Wednesday, January 28, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: You've got to admire Port of Brownsville Director Eddie Campirano's acquired skill of sleeping on his feet. Given the nature of the event – Brownsville Day at the Capitol – we really don;pt blame Eddie for taking the opportunity to catch a few winks as the rest of the crowd around him including our able state reps and our senator and a host of local elected officials stood rapt to the soaring oratory on the virtues and greatness of ol' Browntown. Doubtless, Eddie had heard it all before. In fact, he routinely uses some of the same adjectives and catchwords when the Brownsville Herald offers him a soapbox to extol the virtues of the port and the city. To the reader who sent in this abridged version of the photo, thank you and nighty night, Eddie.) 


Anonymous said...

I wonder who was the jerk that took the picture. If Eddie was awake, he would have seen him do it.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of money just to go and kiss the Lucios' worthless asses as if they didn't live off our dime enough already. And then you have the other pendejas partying with our tax dollars; Deborah Portillo and Jessica Tetreau. Portillo was in charge of organizing this event last time and she ditched Mike Gonzales because she couldn't hack it. Now she's up there partying before she takes off to Mexico City to meet Mr. Amigo, like that helps our city somehow. She has spent her entire time traveling on our dime. Isn't there a budget? Y la narizona de Tetrea is just milking it while she can before she gets voted out. That bitch has no idea what a legislative agenda even is. Your time is up, tetas!

Anonymous said...

It was bomba. HURRRRYYYYYYY!

Anonymous said...

must of been taking advantage of all the booze you can buy with city per diem the night before. All those college girls in Austin make our city leaders act like they are still young and forget what the trip is really for.

Anonymous said...

Campriano has been asleep at the wheel for a long, long time. He lives in a world of the likes of Julieta Garcia, Fred Rusteburg, and United Brownsville and is generally out of touch with the Brownsville community. When is to Port (BND) going to stop taxing the public! He, like Julieta, believes that they can spend our money better than we can. Time for the BND Taxing ability to be terminated. Campriano is asleep and doesn't hear me.

Anonymous said...

Campirano is not asleep. He is praying to the good lord that John Wood dies.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Campriano is praying....not sleeping. We know the leaders in United Brownsville, like Campriano, need lots of their prayers to be answered to keep this city from swirling down the toilet. The momentum for that downward swirl is the responsiblity of Campriano and his self serving cronies.

Anonymous said...

As "Dead Ringer" is fond of saying, these junkets to Austin and other exotic places are an absolute waste of taxpayer money! It is, of course a free trip, complete with room and board, for those fortunate enough be on the public tit. I'll bet no one can provide a single bit of pro Brownsville legislation that wouldn't have been accomplished anyway. I'll bet members of this group can already taste the margaritas that await them on the Mr. Amigo trip upcoming.

Anonymous said...

Hey JMon FYI: So It was true that the Mr Amigo president ex commander of our BPD didn't want you to attend the taste de la frontera!
Why did he exclude you from the event?
He gave the exclusivity to Jim Barton aka Mean mr Brownsville.
The Mr Amigo President gave Nora Pompa The commission to be in charge of the taste de la frontera tickets that way he make sure that you will not attend this function.
Well Mr Amigo president thanks to you this year will be the worst year for the association.

AVITIA is right now in Mexico City since Monday expending the association money left and right he took his wife and kids at the association expense.
His excuse? Having the official press conference at Mexico City S.R.E to invite Juan Osorio to be Mr. Amigo during Charro Days.
Jorge Flores that he doesn't care for his sick wife and Jose stinky Camacho are getting their trip pay by the association this year too nobody cares is Mr.Amigo money's anyway. VIVA LA FIESTA!

Anonymous said...

this SOB is a time bomb, you watch, 6 mos. from now , he'll be six ft.under

Anonymous said...

anon 4:12 te falto otra pendeja, Maribel Bermudes Guerrero. She likes to party alright

Anonymous said...

Yep a big fat tick on the asses of tax payers for far to long

Anonymous said...

isn't that pomba on the right side of the pic? it couldn't be him.

but this same pic appeared in Rene Oliveira's FB page so it has to be one of this cronies.

Anonymous said...

Nacos in action ! Nacos at "work".
