Tuesday, December 9, 2014


By Juan Montoya
If you look at the minutes on Item 7 of the meeting of the Texas Southmost College meeting of Oct. 16, it is obvious that a majority of the trustees (Kiki Rendon, Ed Rivera, Art Rendon, Ramon Hinojosa) voted against the motion made by trustee Dr. Ray Garcia to suspend paying an annual $25,000 to United Brownsville.
Trustees Adela Garza joined Garcia in voting for his motion.
Trustee Trey Mendez, who seconded Garcia's motion, decided to abstain from the vote. Hinojosa wanted to get a legal opinion before he voted on whether to give United Brownsville the money and Art Rendon said he wanted to listen to United Brownsville representatives before he decided to vote on whether to continue the $25,000 membership payments.
When Garcia's motion failed, there was not motion made to give the organization the $25,000.
If no such a  motion was never made and a vote was never taken on it, does the negative vote by three trustees on Garcia's motion constitute authority for the TSC administration to cut the check?
On its face, it would appear that it does not.
An even more interesting question is: Since both Kiko Rendon and Ed Rivera are on the board of United Brownsville, does their voting on any issue affecting the disbursement of funds from the body to which they were elected (TSC) to one to which they were invited to join prevent them from voting because of a potential conflict of interest?
We hear that there are moves afoot to revisit the issue in the next TSC board meeting. This, say our sources, is far from over.


Anonymous said...

Ed Rivera and Kiko Rendon should abstain from voting on the matter. Ray Charles could see the conflict of interest. When are you going to understand that United Brownsville is a scam? They just want money and they do not want any oversight from anyone. Kiko and Ed Rivera would not give a dime if it were their money to this organization. Vote the bums out.

Anonymous said...

Both Kiko and Ed have opponents this coming election cycle in 2016. Kiko has outlived his usefulness and Ed has gone overboard following Kiko as Tercero's puppet. Rumor has it that two candidates have started working a grassroots campaign to oust this two "Cottillion Ball" participant wannabes. Good riddance Kiko and Ed, I guess that Kiko will not be getting anymore free meals or drinks and Ed will have nobody to name drop the Velas to.

Anonymous said...

Stop this united brownsville scam.

Anonymous said...

Is Dr. Garcia wearing an invisible Wig ? Where did he purchase it ?
