(Ed's Note: One of our sharp-eyed readers got a kick out of the message posted on the Church's marquee notifying motorists that the restaurant was closed for remodeling. But, the reader said, there is no building there to remodel. The work crew in the photo above is constructing a new restaurant from the ground up, not remodeling, he said. We won't nitpick, but he does have a point. By the way, this same reader pointed out that the sign to the zoo that bore the message "Glady's" Porter Zoo was incorrect in that the apostrophe in that case indicated it was possessive, meaning that it was the zoo that belonged to someone named Glady.
He tells us that the sign at the left has been replaced by a better and more attractive sign so that it reflects the cultural aspect of the Mitte Cultural District. Unfortunately, he said, the new sign bears the same mistake. Oh, well, go figure.)
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