Tuesday, January 27, 2015


By Juan Montoya
Yesterday, Monday, turned out to be a dark day in the political fortunes of Cameron County Precinct 4 Commissioner Dan Sanchez.
Sanchez, who has made no secret that he would like to be tapped as the next county judge after incumbent Carlos Cascos is confirmed in Austin and takes the oath to become the Texas Secretary of State, made few friends and probably wiped out his chances of acquiring the crucial three votes for nomination by his peers.
Dan's Debacle started, innocently enough, with his placing an item on the agenda asking the court to pass a resolution on behalf of Hidalgo County resident Jimmy Garza to be appointed as a representative (commissioner) of the southern region on the Texas Transportation Commission. Garza, a city commissioner for the City of Pharr, is trying to get Gov. Greg Abbott to appoint him on the commission which oversees transportation development in the state.
Why Sanchez – a Cameron County commissioner – would ask the court to pass the resolution for a resident of another county had the spectators whispering in the audience whether he realized what county he was representing.
Jimmy Garza, by the way, is married to Adrienne Peña-Garza, the daughter of state Rep. Aaron Peña, R-Edinburg, who recently invited George P. Bush to the Valley to learn more about the region, and Pharr in particular. Peña converted to Republican after serving as a Democrat.
Peña was also Rio Grande Valley representative for Lt. Gov.-Elect Dan Patrick when he was on the campaign.
George P. Bush was in the valley then to raise funds on behalf of Hispanic Republicans, a group he helped to fund. He was elected this past November as the Texas Land Commissioner in 2014 and took the oath of office January 1. He is the son of Jeb Bush, one of the top contenders for president in the GOP.
So anyway, Sanchez though he could swing the resolution on behalf of Hidalgo County's Jimmy Garza only to find out that he could not get a second to his motion from his fellow commissioners on the court. 
"All you could hear was the crickets," said a meeting participant. "The motion landed with a thud on the floor."
In fact, Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza has let it be known that he wouldn't mind being considered for the position himself. Garza, by the way, was just named as the latest recipient of the Texas Department of Transportation Road Hand Award. This honor is a TxDOT tradition to acknowledge those who have made major contributions to improving transportation in their community and in the state.
If anything, it may be Cascos who will have the Gov's ear in Austin when he decides who to appoint to that commission. We have the slight suspicion it won't be Dan's nomination.
Thwarted in that effort, other items on the agenda conspired against the Hefty One. He had another item for approval to pay for the January 20 trip to Laredo to attend a Veteran's Court graduation ceremony, a Feb. 2-3 to attend the Texas Association of Counties event at the Capitol, and wanted the court to approve travel for himself and Asst. County Administrator David Garcia to attend Brownsville Day at the Capitol January 27-29 with Brownsville commissioners Sofia Benavides and Alex Dominguez.
"Well, why are you going?," Cascos asked. "I can understand commissioners Benavides and Dominguez going, but why you?"
"Well, why can't I go?" Sanchez asked lamely.
The dialogue deteriorated from there on with Garcia wincing visibly in the audience and others asking whether Sanchez would also want to go Harlingen Day, San Benito Day, or RGV Day, too, on the taxpayer's dime.
As we said, Monday was not Dan Sanchez Day in Cameron County. 


Anonymous said...

Dan Sanchez, as his picture here shows, already takes up at least 3 seats with his unhealthy girth (fat ass) and is a poor example of a human being. His girth proves his greed and his obesity is reflective of his selfishness....Dan Sanchez is a sausage about to bust out of his skin. Dan Sanchez doesn't care about anything but himself....and his appearance proves that. We don't want Dan Sanchez representing this region. Perhaps Rose Gowen should give him a fat-man bicycle and enroll him in the local version of "The Biggest Loser".

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is dreaming of a triple meat triple, triple cheese Whataburger.....yummy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the "Bear" is hibernating in the picture of Dan Sanchez above. Either he was hibernating or asleep at the wheel. Either way, Dan is a DICK....and his dick is something he hasn't seen in a very long time. Dump him in the ocean and the sea level would rise significantly....

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that the wife of Jeb, and mother of George Pee Bush, is a fellow Meskin from Guanajuato, donde la vida no vale nada y se acuestan dos y amanecen tres...

Anonymous said...

I've seen him in court...he has to lean against tables and chairs in order to stand for more than a minute. This is nothing more than a human SLUG who obviously has an addiction to FOOD; a revealing character flaw in this individuals decision-making process. Reminds me of JAVA THE HUT.

Anonymous said...

Se ve bien chulo el gordito durmiendo...ayyyy cositas de papi!

Anonymous said...

Please. .......he is the poster boy for Weight Watchers !

Anonymous said...

You first seven commenters are poster children for "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" Dan only looks large when viewed by the narrow and small-minded.

What escaped you Magnificent 7 in your rush to berate, is the potential conflict of interest Dan raised for himself by requesting his travel be paid for by taxpayers to the Veteran's Court graduation, the court presided over in Cameron by none other than his twin brother David. My guess is Brother David will be (was) in attendance at the graduation on the taxpayer dime so, naturally, Brother Dan felt entitled. Dan, I believe your fellow commissioners did you a favor.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy, that is his new name.
