There's been a glitch in the posting of $400,000 by four individuals to pay for the $500,000 performance bond of Cameron County Clerk-elect Sylvia Garza-Perez.
As our three readers have read here, for some unknown reason that many speculate may have to do with a loan default or possibly a possible court judgment against her, no local surety companies have agreed to issue the required coverage.
She was able to secure only $100,000 of the state-required $500,000.

But now we have learned that the county's legal counsel is insisting that the surety be made in cold hard cash and not in property or other collateral or it cannot be accepted.
This last Wednesday all the newly elected officials gathered at the Dancy Building to take their oath of office administered by county clerk Joe Rivera. Noticeably absent from the group was Garza-Perez, who could not take the oath because she could not secure a bond.
State law requires that "If a bond is required the taking of the official oath must be endorsed on the bond."
Before beginning to perform the duties of office, the county clerk must execute a bond either with four or more good and sufficient sureties or with a surety company authorized to do business in the state as a surety. In lieu of the bond, the county may self-insure against losses that would have been covered by the bond. The bond must be approved by commissioners court, made payable to the county, conditioned that the clerk will faithfully perform the duties of office, and in an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the maximum amount of fees collected in any year during the term of office preceding the term for which the bond is to be given, but not less than $5000.00 nor more than $500,000.00. If a bond is required the taking of the official oath must be endorsed on the bond. The bond oath shall be recorded in the county clerk’s office and deposited in the office of the clerk of the district court.

Further, a majority of the commissioners aren't comfortable with accepting the sureties offered by Martinez, Tucker and Barbosa because of the huge potential for conflict of interest.
Martinez is the mayor of Brownsville and holds countless properties in the city that have to be recorded with the county clerk. Additionally, in the course of doing the public's business, conflicts between the county and city may arise which may give the appearance of favoritism between the county clerk and the mayor of the city.
In the case of Barbosa, who is said to have been picked by Garza-Perez as her chief of staff, the conflict is even more severe. How can an employee of an elected official post a surety bond on his boss when she must administer the office – and all matters of personnel discipline and compensation – equitably and fairly when she is indebted to one of her employees?
In the case of Tucker, an auditor with the City of Brownsville, other questions pertaining to having a county clerk in his debt would surely arise.
Those tangible potential economic conflicts of interest pale in comparison with the political ramifications of having the county clerk indebted to four people for $100,000 a piece. While no one is saying the contributing of that money to an elected official constitutes a bribe, there is major historical precedent for that assumption.
The Texas Association of Counties states in its manual that the oath of office first appeared in the Constitution of 1845. The manual states that the clause requiring a denial of bribery first appeared in the present Texas constitution and was the direct outcome of the official corruption which had reached alarming proportions during the reconstruction period.
As it relates to oaths, the Texas Government Code provides that the official acts of a person who fails to qualify as an officer are void.
Additionally, a person who has not qualified for office is not entitled to receive payment as the officer or exercise the powers or jurisdiction of the office. Without having qualified for office, a person has no right to the position.
However, where an officer has taken the oath and given a bond, which has been accepted without objection and not questioned at any time during the term, the officer may nonetheless be held to be a de jure officer even if the qualification was not in strict compliance with the law.
When it comes to bonds, Texas law requires that officials required by law to give an official bond shall file the bond with the officer’s oath of office.
Generally, the required bonds must be given before an officer begins performance of any duties of office. An officer who is required by law to give an official bond and who fails to execute the bond within the time prescribed by law may be removed from office.
In the end, it will be up to the commissioners court to decide whether Garza-Perez's oath and bond are sufficient for her to take office. But even here, state law trumps the commissioners' acts.
Texas law states that "Before beginning to perform the duties of office, the county clerk must execute a bond either with four or more good and sufficient sureties or with a surety company authorized to do business in the state as a surety.
"In lieu of the bond, the county may self-insure against losses that would have been covered by the bond. The bond must be approved by commissioners court, made payable to the county, conditioned that the clerk will faithfully perform the duties of office, and in an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the maximum amount of fees collected in any year during the term of office preceding the term for which the bond is to be given, but not less than $5,000 nor more than $500,000. If a bond is required the taking of the official oath must be endorsed on the bond. The bond oath shall be recorded in the county clerk’s office and deposited in the office of the clerk of the district court."
The question then becomes: Given that there is no precedent in Cameron County of the court accepting "four or more good and sufficient sureties," or of self-insuring a county clerk, will the commissioners go out on a limb to have Garza-Perez take office and put the taxpayers' money at risk for her?
This Monday, there will be a special meeting called by the commissioners court but there is no item relating to the Garza-Perez issue on it. Unless an item is posted for another special meeting before the year is up, it may be difficult for Garza-Perez to take her office. In any case, Flores is waiting in the wings.
This lady needs to call "Bail Me Out" Bail bonds, they'll help out a crook in a pinch. I understand most of Cameron's elected have them on speed dial because...well, this is Cameron county. Bail Me Out, Sylvia, a name you should remember.
Arnold Flores is the person who can run an office like the clerks office and there you go he is already bonded ... let the cards fall where they may ...
i heard joe rivera lends money to his employees orale joe lend her some doe... tu puedes .... she is your girl or no......
It will not be Arnold Flores, not because he is not the bet qualified…because he is. It will be a battle between Joe Rivera and his hand picked dummy Sylvia. Joe will find a way of out dumbing her yet again.
