Remember when the controversy over the payments of the Cameron County Administrator Pete Sepulveda and his administrative assistant David Garcia raised the hackles of some elected officials and county staffers?
For example, Sepulveda was getting (and is still getting) paid from at least four county departments as well as the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority (CCRMA). Last year an announcement was made that Sepulveda was going to be the full-time executive director of the CCRMA and leave the county, but until now, nothing has come of it. Until then, these a re the funds tapped to pay his salary::
County Airport Manager: $5,602
Planning and Inspection: $53,980
Los Indios Bridge: $19,391
Gateway Bridge: $14,151
Total (county) $141,580
Reg. Mob. Auth.: $75,00
Total (Salary): $216,580
30 percent benefits (est.): $73,190
(Est. Grand total): $288,770
His assistant Garcia was much the same. He was also getting paid by at least four county department plus the CCRMA until the county negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding with teh CCRMA and had that organization reimburse the county for Garcia's work.

Below are the same numbers for Garcia:
Planning and Inspection (asst.): $56,089
Veterans Bridge (Assistant): $16,222
Los Indios Bridge (Asst.): $16,222
Gateway Bridge (Asst.): $17,121
Total (County) $105,654
Total (Salary) $180,654
30 percent benefits (est.): $60,210
(Est. Grand Total): $165864
Well, we thought that department was the only one using multiple funds to pay its top staffers but we have been set straight. Some of our readers reminded us that former Cameron County DA Armando Villalobos made ample use of the funds at his department's disposal to augment the salary of its employees.
The practice is apparently continuing under current DA Luis Saenz.
For example, a cursory glance at the DA's salary schedule indicates that chief investigator George DeLaunay gets paid from three different funds. DeLaunay came to the DA's Office with good credentials. He was a special agent with the DEA investigating the 1985 murder of DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.
They funds that are tapped for his salary are:
District attorney fund $65,500.00
Well, we thought that department was the only one using multiple funds to pay its top staffers but we have been set straight. Some of our readers reminded us that former Cameron County DA Armando Villalobos made ample use of the funds at his department's disposal to augment the salary of its employees.
The practice is apparently continuing under current DA Luis Saenz.

They funds that are tapped for his salary are:
District attorney fund $65,500.00
DA Pre-trial Diversion fund $3000.00
DA Forfeiture$ 18,000.00
+20.000 of benefits
Grand Total $ 106,500.00
Now, all this information is contained in the department's salary schedules that is readily available at the county auditors' and filed with the county clerk or Human Resources. In fact, it is open to the public and we had no trouble getting a copy of it. All departments have one available for public inspection so it's no secret. We heard a rumor – and this is not confirmed – that some people in that department were irked to see the information appear on the Internet. Why? Who knows?
DA investigators make about $45,000 a year on average and carry the added responsibilities of being licensed to carry a gun, do raids, arrest people and generally are exposed to danger 24/7 plus do investigating work. But not all are compensated through the other funds.
Specialized positions such as the department's public information officer Melissa Landin started out at $33,000 ,plus benefits with a $1000 Comp Time Allowed total per year to $34,000.0. Add another $13,000.00 for benefits = $ 47,000.00. This amount comes from the DA annual budget approved by the County Fund Dept. 100-4750 Line item code 6003.
As of September 25,2014, Saenz gave her a raise. She got from the Fund Dept. 600-4750, an additional $ 3,500.00 from the DA-Pre-trial Diversion. If you'll remember, this Pre Trial Diversion was created by Armando Villalobos to hire his own people and pay raises. There was even talk (unproven as far as we know) that Mando had his favorite employees placed in that Division and that his HR was getting pay backs from the employees that received pay increases from the Pre-trial Diversion. We'll probably never know.
Melissa also gets an additional $7500.00 from Fund Dept. No. 900-4750 which is the District Attorney Forfeiture. 8-Liner money. About the only thing that hasn't changed at the DA's office is her title, still listed as Secretary instead of Public Information Officer.
DA Forfeiture$ 18,000.00
+20.000 of benefits
Grand Total $ 106,500.00
Now, all this information is contained in the department's salary schedules that is readily available at the county auditors' and filed with the county clerk or Human Resources. In fact, it is open to the public and we had no trouble getting a copy of it. All departments have one available for public inspection so it's no secret. We heard a rumor – and this is not confirmed – that some people in that department were irked to see the information appear on the Internet. Why? Who knows?
DA investigators make about $45,000 a year on average and carry the added responsibilities of being licensed to carry a gun, do raids, arrest people and generally are exposed to danger 24/7 plus do investigating work. But not all are compensated through the other funds.

