Friday, December 5, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Following our post about the birth of a new baby to Cameron County DA's Office public information officer Melissa Landin (AKA Zamora), we understand that there was an uproar created at that office.
We documented that Ms. Zamora (Landin) had already spent all of her allowed paid time and was on unpaid leave under the Family and Maternity Leave Act and how other county employees wondered how she was getting paid. Some hinted at favoritism on the part of her boss District Attorney Luis Saenz. Others wondered whether she would get paid and from what sure and under that justification. Landin's last day at work was November 9.
Well, our inside sources tell us that Landin showed up at the DA's office (baby carriage and all) less than an hour after our post appeared and started to move her office to oversee the area of the DA's office where the payroll, time sheets, etc., were kept. She also got a kind of raise because her office now has a window where she can contemplate the goings on of the little people below. We also heard she and Saenz were not pleased.
We also were told that she had not filed for the FMLA which allows her job to be protected (even without pay) until the DA's office found out there were inquiring minds at work.
Additionally, we were also told that there was a minor storm inside a teacup over our publishing the questions that surrounded the absence of the indispensable Ms. Landin from that office.
This is not the first time that Melly's presence (or absence) has wreaked havoc in a county office. The last time there was an upheaval was when she was let go from the county judge's office after her dictum that she be put in charge of that office while Carlos Cascos was away was ignored and disregarded.
In a tiff, she left for greener pastures.
There will be, we're sure, a purge of the DA's office, a la Stalin, to find out where the information in this post comes from. But we always thought that Saenz meant it when he said that he was supportive of transparency and open doors.
That people wondered if Melly was getting preferential treatment and whether she was getting paid for the time she was not there is a matter of utmost public interest. After all, there are other women with the county who have given birth and did not receive the kind consideration of their bosses.
Does this mean that she will be there on Monday bright and early and really earn her pay?
Inquiring minds want to know how their government works and we will tell them if we can.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm really

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa and Luis who you going to blame for this information being leaked to the #1 Blog El RRUN RRUN?

Anonymous said...

by your source you mean Zeke SIlva.
It's getting old Juan.

Anonymous said...

there are other offices in the county that do the same thing , the county clerks office for example has a ghost employee being paid but is never in the office when people ask me hey how is sylvia doing , i just say what sylvia ... ????

Anonymous said...

The DA as is known is full of Crap.

Anonymous said...

Brave reporting. Good job. This is the kind of reporting that earns credibility, not like the defunct Bville Herald. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

maybe its Luis's baby? so he needs to pay? right

Former county employee said...

That's always been the problem with this county! Favoritism and Neputism is rampant and allows for abuse of county rules and regulations. The way it sounds in the CCDA is the way it started with Armando Villalobos administration? We all know how that ended!

Anonymous said...

Melissa's closet probably has a blue dress with a stain and her knees are calloused from all her efforts to "please" and move up socially. She is a "ditz" who has used her "charms" to move ahead....(no pun intended). Melissa is for sale and is willing to sacrifice integrity, honesty and morality to achieve her goals. She fits in well with other Democratic officials around town.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess the truth hurts, Juan keep reporting.
