Monday, December 1, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Forget about seeing Selma Hayek saunter her stuff down Elizabeth Street.
Or Mexican television heart-throb Jorge Salinas strut his way through the Taste of La Frontera.
And if you were hoping for Bianca Marroquin, the Mexican musical theater and television actress known as the first Mexican actress to have a starring role on Broadway and one of the youngest actresses to play Roxie Hart in a Broadway production of Chicago, perish the thought.
No, what we hear here at El Rrun-Rrun is that the Mr. Amigo Association has settled for novelero and admitted (and rehabed?) drug abuser Juan Osorio.
We have it from good sources that the Mr.Amigo Association has extended the invitation to Osorio to attend the week-long bash held by the private (and cliquish) association held in conjunction with Charro Days and SombreroFest.
If you remember, Osorio tagged along with 2011 Mr.Amigo Arath De la Torre and probably ingratiated himself to the Mr. Amigo board members that resulted in his selection for this year's personality selection.
Now, the announcement has not been made yet, but a cursory search of Osorio on the Internet indicates that he has had his share of troubles including some rather risque misadventures involving drugs and loose women.
But judging by the last Mr. Amigo chosen (2013 Mariana Seoane García), this is getting to be par for the course.
Not that we complained about seeing Ms. Seoane display all her charms on some online pictorials, mind you. But, well, it is after all a community event where little girls might be led astray to think that success lays in that direction.
Osorio has himself owned up to the fact that he has had issues with substance abuse to the point that when he hit rock bottom he told  the online health magazine "HolaDoctor" that he felt as if he was dying because he could not breathe. After an
intervention, he resumed his careeer as producer of some of Mexico's most popular soap operas such as "Mi Corazón Es Tuyo" where he ordered all the cast – including Jorge Salinas – to go on a diet.
Osorio has not avoided scandal in his private life as well. His near-marriage to Cuban bombshell actress Niurka Marcos in 1998 after he helped get her children from Cuba to Mexico and then helped her show business career take off by producing various CDs and soap operas in which she starred, resulted in the gossip television show abuzz after she cut off the wedding. They had moved ion together, and in 2003 they moved to a new mansion where they had one son named Emilio Osorio.
She then turned around and married a leading man in one of his novelas.
As it turned out, Niurka had been having a relationship with leading man Bobby Larios, whom Osorio had cast in Marcos' next telenovela. She then turned around and married him.
Osorio, in a fit, announced that he was planning to produce a straight-to-video film about Niurka and her life, a fact which she did not receive with open arms because she did not want Osorio to reveal private details of her life to the public.
Still, we are told that the producer of the some of the popular telenovelas such as “Una Familia con Suerte,” Porque el Amor Manda," "Mi Pecado," Tormenta En El Paraiso," apparently caught the eye of our Mr. Amigo executive board directors and we can expect an announcement to be made soon.
Ah! Selma and Bianca, we came so close.


Anonymous said...

No aprenden estos PENDEJOS, basta ya de idiotizar al pueblo con sus pinches noveleros que no aportan nada a la relacion bi-nacional entre las dos ciudades hermanas Brownsville-Matamoros.
Hasta cuando vamos a aguantar a estos IDIOTAS, que solo quieren ir a la ciudad de Mexico a emborracharse con dinero que no es de ellos.

Anonymous said...

Are the thieves Sylvia Perez and the
hairdresser still in the organization?
If so, then more stealing to come the Mr.Amigo Association's way.

Anonymous said...

leticia salazar mayor of matamoros chief in charge of grupo hercules
is the same lady involved with the killing of la feria kids??
and this person the president of mr amigo is giving her protection at our cost??!!!
viva mr amigo and one our finest cop robert avitia!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Montoya for your EXCELLENT WORK so this crooks don go undetected no more!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Osorio es del mismo cartel que la presidenta de Matamoros.........

Anonymous said...

My wife and I are long time residents of this town. Unfortunate to see Mr.Amigo become such a mockery, ever since 2 years ago when it became known the board started to take donated money to use for personal expenses.
The caliber is no longer the same. Rightfully so, who approved all of the security and police officers? This is our tax money.

Anonymous said...

