Commenter today in El Rrun-Rrun
By Juan Montoya
Has Cameron County Clerk-Elect Sylvia Garza-Perez managed to get four local individuals to put up the necessary $100,000 each to allow her to comply with state law that requires that amount of surety for that kind of office?
We still don't know why she wasn't able to acquire the necessary bonds for her to take office, other than there might have been a loan default or a court judgment on her record in the past.
State law requires that: Before beginning to perform the duties of office, the county clerk must execute a bond either with four or more good and sufficient sureties or with a surety company authorized to do business in the state as a surety. In lieu of the bond, the county may self-insure against losses that would have been covered by the bond. The bond must be approved by commissioners court, made payable to the county, conditioned that the clerk will faithfully perform the duties of office, and in an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the maximum amount of fees collected in any year during the term of office preceding the term for which the bond is to be given, but not less than $5000.00 nor more than $500,000.00. If a bond is required the taking of the official oath must be endorsed on the bond. The bond oath shall be recorded in the county clerk’s office and deposited in the office of the clerk of the district court. TEX. LOC. GOV. CODE, §82.001.
Additional coverage: The county clerk is additionally required to obtain an insurance policy or similar coverage from a governmental pool operating under Chapter 119
Regardless, as the commenter wondered, if the mayor of the City of Brownsville has business with the county, would Ms. Garza-Perez be compromised in some way in dealing with the city's top elected official?
Now Tucker is a native of India who is also an auditor at the City of Brownsville. He is very active in the commercial sector and is a member of Brownsville's Indian entrepreneurs who are active in hotels and real estate. Sylvia is listed on his Facebook page as a friend.
Given Garza-Perez's strong showing in her election for county clerk, one cannot disallow the suggestion that there might be an understanding of political support for all three or their candidates in coming elections. Who would be beholden to who then?
definitely a conflict of interest..this should not be allowed , what kind of favors are they expecting in return... pathetic
Puras RATAS ....
If private individuals are putting up money, they expect something in return. WHERE is the the FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HERE?
“The problem with political jokes is they get elected.”
This imbecile left the Democratic Party with no documentation of where the funds went. The only proof of expenses were for her husband's cell phone bills.
A true Hernandez supporter this Silvia person is. Need we say more?
Her lawyer in this mess is Juan Magallanes. How stupid is he?
well folks its either she filed for bankruptcy or has a criminal record? which one is it Sylvia, you need to come clean girlfriend to the voters of Cameron county who voted you in. What else are you hiding? cca
This whole mess is puzzling to me. There must be some very serious issue for her not to be able to get bonded. I was elected and served as a Criminal District Attorney in another county in Texas at the time IRS had a tax lien against me, but I was bonded without any problem whatsoever.
Look people Sylvia not only wooped the pants off Arnold Flores even after being back by the Lucio family voting machine. She also won with a huge lead and left the Flores family crying in the dust. Let's face it Sylvia is good for the people of cameron county just look at her wins, Sylvia is the people's with it
Sylvia did beat Arnold Flores is true! The problem now is that she is not qualified to serve if she can't be bonded! Don't you think the voters especially the ones that voted for her should know why?
sylvia whooped ass because she took advantage of the old folks at the nursing homes we all know that. look at her and fat JOE . they both won the run off with almost the same votes ... pero todo se paga ,, there is more to come and you voters who elected her to this position will soon regret it... que verguenza
As a constituent of Cameron County, I am against the County Commissioners setting aside any funds whatsoever to cover liabilities of Sylvia Garza Perez as county clerk. That just goes to show that yes you won the election, but yet Syvlia's name is tainted in that she cannot get a simple bond. My questions is did Joe Rivera have that same bond, in that he ran that office for over 36 years. Nonetheless if Sylvia has perosnal financial issues, how is she going to run the county clerks office and safe keep all the county revenue.. ( marriage license fees, court cost fees, transaction fees, ems truama fee, visual recording fees, the county does nothing but collect fees, and the fox with financial issues is now in charge of the hen house.
Da mayor for County Clerk !
"This imbecile left the Democratic Party with no documentation of where the funds went. The only proof of expenses were for her husband's cell phone bills." 1:51 AM
Please tell us more! Sounds like she's the perfect crook other crooks would want in that position. If what you're saying is true 1:51, she has proven herself to the upper echelon crooks in the county Democratic party, like Gilberto, Rivera Magallanes, etc. Of course they want her as Clerk, as they'll have unbridled access to much of the money county collects and a disposable scapegoat, as well. This is the reason Rivera hand picked her, and why "private" people are willing sureties - they will make much more with her as Clerk. This is all so sickening that it's happening before the eyes of the voters and we voters are powerless to stop it. Can't even count on the DA as he is one of the chief crooks! Mark my words, as soon as Cascos leaves to Austin, his replacement will be the vote that allows the county to set aside funds to ensure her taking office. Just sickening!
lucios didn't help arnold.
syliva is not competent to lead that office.
can't get bonded? no manches.
magallanes. garza-perez. rivera. hinojosa. hernadez.
dime con quien te juntas y te dire quien eres.
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