Tuesday, December 9, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Tonight's Level III grievances demanded by two top-level administrators will reveal the way staff promotions and salary advancement are done at the Brownsville Independent School District.
The complainants have asked that their item be discussed in open board session and is titled:
A. Level III Board Review and Grievance:
10. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding Level III Grievance No. 003/14-15 on Mary Tolman and Maricela Zarate-Puente.
Mary Tolman is a former Atkinson. Her sister is Sandra Powers, married to BISD board president Otis Powers. Zarate is the sister of Segio Zarate, a candidate for the City of Brownsville commission married to Dolores Zarate, a former candidate for a district court this last election round.
But that's not all.
There is yet another lawsuit to be heard in executive session and listed on the agenda for the board members by other top-level administrators who want a commensurate raise after AA Bertha Peña and Public Information Officer Drue Brown got a hike in their salary. If you remember, Peña – whose salary is listed by the Texas Tribune before this year's 2 percent raise at $145,748 – was awarded a raise of $13,000 for "additional duties."
Before that, the same board majority awarded a $15,000 raise outside the budget cycle to records management director Martin Arambula, yet another former candidate who did not make the cut in his run for the county judge's nomination for the Democratic party. Arambula's raise was justified by the board citing his efforts to establish a recycling program for the district even though the program was found sorely lacking during a few workshops on the subject. Arambula was a commissioner at the Port of Brownsville when a lucrative security contract was awarded to the surveillance firm headed by the late board president's brother, American Surveillance.
Brown and Peña's hinged the demand for their raises upon a massive gender-discrimination lawsuit involving some 28 BISD women employees that has languished in the byzantine corridors constructed by lawyers who get paid by the hour. Their raises further fueled other actions from two other administrators. Their agenda item is listed as:
d. Discussion and consideration regarding Dr. Rita B. Hernandez and Sandra G. Lopez
vs. Brownsville ISD.
 Dr. Hernandez is the wife of the law partner of former board member Rick Zayas, who is representing new BISD board member and former A.D. Joe "Coach" Rodriguez in a number of BISD-related lawsuits.
Some of these actions are partially the result of the possibly illegal hiring of two Assistant Area Superintendents  taken during the July 15 meeting when the board majority voted to hire the two AAs even though only one was included in the 2014-2015 Adopted Budget or Compensation Plan and not posted correctly on the agenda.
With the two additions – Teri Alarcon and Dora Sauceda – that makes seven AAs on board the BISD to assist Superintendent Carl Montoya manage the $524 million budget, 7,000-employee district. 
All these administrators earn a pretty penny. No wonder the rest of the crew is lining up to file grievances. The best show tonight, by far, will be at the open meeting where lawyers for the two women will make their case for the extra cash and reveal how the other administrators got theirs. District taxpayers will also see how it came about that they get the sausage.


Anonymous said...

No wonder this community is so stupid, they are all related. Nepotism rules!

Anonymous said...

According to the Good Book we are all Brothers; but there are some I wouldn't Claim !

Anonymous said...

Smells like political/relationship corruption. How sad, it's all about "Greed". When is enough, enough. At the end of the day, they will be judged by the "Almighty". How in the world can this people look at themselves in the mirror. This are people that lack heart and souls. They are essentially the "Poor".

Anonymous said...

Well said

teri bff said...

how can Teri Alarcon get a job as a AA WHEN SHE FUCKS UP BIG TIME AT HANNA !! I DO NOT BELIEVE IN DR M. BISD NEEDS HELP.............

Anonymous said...

This board has opened a flood gate to these greedy, blood thirsty administrators and their demands for more blood money. They are ALL in cahoots with everybody getting a piece of the pie. The ones doing the real work(teachers,auxillary staff,ect.) are not being compensated.

Can someone yell CORRUPTION????

Anonymous said...

Pinche bola de mamones!! They all need to go. Period!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Smells like political/relationship corruption. How sad, it's all about "Greed". When is enough, enough. At the end of the day, they will be judged by the "Almighty". How in the world can this people look at themselves in the mirror. This are people that lack heart and souls. They are essentially the "Poor".

December 9, 2014 at 1:33 PM

To commenter above no matter who is promoted, or place in those position, you will dislike them and put them down. If you do not believe me look at yourself and how many people dislike you where you work.

People will hate because they can.

Anonymous said...

Do not forget Brownsville all this started when you elected, Caty and Luci to the BISD board. They are the ones that awarded all their friends with hundreds of thousands of dollars in their pockets at tax payer expense.

Remember Art Rendon, Hector Gonzalez, Antonio Juarez law suits.

Now you have to live with the consequences of your votes!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena protects Guerra and legal counsel for all of her hiring. What embarrassment to law enforcement officers everywhere even when they prove to public they are broke the law

Anonymous said...

Why didn't BIsD record the proof Guerra and Salinas lied?