Ralph Cowen always wants to go to Mexico city with the excuse of getting the next mr amigo thanks Ralph for Osorio continue the great job.
Jose Camacho who has been living off the mr amigo selling his halfass pictures and renting his stinking limousine to the association and lately expending on the mr amigo walk of fame more than $12,000
Way to go Mr. amigo

Anonymous said...

Eliseo Davila and his friends will be very happy to party again with cokehead Osorio again remember your year?
That your dad the dentist Ernesto davila had to bail out one of your friends because you all party toooooo much with Osorio that he got arrested and kick out from the hotel where the mr amigo entourage was staying
Ohh Avitia came to your rescue too

Anonymous said...

Shhh I can tell you who approved the BPD cops it was Rolando Avitia his brother he is the commander

Anonymous said...

Rolando Avitia approved the escort he is a commander in the police and brother of mr amigo president in turn Roberto Avitia
And ALL the pastpresidents hide something or have something to hide

Anonymous said...

Dejense de mamadas todas Las pinches organizaciones son lo mismo verdad Mike Garza?
Ya robaste a Manos llenas a charro days y sombrero fest y ahora Te quieres chingar a mr amigo cuidado con el ahora es miembro de esta asociacion

Anonymous said...

Rats of Mr amigo:
Rachel Torres back in the day when she was at the chamber of commerce rata Antigua
Mera champion old rat tooo she embelelezed money from clients at wells Fargo and in turn got money from the association to keep paying for her lavish life style and her presidential Rolex
David morales whent 4 times to Mexico city to try to nab Eugenio dervez spending more than 3,000 each time do the math!! And yes Ralph Cowen and Jose Camacho where part of it each time

Anonymous said...

What is the Mr Amigo board thinking allowing and giving 12,000 for a walk of fame?
What is this walk of fame made of? Gold?
By the way where is this so call walk of fame never knew it existed! did you Juan?

Anonymous said...

The City disgusts me.... time to get Rid of all the Elected Officials..

Anonymous said...

QUE CHINGEN a SU MADRE todos los de Mr. amigo, todoitos! Bola de Lambe HUEVOS borrachos!

Anonymous said...

Montoya: Don't take away the comment about the sheriff,BPD and private security I demand to know how was this allowed or who approved this escort for the mayor of Matamoros does Avitia fear something?
I was starting to believe in you Montoya please don't delete comments

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert Mr Amigo president has your jealous wife recovered from yesterday's scene that she did to you because you didn't want to let go the Matamoros's mayor
Poor Liz you should be used to it
Your Mr Amigo president has done worst in his uniform and when he was in duty and in his office

Anonymous said...

Hey JM you should keep informing us about this Mr. Amigo president isn't he the one who order the sand bags deliver to his house in conjunction with the Long gone chief of police Carlos Garcia and the take my picture lieutenant Billy Ingram???

Anonymous said...

Bola de Mamones! !
Éste pinche esperpento para que demonios sirve?? Solo se droga y emborracha. .....
shit Mr amigo committee, and those who brought him.....

Anonymous said...

The members of the Mr. Amigo association act as if they own the city during the festivities and only party at their exclusive reunions when in reality they are the ones who need to learn more about the US-Mexico culture. Oh, and culture includes more than Televisa and telenovelas. I say we boycott everything related to Mr. Amigo because Charro days must not be defined by any "celebrity" . Necesitan mas cultura los de Mr Amigo, ja ja que pena que se haya llegado hasta este punto. Dime de que presumes y te dire de lo que careces. Ja ja

Anonymous said...

No wonder Mcallen and Hidalgo Texas have better turnouts in Border Fest. Charro Days and Mr. Amigo have turned into a weekend vacation for people that come from Mexico city and take a weekend trip at the cost of taxpayers in one of the poorest cities in the United States. Shame on them, shame on our local officials. They only show how what a low class of individuals they really are. Juan Osorio has NEVER done anything for this town, for the relations between Mexico and the U.S (isnt that what the Mr. Amigo statues say?) In the mean time our streets are full of potholes, our infrastructure is falling apart, not a single new job or new industry (Space X is a joke for the common man that needs a job). These people should go to the land of OZ and stand in line. They need a heart and a brain. They have neither.

Anonymous said...

Chill's a blog...who are you to demand anything ? Do the investigating work yourself if it's that important.
