By Aaron Nelson

McALLEN — The FBI has launched a special investigative unit to root out public corruption in the Rio Grande Valley in response to the high number of charges and convictions here in recent years.
The unit is putting special emphasis on Hidalgo and Starr counties.The task force was formed in November and is comprised of FBI agents and Texas Rangers, in partnership with Customs and Border Protection Internal Affairs, Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General, and the Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General, among others.
“We’re going after school boards, county commissioners, tax assessment offices, health care fraud, anywhere public money is received,” said FBI Supervisory Special Agent Rock Stone. “There is an inherent public trust in those offices and they must be held to a higher standard.”
Corruption scandals in just the past few years have toppled officials in school districts, local governments, courthouses and law enforcement.
Though quantifying corruption is inexact, the perception here and across the state is that the problem is pervasive. The issue of public corruption on the border even became a flashpoint during the Texas gubernatorial race when Atty. Gen. Greg Abbott in a campaign speech about his border security plan drew comparisons between recent scandals in Hidalgo County and Cameron County to third world practices.
The controversies did not escape the attention of the FBI, which announced the Rio Grande Valley Border Corruption Task Force this week to tackle what it recognizes as a serious problem.
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"Just the facts...Ma'am"
About Fucking time!
Pervasive corruption in the Valley? No shit!
They can start with the Hidalgo County DA and the drunk judge who recently beat the dui rap. What is the piece of shits name again...Rene Guerra.
And the trial of the 6 politiqueras
They are looking at Cameron county very closely !!!
Don't pick and chose! Clean it up FBI!!!
D.A. Saenz, Gus Reyna, Carlos Garza, and Humberto Barrera are most likely top of their list. I know several people personally that have already gone to the F.B.I in regards to payoffs, and abuse of authority incidents
Cameron County is sooo corrupt, just go into the HR Dept and asked the staff questions and you'll find out that under the covers positions have been taken away from some employees. It's time to clean house!!!!!!!
Start with judge andrew hanen and his wife diane dillard.
Will Humberto Barrera get the boot after Cascos is gone? That is one of his boys.
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