Friday, November 7, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Judge Art Cisneros-Nelson, of the 138th District Court, has issued a Temporary Restraining Order on a motion by Luis Saenz and Matthew Kendall to stop the "illegal" conveyance of Lincoln Park to the University of Texas System.
Saenz filed the motion acting as a private citizen and not as the Cameron County District Attorney.
Saenz, who has been outspoken in his opposition to the "gift" by the City of Brownsville to the UT System declined to make a statement prior to the filing, merely saying that they would file today.
The TRO will not necessarily reverse the city commission vote, but it will give both side a chance Nov. 19 to argue why the process to turn over the park to the university should be stopped and if a referendum to let the people vote on whether they want it to be sold or not should be held.
The process was initiated in 2012 when the city submitted a response to the UT System's Request For Proposals and included the conveyance of the 48-acre park. At that time, all of the commissioners and the mayor agreed to convey the park as part of a larger package of incentives to entice the UT System to keep the university campus downtown.
Lincoln Park was moved from the island when the extension of US 77-83 was made to link it to the new Los Tomates (Veterans ) Bridge.
More than 250 people showed up at a public hearing at Gonzalez Park – Saenz included – to speak out against the gift of the park to the UT RGV, the successor to UTB. UTRGV said it will pay $6.5 million to move the amenities in Lincoln Park to the new site. An independent appraisal showed that the land could be worth between $11 to $21 million at fair market value.
The proposed site is located directly across the street from a sewage treatment plant.
Nonetheless, this Tuesday the majority of the commission – by a 4-3 vote – approved the gift of the ark to the university.
Those voting in favor were Mayor Tony Martinez, commissioners Rose Gowen, Deborah Portillo, and Estela Vasquez-Chavez.
Those voting against the gift were Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, Ricardo Longoria and John Villarreal.
When he gave his remarks before the 250 or so residents who showed up for the public hearing at Gonzalez, Saenz read from prepared remarks that said:
"Please turn around and look at these people behind you. These are the folks you are going to rape by taking their park. This is not who U.T. is or stands for. Take a step back and ask yourself 'What would Barbara Jordan say about this taking'. What are the headlines of the American Statesman and the Daily Texan going to read? 'U.T. takes city park from the poorest neighborhood in Brownsville and gives them an empty lot next to sewer plant.'
Saenz reminded UT that when it came here in 1991, it relied on the local population to subsidize the construction of most of its buildings.
"The people of Brownsville have already contributed more than their fair share. Through the partnership with TSC, U.T. has grown and prospered. I would say that when U.T. came to Brownsville, before entering into the partnership, U.T. was driving a Ford Focus; at end of partnership, U.T. drove away in a Cadillac. The people of Brownsville are still paying for the buildings and property you took. You took the assets and left us with the liabilities."
He then appealed to their better sensibilities.
"You are much better than this; your standards are much higher than this. You are the University of Texas. Do the right thing. Respect the wishes of the people of Brownsville. Do not take Lincoln Park from us."

Martinez, Longoria, Tetreau, and Chavez Vasquez, a full majority, are up for reelection in 2015.


Anonymous said...

Great job Mr. Saenz.... it should be up to the Citizens.....

Charlie brown said...

Juan i agree we have paid too much taxes for the TSC/UTB partnership to whose benefit? And now UTB wants more? How come UTB was never allowed to tap into the PUF Permanent University funds which currently has about $ 11.8 billion dollars mas o menos? I have always wondered why the local folks had to foot all these bills by way of taxes for so mnay years and now wants us to give them Lincoln park? I think it time to pull the plug and stop all of this coruption and money grabbers. Good grief

Anonymous said...

You know who is behind all of this.

Anonymous said...

Come on now Luis,

UTB didn't take anything. TSC built a new campus and it is still there. Is the City wrong in gifting the Lincoln Park property to the University? Absolutely. But don't use this fight by throwing buzz words to kick start your reelection campaign. Why not start remediating your own office that is infected with diminished morale amongst your employees and assistant D.A.'s. Lead by example and quit fooling around!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Did UT ever give us the $60 million they owed in rent?

That they thought, well, those little brown Brownsville people, they don't keep count. They don't know books, or basic accounting, they sure won't notice when the richest oil system in Texas has robbed them. They won't ever catch on or get a clue. They'll never demand anything from us. These little brown Mexcans, worshipping their white UT masters. They'll send their children to play in a sewage plant before they would EVER, EVER, DARE stand up to a white slave owner and demand a clean play area for their kids.

Nope. No spine, and even less balls.
Their most valuable asset up for the taking.... with Commissioners beliving that these poverty-stricken, poor, Mexican welfare families.... they sure as hell won't fight for Lincoln Park, right? Cause they're poor, Mexican and ignorant! Here we have an expensive value park, on high value land. Should be easy.

Will Southmost fight for its own? Surely, welfare mentality hasn't taken completely over. Right? There's a little intelligence at work here?? (hope)

Anonymous said...

Excellent move Mr. Saenz.
Now, it is up to the citizens of Brownsville to vote out Gowen, Martinez, Portillo and Chavez who, with the vote showed how easy it is to sell out to the highest bidder. If mayor Martinez is so concerned about UT having proper accomodations (namely his buddy Dr. Garcia)then he should consider RENTING FOR MONEY many empty buildings the city has. The university already has a lot of classrooms and offices located in different sections of town. The fact that their emergency towers are NOT WORKING (KRGV news report) shows how much UT cares about the safety of the local student population. Would they do that in areas like Austin or San Antonio? Probably not, but Brownsville, a lot of illiterate mexicans right?

Anonymous said...

Aunt J is mulling over her false choppers ( teeth).

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, Yes, brownsville is a lot of illiterate mexicans who elect corrupt mexicans who can read. Comparing brownsville to San antonio and Austin is funny as hell. No one cares about your shit city on the rio. The real question is why would the UT system invest in browntown? Why lower their standards to be here? Do you think that UT teaches the same remedial classes in Austin and San antonio as they do In brownsville ?
Keep the comedy coming Vaqueros !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh blow me, UT and the COB suck!!!

Unknown said...

Hey chickenshit anonymous go fuck your self.. is that illiterate enough for you. .

Javier Sandoval

Anonymous said...

Chicken shits, great idea Javi ! Much more appropriate than vaqueros. Viva Los chicken shits!! I saw the chickens in your front yard when I drove by your casa ! Brilliant response. I bet you either work for pub or bisd. Way to take pride in your city Brownsville. There is a whole other world out there past el check point. Pone your papers in order and go check it out. Don't be afraid to journey past san benito .

charlie brown said...

Juan is luis saenz for real or just a publicity stunt? For a moment I thought he grew huevos but not, I say it just for show n to start his re election campaign since he just witness joe rivera go down in flames last week without the politiqueras harvesting the votes like in the past 35 years or so. Puro pedo.

Anonymous said...

El D.A. Tiene cara de papa aguada. Nomás fíjate bien.