Arnold Flores is the best candidate.. I hope he gets appointed to this position...
Is there a requirement of the democrat party in Cameron county that to hold office you must be at least 30% overweight? Sylvia qualifies there.
Excerpt from Mean Mr. Brownsville, January 9, 2014"
“If Sylvia Garza-Perez' abbreviated term as Cameron County Democratic Party Chairperson was an audition for higher office, she flunked miserably, leaving the local party operations in a total shambles.
At the October 24, 2013 party meeting, William Skaggs, after he was installed as party treasurer, announced to the local party: "People, we are broke. After 100 years of the party operating in this county, I was only given six bank statements, a light bill and a phone bill."
Garza-Perez, showing up 20 minutes late to the meeting, raised her hand to comment: "If we don't pay the light and phone bill soon, they will be disconnected."
Longtime Democratic Party operative Larry Jokl, owner of the building where the Democratic Party met under Garza-Perez, quickly lost patience with the group's laggard financial ways and put a chain lock on the building and posted an eviction notice for nonpayment of rent.
Not only were the party's financials in a mess under [Garza-Perez' abbreviated term as Cameron County Democratic Party Chair], but party organization was nonexistent. Newly-elected Chairwoman Amber Medina quickly noted that out of 109 precincts, 60 did not even have a party chair. Only a handful of people attended party meetings. After nearly two years of "leadership" by Garza-Perez, the Cameron County Democratic Party was in financial and organizational disarray.”
With a track record like that, why would Joe Rivera and other high ranking Democrat leaders support this woman for such an important position for our county? Is party loyalty that important that newly-elected judge Juan Magallanes would tarnish his already less-than-stellar reputation by attempting to defend this woman's indefensible track record? Does party loyalty run so deep that it makes men disregard better judgment and suspend commonsense?
If Garza-Perez made such a shambles of the Democratic Party under her leadership, why are these men supporting her for such an important revenue-generating department for our county?
The answer is pretty clear: Revenue is money, and where there is a lot of money, there's a lot to be taken. With her track record of incompetence, she is the perfect scapegoat when audits turn up missing funds. But none of that matters to her supporters. They will get their share of money and favors and contracts by the time the shit hits the fan. She will take the fall when DA Saenz forces her to leave office or be prosecuted, the county will get the $500,000 forfeited bond, and her supporters will keep rocking along.
That is, after all, the Cameron County way, isn't it?
After all I have read about Sylvia regarding her incompetence and lack of organizational skills, I wonder why three powerful county Democratic leaders -- Rivera, Hinojosa and Magallanes -- would vehemently support this woman for county clerk. For the life of me I can't figure it out. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
Does anyone else notice the uncanny resemblance to Monica Lewinsky?
She is the cancer of this county
Arnold definitely meets the requirements being 52+% overweight .
I think Montoya meant " Flores will be waiting with some Chicken Wings " not "Flores will be waiting in the wings "
Arnold Flores can go fuck himself, this man has no backbone, his word means shit and he is a puppet himself. There is no difference between Sylvia and Arnold, only that they belong to different factions that are after one thing, steal from the tax payers monies.
Folks lets face the facts really who runs the cameron county circus gilberto hinojosa juan magallenes n joe rivera for the last 30 some years plus so it should not surprise anyone with the county clerk elect cant get bonded. Boo folks think so high of these 3 yet they all nothing but crooks n now with monica lowenski on board wow dale mas gas n yes voters keep on believing all these 4 liars n keep voting for them cha ching cha ching baby cca
Lame.Come on....surely you can come up with a better insult.
Who is Arnold a puppet for?
This woman is a crook. She steals from every organization she is a part of. It's no wonder she can't secure the bond.
Anonymous said...
Arnold Flores can go fuck himself, this man has no backbone, his word means shit and he is a puppet himself. There is no difference between Sylvia and Arnold, only that they belong to different factions that are after one thing, steal from the tax payers monies.
December 20, 2014 at 3:39 PM
Thanks for your comments, Carlos Elizondo and Rigo Bocanegra. Real classy guys.
The only thing I know of Sylvia is what I've read on this blog, and for me that is second hand news and that is not the true 100% true news. Now Arnold I do know him and he is not an honest person. He finds loop holes to make him look like he is doing the right thing. He's been hiring his friends that helped him in his campaign when he ran for county clerk. He just recently hired one of the Commissioner's either close friend or relative as the Civil Service Clerk, when there were other applicants that were much more qualified. So for me it's very suspicious that he is bonded, I mean why would he be bonded if his position does not need him to be bond, soooo fishy and to me that means Cascos is setting him up to move him to a higher level in the County. Now did not Cascos stated that why appoint someone if the citizens of Cameron County did not vote him in, meaning Joe Rivera. Then why appoint someone like Arnold into the County Clerks position when he was not voted in. This County is soooo big time corrupt and some kind of investigation must be done to get these corrupt officals out and put good honest loyal people in that care for the taxpayers and that would take care of them by not raising taxes just so that they can get a fatter check.
Where are the good honest loyal people going to come from?
El gordo de Arnold se quiere ver como que si sabe lo que hace y dice pero el menso no sabe ni madre. La recepcionista de H.R. sabe mas que el. Arnold no mas sabe como decir pura mentira.
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