Wednesday, December 10, 2014


"How many times have I said, with me nothing is ever as it appears. Saenz is just too stupid for any rational person to fathom."
Robert Wightman, blogger, and now Luis Saenz's best friend and drinking buddy

(Ed.'s Note: Take your pick. What opinion does blogger Wightman really have about Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz? Is it this small sample of vitriol and derision on the left? Is Luis a misogynist eunuch, a buffon, a political rapist (to Melissa), unethical, and a vindictive prick? Or is he a respected adversary as Wightman states on the right? Or does he experience mood swings depending on whether he took his meds and on what time of the month it is? You decide, because apparently, he can't.)   

MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013
But it is sad Saenz is working overtime to humiliate the entire office. The employees need to focus in on their work and not worry they have an incompetent buffoon for a boss. The results of your work speaks for itself and it is your work, not Saenz's.

JANUARY 5, 2014
Saenz is going back to the grand jury on Wednesday against Ernie Hernandez. Saenz is hell bent on getting himself indicted.
Remember Luis, the DOJ and FBI monitor my blog every day...
Now with the Josefina Canales trial around the corner, Saenz the ever unethical DA calls Cyganiewiez and offers him money to do more work for the DA's office.

JULY 22, 2013
Saenz cannot afford the negative publicity from Melissa being forced out, so he intentionally humiliates her in hopes she will quit.

The above are the acts of a truly misogynist eunuch
. More on this below.

It is a documented fact that Montoya has trashed Melissa Zamora, Saenz's public information officer, for years. Saenz's conduct in going to races in SA with the very cyber-poliquero who has been accused under oath of concealing campaign money, a crime, is beyond surreal, and who has been unrelenting in trashing Zamora.

I have no idea how Melissa returns to work at this time. Saenz's decision to take Montoya to the races in SA to see his own horse run is beyond a slap in the face to Zamora - it is a political rape with spitting on the victim's face afterwards.

JANUARY 2, 2014
Saenz is truly the dumbest in the group. While arresting grandmothers in Brownsville for gambling, where is Saenz - in SA gambling at the races and encouraging people to gamble by owning a race horse. Yes, horse racing is legal, but it is the image issue.

In fact what is now clear is, Saenz gave Montoya the documents the AG ordered released to me while he continues to refuse to release the documents to me as ordered by the AG. What a vindictive prick hell bent on self destruction.

Saenz is lucky I am not Melissa Zamora because after this stunt I would resign in front of a full press corp while telling the people the truth about Saenz. He is in a clear and open conspiracy with Montoya to destroy her professional reputation before he fires her for things she never did. The other option is to sue Saenz for defamation per se, and then force him to fire her so she can add retaliation to the lawsuit. 

His (Saenz's) vindictive decision to give these documents to Montoya while ignoring the AG's order to release the documents to me, only proves to all of Cameron County just how vindictive and dishonest he really is.

Saenz is beyond stupid - he seems shocked to learn that the trial transcript is a public record. Where in hell did this quack get his law license? 

How many times have I said, with me nothing is ever as it appears. Saenz is just too stupid for any rational person to fathom. 



Anonymous said...

Is DA Saenz pussy whipped by Melissa Zamora????

Anonymous said...

So Juan, what happened at the Board of Trustee meeting with BISD and all of the grievances for more admin pay? Who went to the meeting to give the TAX PAYERS the 411?
Next year, lets see if the BISD does not lay off people for all the lawsuits? Do they even have an auditor to keep them in or is it also a compadre?

Anonymous said...

Pinche "Booby" must be on his menstrual cycle.

Anonymous said...

Sound like you might be jealous of the situation with Bobby and Luis, perhaps if you give up Cata (forget about Lucy-no where to be); Bobby will also buy you a beer and me your new sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets help, he is definitely not stable. He shows signs of suffering from bipolar with schizophrenia, with some HDHD. I HOPE HE FETS WELL.

Anonymous said...

Blimp writes "press core?" PRESS CORE? LOL!!!! PRESS CORPS maybe, Blimpo? Ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz is a DICK! He has taken advantage of all the failures of his predecessor and his good luck is more prevalent than talent in his office.

Former LEO said...

Montoya, remember that Bobby is a disbarred attorney! He has nothing better to do than act like one and criticize! Saenz may not be doing the job like some of us would like? But would you rather have that bunch of crooks who took advantage of the system? The Feds should have just gone after everyone who was exposed or admitted in interviews of violating the law!

Anonymous said...

It ain't Saturday and the Dumb-D.A. is taking a bucket shower with clothes on ? How stupid can he be?

Anonymous said...

The guy is beyond stupid--lost his marbles while bullying some poor sap out of money--either by lawsuit, veteran benefits, or unpaid student loans--always ready for a handout. Just like the bisd administrators and their demands for more moola--making like thieves. Bola de ratas!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Booby" should use the VA benefits he scammed from REAL veterans get his head checked; instead of cries about his hemorrhoids! THIS NUT JOB really thinks that he knows it all and that the world revolves around him!

Anonymous said...

We owe Bobby the Quack a lot! He single handedly caught Amit Livingston, exposed judicial corruption in Cameron County, put an end to politiqueras in the entire Valley, almost solved schoolboard president Escobedo's murder, has brought VA woes into the national spotlight, is responsible for the FBI creating a corruption task force in the Valleyand has almost solved President Kennedy's murder! On top of that, he still has time to school federal judges, attorneys, police chiefs and school principals! What would we do without him? Yes my friends, he is the almighty-all knowing who can do no wrong!........Yet this super hero without a cape (no magical cape can carry his weight) has not once, run for office while in the valley.

Anonymous said...

What's your point?

Anonymous said...

That he is a melodramatic bi-polar bitch that thinks that his shit doesn't stink!
