all are obese and incompetent. Let the games begin..."Name that County Judge"....
To the parasites, pushing for fundraisings, fundraisings for what? It is not an election campaign, it is by appointment, no need for fundraising, pinches ratas.
Hopefully they will consider someone who is not currently on the County Commission and someone who is not under Gilberto Hinojosa's influence...including Joe "Gordo" Rivera.
Hey Nolan. I know you read this. You told me. Stop sucking Sanchez off. Please understand this:
I'm sure he appreciates the $10,000 he received from Doctors Hospital/Alonzo Cantu. YOU made it happen. WE ALL know that.
I wonder if a case can be made that the big bad democrat Sanchez is taking money from Republicans like you? The Dem Party would not approve of Danno.
You have to stay AWAKE to run a Commissioners' Court meeting, Dan.
Terry Vinson for county judge
Interesting. However, I think it would only apply to his current term. His newly elected term has yet to begin. Even if forced out today, he'd be sworn in Jan 1 as Precinct 4 commish. this according to my law degree I acquired through facebook.
Since the " Sec. Of State" was born in Old Mexico, the Party of NO has issued deportation papers. Cong. Gohmert and Sen. McConnel are all jumping with Joy and delight . Their hearts couldn't be more ecstatic with the paper work.
Where was Fat Sanchez, when the election for the County Judge was being held? He claims he is, "SO"interested in the position! Why didn't he put his balls on for the election? As a matter of fact! Where were all of you chicken shit cowards, that are coming out of the wood works now, asking for support for the position? None! Not one of you had the balls to go head to head with Cascos! Mr. Rivera, was the only one with the balls to resign from his position, and run against Cascos! Sure, he came up short, but compared to you cowards, he was way ahead! Bunch of, "sin verguenzas". No shame, or pride, begging for a position to be handed to you without putting in any campaign work! Commissioners if you are smart, you'll support the only man who had any pride and balls to go against Cascos! The rest of you, go find your balls!
Crisóforo Valadez for County Judge in 3014. !
you moron Rivera did not RESIGN Shit , he is still the County Clerk until December 31, 2014 , do your homework idiot...... you must be looking for balls ,,,
May the Fleas of a 1000 Camels infest the Belly- Button of Slimo Sánchez .
To the moron that says Republicans suppress voters: either you want illegals to vote or you think the valley population is too stupid to go to DPS and get a photo ID. Or maybe you are so stupid that you are unaware of the various ID avenues that can be taken . In this world,
you need an ID for EVERYTHING moron.
I personally don't make a big deal being named a Texas Sec. Of State; it is basically a perfunctory, ceremonial , political appointment given to a political hack whether a Dem or a Repub.
Pendejo! In throwing his hat in for the county judge seat, he resigned from his position at the end of his term! Win or lose, he won't be the county clerk come the new year! Get your facts straight! Fucken idiot! And if you wanna see my balls, place you name and call me out, I guarantee I'll FSU!
The Moron's response: PAPERS PLEASE .
To the Moron that called the Moron a Moron : "May the Fleas of a 1000 Camels infest you Armpits , "
The NACO Intelligence Agency has just confirmed that Dan is carrying a secret Watermelon behind his Belly button. Customs officials failed to discover the contraband.
The watermelon weighed 250 lbs. the contraband was discovered by a sharp eagle-eye customs NACO.
Sanchez is a slovenly pig and a disgrace. Everywhere he goes he looks like he just crawled out of bed and slept in his clothes!
The boy should try looking in the mirror. What a mess. Lose some weight dude.
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