As of September 25,2014, Saenz gave her a raise. She got from the Fund Dept. 600-4750, an additional $ 3,500.00 from the DA-Pre-trial Diversion. If you'll remember, this Pre Trial Diversion was created by Armando Villalobos to hire his own people and pay raises. There was even talk (unproven as far as we know) that Mando had his favorite employees placed in that Division and that his HR was getting pay backs from the employees that received pay increases from the Pre-trial Diversion. We'll probably never know.
Melissa also gets an additional $7500.00 from Fund Dept. No. 900-4750 which is the District Attorney Forfeiture. 8-Liner money. About the only thing that hasn't changed at the DA's office is her title, still listed as Secretary instead of Public Information Officer.
Here is the break down for Ms. Landin:
$34,000.00 from the DA Budget
$3500.00 from the Pre Trial Diversion
$7500.00 from the District Attorney Forfeiture
+$13,000.00 benefits.
Total$ 58,000.00
To be fair, Melissa brings with her extensive social media networks that disseminate the activities of the DA's Office through Saenz's Facebook account and do spread the word of his good works. There was at one time a publications department that also hired people to write and lay out pamphlets and publications having to do with county services. Perhaps that fund could be tapped as well to pay the county scribes.
$34,000.00 from the DA Budget
$3500.00 from the Pre Trial Diversion
$7500.00 from the District Attorney Forfeiture
+$13,000.00 benefits.
Total$ 58,000.00
To be fair, Melissa brings with her extensive social media networks that disseminate the activities of the DA's Office through Saenz's Facebook account and do spread the word of his good works. There was at one time a publications department that also hired people to write and lay out pamphlets and publications having to do with county services. Perhaps that fund could be tapped as well to pay the county scribes.
No jobs for outsiders. No jobs for the qualified. Spend, spend, spend on keeping the vipers fed instead.
This George Delaunay gets a hefty retirement check from the Federal government. Now he wants another hefty check to do nothing? This George Delaunay may have the credentials but at that amount? That's almost double then what that dumb ass Joe Lopez got before he beat his wife. As a taxpayer making only $30K a year and working just over 40 hours a week, this George Delaunay better be working his ass off but doubt it. How much is that Victor guy making? He is a retired Federal officer and getting a hefty check also? What is his salary? That Melissa must have really passed the nalgas to garnish a check like that. Well, this is Cameron County!
George and Victor are excellent employees, they are hard working individuals .. in early out late. they are underpaid to take all the bullshit they are dealing with , with all the corruption ... keep doing a great job guys. you earn every penny..... not like some elected officials ...
$34,000 for a PIO position is way too low.
Son Una bolla De Rata's Los dos.
$34,000.00 to be on Facebook and the blogs??????? Where do I sign up to apply for this job? I have no problem getting on my knees for it if it means getting a raise every year with benefits.. What people wont do for a job. Soooo many qualified people and the DA gets a hood rat. SMH
Is not Judge Cascos a C.P.A. ?
Hey juan check into the rumor that big fat JOE is making it mandatory for them to attend his big THANK GOD you are going away party at the end of this month.... Employees are complaining that the supervisor has told them it is mandatory they attend... puro Corruption.... violating of employees time.
All are corrupt individuals, Cameron County is all corrupt it's like a cancer spreading all over the county. It does not matter that they have Civil Service they still find a way to hire their compadres and relatives, you don't get hire because of your qualifications you get hire because of who you know, just dig a little deeper and you will find out.
Melissa is a hottie. Zeke is naughty.
Melissa Zamora is a floozy..
Definition of FLOOZY
: a woman of loose morals
Variants of FLOOZY floo·zy or floo·zie
Examples of FLOOZY (Melissa Zamora Landin)
A floozy who was a familiar figure at barrooms around town.
They couldn't have described Melissa any better. Wow to a T...
I am hoping that someone audits BISD because there are certain employees that are being compensated way too high for their experience. There are some that are not getting their fair share. How does one go about doing this? Who is responsible for those fat checks? We ALL want to know.
They are the corruption
How much did Saenz receive during his 8 years as "special" prosecutor? I think it was like $95k in one of those years
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